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On offer is a super, original manuscript diary handwritten by Helen G Atwater, a young girl who was living in Connecticut at the time and spent most of her time in New York City. [While she does not identify herself in this diary we have listed separately a later, 1913, travel diary providing ownership.] Helen takes the reader back to a life of privilege and entertainments early in the 20th century, long before World War I and pre suffrage, and details a life of socializing and physical entertainments: she writes of playing tennis and ping pong; going to see shows; shopping +++. Here are some snippets: "Went to the dressmakers, read with Jean and Annie and played Ping Pong with Annie. Played tennis at the Lawn Club with Hattie. Sat on the Piazza afterwards and watched the tournament. Clopp and Coleton talked with Lily and Hattie for a while then they played Dr Nettleton and Dr Landford in doubles and beat them. Hattie and I went up to Country Club to play tennis but it poured just as we were about to play so we come home walking part way. Said goodbye to Dey who went home to make preparations for going out to California…Stopped at Lawn Club with Mildred and Mabel Butler on the way back and watched Clapp and Colston play in doubles and Bear and LeRoy in singles. Perfect day, the Kipling girls went to Baccalaureate sermon with Cousin Hill. Girls climbed Mt Carmel. Ernest and Aubrey in for a minute to see about going canoeing. It rained however and we sat on the piazza and talked and ate candy. Reid William while Hat Read tess. Escorted the Kiplings over to grandma's where they are going to stay a week. Read and sat with the Kiplings the boys on the piazza next door in the evening. The girls and Hat, Papa and I walked up Mt Carmel had lunch on top and lay around on the rocks where we had a splendid view. Walked to Uncle Jack's spring and then home by car. We all went up to the Country Club and had Lemonade. Played tennis with Marri went in bathing. Mrs Almay read to us and we ? Them Helen and Mary played Anna and me at tennis. Played tennis with Junior against Emily and Mary and Helen and Anna. Read while Helen and Emily played violin and piano. Junior and I played tennis against KW and Mary. Read while the others played tennis. Went down and say by the brook with Papa. First went down to see the rapids which were very full then sat on our favorite boulder and talked and read a little. Had a pillow fight and general nonsense when we went to our rooms. Met Beth and Clara at the grove and Clara and I played tennis at Miss Bowditch's. The girls stayed to lunch and we all went to the ball game in the afternoon. Got caught in a perfect down pour and everyone soaked. Had our photos taken afterwards. Played bridge with Mr and Mrs Stokes and Miss Packard in the evening. Had a letter from ? Telling me her engagement was broken. Walked up to the sandy beach with papa and sat there awhile. Went to the baseball game between boys and girls. Boys wore long shirts. Had lunch at a farm then watched a procession of decorated carriages very funny. We had a carriage there covered with ground pine and golden rod. Then went to the game between Freedom and Read. Coburn pitched for Freedom and they won. Carl won 40 yard dash, very exciting. Papa had bad news from Aunt Sally and decided to go home on Friday. Telephoned to Doctor from Mrs Benedict's and then went in to his office with Mother. Read in the evening, Finished Call of the Wild. Went out to Mt Carmel with the Seymours and a friend of their's. Lovely views through the trees…A thunderstorm came up and we hurried back to the car, got there just in time to escape a very heavy storm. Lightening struck near car. Went to the Symphony, music and recitation by Mr Riddle of Midsummer Nights Dream, very good, great crowd there. Did the marketing and took a walk in Central Park and saw the menagerie. Walked up fifth avenue with Jean. Found Mother and Pap here when I got back. Went to a concert at the Metropolitan with Papa. Very good, Pol Plancon and Mme Acte sang. Olive Frenstad had a wonderful alto voice. Went down and saw Phoebe off on the Princess Irene then went right over to the Republic and saw Uncle Jack off. Awful crowd on the Republic. Very nice looking people on both boats but specially on Phoebe's. Went to the Union League Club art exhibition. Walked down Fifth Ave heard of Rosamund Swan's engagement to Mr Hammer. Went to NY Symphony Concert at Carnegie with the whole family. Heard Mme Blawelt sing. Went to Philharmonic Concert alone. Da Netta played and there was also delicious Beethoven and Tchaikovsky symphonies. Audience stood out of respect for the Russian leader through part of Tchaikovsky. Sue came down and told us about the dance. Went skating with her in Central Park." Overall G+.; Manuscript; 16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall; NEW YORK, CONNECTICUT, NYC, TURN OF THE CENTURY, ATWATER, WOMEN'S STUDIES, GENDER STUDIES, PRE WORLD WAR I, WWI, TRAVEL, AUTOMOBILE, CAR, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, DIARY, JOURNAL, LOG, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, DIARIES, JOURNALS, LOGS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, AMERICANA,

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