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On offer are the unique original manuscript diaries for the years 1936 and 1937. They were handwritten by a Nun who served n a Convent or Church near Poland and Portland Maine. Besides the very rarity of a handwritten relic of any religious order we note that our author served a Father Conoley which research suggests is John Francis Conoley who was originally from Florida. While in Florida he was very outspoken and stood up against the KKK. It became such a huge ordeal that he was put under investigation and when that didn't satisfy the Klansmen three of them in 1924 entered St. Patrick's rectory and brutally beat and castrated Father Conoley and left him on the steps of the rectory. He was then hospitalized for a year and entered a monastery for two additional years. It was after that when he accepted a priest hood in the diocese of the Portland Maine and served there until 1956 and died in 1960. A book out called "White Robes and Crosses; Father John Conoley, the Ku Klux Klan and the University of Florida" chronicles the times. Local historians and researchers will also be delighted that the unidentified writer leaves a great deal of local historical and genealogical information. In the early diary, which save for 9 days when she takes a retreat to Portland is full, she talks about a great flood that affected the Eastern States in a huge way, including the convent. The 1937 diary is full up to August 18th then sporadic entries after that but those entries are in a different handwriting perhaps because on July 16th she slips in the tub and broke some ribs. Here are some snippets: 1936 "January 1st, Mass 8:30. Fr. Conoley. Yvonne came at 9:30 to take Sr. Helena and me to see Mrs. Palmer. We found her better. Fr. Jordan had administered the last sacraments. Sr. Euphemia and I visited the San. 3:30-5:30, reception building. Fr. Came for supper. Quiet evening. Meeting of Woman's council at 88 Elm." (She mentions Mrs. Palmer dying 3 days later) "January 3rd, Mass 7:30. Fr. Conoley. Snowstorm followed by heavy rain. Meeting of Promoters L. S. H. 35th anniversary of our holy profession. We listened to the address of President Franklin D. Roosevelt who spoke to congress and the senate in join session at the capitol." "February 2nd, Mass and Benediction 9 A.M. Mass at Oxford 10. Fr. Barrett. Cold, unusually windy. Home from Oxford at 11:30. No visitors. Mrs. Childs sent soup stock for children and medicine for my cold. The house is very cold and the wind is furious and is the snow drifting? Ball of fire broke in the sky over Oxford. Loud explosions followed. Houses shaken, dishes broken." "February 22nd, No mass. Fr. Conoley gave us Holy Communion. Some of the children came for confession but we had no classes. We were going to Portland but our car did not come. We walked down to the village for the first time in nine weeks. We spent all our change at a sale in the ten cent store. Called at Harris's. Donation $1.00." "March 8th, I had a quiet afternoon all by myself. The sisters returned at six and reported that Sr. Sebastian is in the Paine Hospital with a broken leg. Sr. Edward ill at Indian Island. M. Magdalene is there, and Indian woman keeping house. Sr. Fidelis anointed." "March 19th, Two masses. Fr. Conoley sang. High Mass in the church and gave Benediction. Fr. Barrett said Mass in the convent chapel. Roads flooded. Scannell's could not get through for Mass. Breakfast for the two priests. Mr. O'Rourke, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Ayers. Heavy rain all day. Electric power cut off, warning to draw water as it might be shut off. Phoned Lewiston to inquire for Mrs. Verrill and to speak to the Scannell's. Flood conditions terrifying all through Eastern States. Dynamiting ice jams in an effort to save bridges. Lewiston bridges closed. Party at Mrs. Harris for Fr. C. He could not get down." "March 20th, No Mass. River overflowing all roads. Water highest then ever before. Men going about in boats. We walked down to see the sights. Called on Mrs. Childs, donation $1.00. No mail, no way to get in or out of town. Spent the day sewing and listening to reports of disaster throughout the country. No wood at all from the mountain. Choir practice 3:30 P.M. No such flood conditions ever existed in the Eastern United States. Millions of dollars will be needed for relief work. Phoned St. Mari's for Frank Verrill. Gave the Duchette children several dresses and all the stockings and other clothing available. There were taken out of their home in boats." "May 31st, Pentecost Sunday. High Mass Fr. Conoley 9 A.M. Mass-Benediction Oxford. 3 Baptisms. Gloria Smith, Gordon Smith and Joseph Quinn of Oxford. Deo Gratias! Home at 1 P.M. Miss Templeton called with Tom Cunliffe, Rose and Mollie Hines with fruit and vegetables. Flowers from many gardens. Spent the afternoon building the shrine. Lovely ceremony, Fr. Conoley preached. Fr. Barrett gave Benediction. Yvonne helped. Many Protestants attended and even marched in the procession. Mrs. Riley reported another Catholic family found in the woods, we are to meet them soon. Ice cream from the pastor. I was invited to join the Sons of Jehovah." "June 29th, Mass. Fr. Barrett. The boys moved various things up and down, in and out. Great surprise at 10 A.M. The community car arrived with Sr. Delarosa and Sr. Helena and departed promptly with Sr. D. and Sr. Rose. The day is cold and showery. Started to make our habit. The boys brought a new burner. Mr. Harwood removed the furnace pipe and put it upstairs. Father Barrett gave Benediction at 7:30. Boxes from Mrs. Pooler and Isabel Connolly. Dr. Scrannell is better, he has developed shingles! Mrs. Mc Garrigle ill." "August 15th, Feast of the Assumption. Mass. Fr. Conoley. Father Paul. Mass at Oxford. Hebron and Crescent Lake. Very heavy rain. Father Paul waited here for the other to return. We all sat around watching it rain and waiting for the postman. He came at noon with our appointments. No change here. D.G., Sr. Helena and Sr. Anna went to Portland for all the Jubilee celebrations. 10 silver, 1 golden. The rain stopped at 2 and the firemen paraded. The sisters returned at six. Many changes. Sr. Bernadine phoned twice. I did a little book keeping. Very handsome cake from Mrs. Ronan." "August 19th, We are to go to Portland for ten days retreat." (This is where the 9 days are blank) "September 14th, Mass, Fr. Paul. Mr. Ray came to drive for Father Conoley. School as usual. Dickie tardy. Weather cold. Sr. Helena and I went to the mountain 3 to 6. Supper there. I worked on figures, she crocheted. Fr. Paul and Mr. R. brought us home and they stayed for supper. Mrs. Giddings and Miss Hasselt, Yvonne and Priscilla called. Mr. Harwood setting glass in kitchen. Much excitement about the state election for president, governor and representatives. Broadcast from Rome by Pope Pius XI against Communism." "October 28th, No mass. Weather fine. All children at school. The afternoon was spent playing games and eating. Costumes of many kinds, prizes to several good disguises. "Mickey Mouse" etc. Mrs. Strout phoned that the winter's supply of sauerkraut is ready. Mrs. Childs sent several jars of preserves, grapes, etc. The evening was quiet as most of our friends are at Greenwood Mountain for a Halloween party at Fr. Conoley's." "November 1st, Closing of Forty Hours Devotion. High Mass, Benediction. Fr. Barrett. We went to Oxford where I met Mrs. Arthur Coolidge of Locke's Mills whom I lost track of eighteen years ago. Thank God she is back in the church. Home at noon and the afternoon was quiet and restful. No visitors except George C. who brought new tubes for the radio. The increase in the number of Holy Communions makes us all feel grateful to God." "December 11th, & 12th, No Mass, roads icy. Rain, very heavy rain, all day. Classes as usual. Gerald and Kathryn absent. Rehearsed Christmas play, made ornaments from metallic paper. We heard Ex-King Edward the eighth speak over the radio as he said farewell. The sound of "Big Ben" in London preceded the speaking which was sad and touching….Mass. Fr. Conoley. Foundation Day, 105 years. Confessions and classes for children. Fr. Keegan came for confessions, after 3 weeks absence. The children did some painting, etc. I cleaned the parlor. Box from Sheehan's. We heard the account of the accession to the throne of George VI of England. The guns gave the Royal Salute etc." 1937 "February 21st, Mass. Benediction. Fr. Barrett. Meeting of the women to arrange for March 17th. Supper, entertainment, etc. Sr. H. and I drove to Portland with Fred Hassett and Catherine. Dinner at The Queen's. Visited Aunt Sade. Called at Dartmouth St. No one at home. Stayed overnight at The Queen's. Monday Sr. H., SR. Emily and I went to Deering for the funeral of Sr. M. Aloysins. Saw Dr. Derry at The Queen's and go my discharge. Left Portland at 3:30 in a heavy rainstorm. Ran out of gas on the Poland Road. Got a flat tire. It rained and snowed heavily and we had great difficulty in reaching home at 7:10 P.M. frozen, tired and scared to death." "April 16th, Mass Fr. Barrett. Weather fine. 3 boxes of clothing from Winthrop. Mr. Winslow to clean our burner. Mrs. Piper took Sr. Euphemia and me to Poland to see Mrs. Strout. When we returned we found the fire dept. here. The grass caught fire from the burner, the fire spread all over the field and almost burned Emery's house. Great excitement." "May 12th, Coronation Day. No Mass. We listened to broadcasts from London from 5 A.M. Most of the day was devoted to the coronation of King George and Queen Elizabeth and the speeches from the King and various representatives of his colonies. Kitty Barron called. SR. H. and I went to Dr. Brown's with Mrs. Piper…Party at William Dolan's." "July 30th, Holy Communion at 8 o'clock. Fr. C. Mass sung by Fr. B. at 9, children sang. After Mass 29 persons were confirmed by Rt. Rev. Bishop McCarty. The Bishop remained for closing exercises of vacation school which were held in the church as the weather was damp and we feared a downpour. Mrs. Harris entertained the Bishop and the priests. Miss Mary Burke, several relatives and friends at dinner. The Bishop and Fr. Burke called after dinner before going to Hebron where seven persons were confirmed at the San……..Quiet evening, cool and damp. Mr. Harwood took down the decorations from front porch." "August 2nd, Mass Fr. Conoley. Weather cool, cloudy. All the pupils of the vacation school went to Taylor's Beach, Lake Trip for the day. Sr. Helena, Sr. Evarista and Sr. Mary Albert with them. Cars loaned by Judge Heffernon. Frank Teague, Mr. Bucknam, Mrs. Piper, Mrs. Simpson and a large truck by John DiBiase. Jack Quinn brought Oxford children. Mr. Gidding's came to measure for light for lawn party…." "September 9th, (the writing changes) Mr. Holmes is learning the Catechism. Wishes to marry Theodora." "October 9th, Ten boys in "Religion in Art." Boston Court House employee leaves Oxford Camp and remembers us with books, pencils, sharpener and paper. Jungle hunt all afternoon. Marionette theatre." The smaller diary measures about 4" x 7" and the larger diary measures about 5" x 8" and they are in good condition.; Manuscript; 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall; KEYWORDS: HISTORY OF, Racism, Religion, Roman Catholic, Catholicism, Nuns, Brides of Christ, Maine, Portland, Conoley, KKK, Ku Klux Klan, Nunnery, Convent, Gender Studies, Hand Written, Personal, Americana, Memoir, Handwritten, autograph, autographs, signed, letters, document, documents, manuscript, manuscripts, writers, writer, author, Holograph, personal, Ephemera, antiquité, contrat, vélin, document, manuscrit, papier Antike, Brief, Pergament, Dokument, Manuskript, Papier oggetto d'antiquariato, atto, velina, documento, manoscritto, carta antigüedad, hecho, vitela, documento, manuscrito,

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