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On offer are the original, historical manuscript diaries handwritten by Judge Charles Preston Stratton of Camden, New Jersey. Dated 1871 and 1877 there are entries for nearly every day. Stratton was a well known as a lawyer and a judge and he proves to be a super diarist with many amazing entries of local and national interest: his wheeling and dealing with well known politicians, remarks about cases he was involved with, lobbying and lobbyists, speaking at Princeton, his alma mater at Princeton, an outbreak of small pox, the Great Chicago Fire, the hanging of a man who murdered his own father, the Railroad Riots of '77 and much, much more about the railroad business which he was heavily involved in. Much more so; we find in him an astute writer and observer but also a devoted father and family man and these diaries make for a very complete picture of the man and his times. Researchers and collectors of New Jersey Americana will be hard pressed to find a more balanced diary. Here are snippets: "Met some politicians at the Continental Hotel, by accident and dined there with them. They were consulting in regard to the chances of Mr Freling [?] For US Senate. I talked to the Secretary on the business that took me down. I afterwards visited the Department with my client and did all I could for his cause with Chief Engineer King. The New Jersey Legislature organized today. I found Maten full of politicians. The Senatorial contest is now becoming a very warm one. Mr Freling? vs. Mr Walsh being the opposing candidate. The news is that Paris is about surrendering and the final triumph of Prussia almost complete. Have devoted the day to the family in reading to the children and hearing them read and occupying the time pretty much with a view to their entertainment. The trial of the Camden ? In the US District Court has resulted in the conviction of Sarden. The first one of the indicted at trial. This verdict has rather surprised everybody and has perfectly astounded the Democrats. Clara Cooper read the Lady of the Lake aloud to me. Mr Howes house, 3rd St just below Penn took fire and we were awakened by the alarm at 3 this morning. The whole neighborhood warm and excited. The family hardly escaped from the building. The inside of the house pretty well burnt out. Engaged in taking testimony in contested election cases. Today moved the safe to the new office and prepared to evacuate finally. Went to Fox's Theatre with S.H. Grey. He has just finished the protracted murder case of Ward and the jury have gone out…The case is one of circumstantial testimony and not clear to right minds….has prosecuted very viciously and thinks there is proof sufficient for conviction. The great fire has gone out. Burglaries continue in our neighborhood. Some house is entered almost every night. The children went to Sunday School at Christ Church, where they mean to attend under the care and direction of Miss Helen Cooper. I went this morning to Quaker meeting to hear Lucretia Mott who was over in Camden. She is an old woman now but still talks well and in her younger days must have been fascinating in her oratory. She is an advocate of very liberal opinions. The stockholders meeting of C&A Railroad company to elect directors held at Trenton. The question of the leaving the works to the Pennsylvania RR Co came up and was decided by the election of the board favorable by a large majority. I have sold out all to Clara, shares and have a personal interest in the matters. My opinion is that the move is perhaps a good one for stockholders but on the grounds of public policy and state pride should not be carried out. Went tonight to see the Amateur Dramatic performance called the Color Guard at the Soldiers Wigwamon Federal St. The soldiers are the actors had gone away as some sent to a military spree had not got back at 9 o'clock, the audience was dismissed without seeing the play. Attended the Color Guard performance tonight. Was quite pleased at the manner in which the boys went through their performance. Took the children to the Walnut St Theatre to see Jefferson play Rip Van Winkle. The performance was as good as ever and gave us great pleasure. It is a piece of acting the thing is perfect. Today went to Princeton commencement. Belknap delivered the oration before the societies and that part took me thither. The President was there with Robeson and many other prominent people. Ten of my class met at this time and by invitation we had a reunion at the residence of Dr Westin Hodge. The meeting was a pleasant one and brought out a good deal of class feeling…very glad that I had made the visit upon this occasion to my alma mater. Belknap's address was rather a taking one with the boys but was not a very high grade oration. Left the Ft William Henry House by the steamer, Minnehaha and sailed up the? The scenery enchanting reached the Ticonderoga Landing when an excitement was created by a gentleman falling from the top of the stage under the horse feed. Was hurt but not killed. Did Montreal, an intelligent hackman offered his services…We saw the country, the monasteries, the nunneries, and lastly the shops. We're charmed with the cheapness of things and felt a longing to buy out Montreal. Bought too much. Left Montreal for Quebec by steamer. Under the Citadel and battlements of Quebec. Winding up the narrow steep Streets through the quietest town. Have at last found a novelty. This is a real traveling sensation….Rode to the falls of Mont mounce…Saw a white woman with a black husband at the Falls. Went out fishing with A.C. Scovel took Preston with us who surprised himself by catching a dog shark. When the monster arrived on board, which he did through the assistance of the fishermen. Pres left for the other side of the boat. Great fire in Chicago going on, it looks as though the whole city would be destroyed. Much excitement in regard to the matter all through the country. Started today on a railroad excursion under the lead and management of AW Meckley took the rail to Penn RR at 2 PM for Wilkes Barre. Dr Garrison has returned from Europe and made his appearance today at church, although he did not preach. I turned out in honor of the event and flowers were also lavishly bestowed about the pulpit and furniture. Small pox said to be in the vicinity of 3rd and Penn, our neighborhood therefore much avoided. We are sorry to see so little of our fellow citizens here abouts but they are putting themselves through unnecessary trouble in keeping out of our street, we are all in unusual good health. Heavy rain last night, one solitary peak of thunder which we knew every one and impressed all with the idea that the great globe itself was trembling to pieces. I leaped out of bed instantly convinced that we had been struck by the prevailing earthquake…Called to see William and Dr Cooper both of whom are laid up with gout. Saw the King at the Navy Department, did not succeed in obtaining what I went for. Called on Belknap at the War Dept and talked over the matter of Eyre's dam for which nothing can be done. The street cars began running this morning for the first time in Camden on the Federal street route. Rudolph opens his handsome confectionary store on Federal St to the public. The children give a grand account of its splendor. 233 deaths last week in Philadelphia from small pox, which startled people, no knowing how many cases there are. The disease is not very bad here, it prevails but it is not malignant. Birds, birds, birds, my friends keep sending in quail and pheasants until we are beginning to tire of game…Prince of Wales lying very ill with typhoid fever and almost despaired of by his physicians, much excitement prevails in England about it. John Ware hung today in Camden behind a high fence at the prison. A considerable number of spectators were allowed to be present. The condemned man died unrepentant. Went down to Malaga to make an investigation for the West Jersey railroad company respecting the putting of railroad obstructions upon the tracks. Snow began to fall about 11 o'clock and cautioned through the day. I got home at 5 o'clock satisfied myself that the guilty person was the man who had made the charge against another person. Went to town with Clara, Christmas shopping the pavement covered with snow and pretty slippery. A good many people in the street but less than usual at the shops owing to the great dread of small pox which prevails throughout the country and keeps people out of town. Went with General Sewell and upon his invitation we occupied a special car and the journey was made, the occasion of a very pleasant entertainment. Chief Justice Waite and Secretary Robeson joined us at Philadelphia and we dined all the way to New York. Stopped at the Metropolitan and went to Walleck's Theatre and saw Shanghai. Held an orphan's court this morning. The New Jersey House of Assembly organized by electing a democratic speaker instead of A.C. Scovel a result which as yet I do not understand. Engaged all day in the quarter session court called to see A. C. Scovel and get the political gossip from Trenton. In quarter session tried a case of bigamy which involved some new questions. Got at the law though upon discussion an examination we decided orthodoxy. The democrats yesterday elected John McPherson U.S. Senator by a majority of one in joint sessions. The compromise bell for counting the electoral vote passed the U.S. Senate. Read Gill Glass. My successor in office was appointed today, David J. Pancrest. I have drawn my last quarter's salary and shall retire on the first of April. Charles has got possession of an old account book of Buck and Whitaker doing business in Chansey in 1704 which is an interesting document. It has a memorandum in it of the marriage of Freelove Stratton, one of our ancestors of whose marriage we have not heretofore known. I don't like being extinguished by a political opponent. To have my career terminated by a spiteful demagogue like Bedle otherwise my retirement goes very pleasant. Saw a play called Our Boarding House which rather disappointed us. We were not able to laugh as much as we expected to. Hayes was declared president the result is a bitter one to the democrats but the country is relieved. Governor Hayes inaugurated president this day successfully and satisfactorily. Bought the tickets for New Orleans passenger and sleeper. This morning it blew a gale and none of the boats went out. The boys were greatly disappointed but managed to amuse themselves about the hotel. Found great excitement prevailing with respects to the railroad riots. The thing is spreading and people are anxious, mobs may rise up everywhere. In Pittsburg there is fighting in the streets the same in Baltimore. The streets full of people and the country threatened by the ? all the militia under arms and such feeble effort as is possible being made everywhere for the protection of property and people. Preston and I went to the zoological gardens and found many people there unconcerned apparently by the condition of the county and being highly entertained by the monkeys. No new bloodshed reported this morning. 400 regular troops arrived with General Hancock. No outbreak in Philadelphia but very uneasy conditions as the country and the railroads are stopped everywhere. I think there will be no further violence or loss of life but it will take some time for things to get back to their normal condition. In the afternoon we went to the American side and saw the Niagara Falls then over the bridge to Canada. Went boating with the children on the race. Preston sailed his toy steamer with great success…went out to the Centennial Building to see the permanent exhibit. Grindewell was made General of the militia in the place of General Hart. Republican convention in Trenton where Governor Newell was nominated. The storm of last night proved to have been a very violent one. A great many railroad accidents occurred by the washing out of bridge and bank and numerous vessels were blown ashore and sunk. At night saw Colonel Potter who read me an article prepared by him for the press on General McClellan. Great McClellan reception this day. The democrats are excited and rallying from all corners. Mr. Jenkins decorated the courthouse elaborately for the occasion. Mr. Browning entertains the hero of an Antietam at his own house with 18 gentlemen. Much dissatisfaction among the republicans at the nominations for assembly in our county and in particular that in our district General Gile was nominated. Today Governor Newell was in town. There was a meeting at the courthouse in the evening large and enthusiastic. After the meeting a collation at General Newell's which was a very nice affair in every respect. Governor Newell thinks it highly probable that he will be elected. It did not seem possible at the beginning of the campaign but evidently General McClellan is turning out to be the success as a candidate that they expected he would be. I cannot however see how the democrats can be defeated. At night we had Moody and Sankey. At night a republican meeting at the courthouse addressed by Mr. Robeson and others the attendance was good and the speech of Robeson which was excellent was well received. The political prospect is not good. Governor Newell says he shall be elected and probably thinks so but he will be beaten by five to ten thousand. Here in Camden we shall elect Isaiah Woolston democrat to the assembly. In the evening began the reading of Christmas Carol according to our annual custom. Then the children went to bed and we arranged their presents for the morrow. Christmas morning - The children were up bright and early and we found them happy when we came down to breakfast. The long expected day had come and was satisfactory in its results. Heard this evening of the sudden death of Ms. Elizabeth McCalla the news has startled us as such tidings as these we know well always do. Preston went over the river to a lecture at the Franklin Institute with James Carpenter. Claire and I went to the Chestnut Street Theatre to see the Cricket on the Hearth matinee. Went to Booth's Theatre saw Mrs. Fanny Davenport as Lady Gay Spanker also as Lady Teazel in the screen scene of School for Scandal." Very complete, neatly laid out monthly financials complete the daily diary. Overall VG.; Manuscript; 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall; CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY, STRATTON, JUDGE, PRINCETON, ROBESON, BELKNAP, CIVIL WAR ERA, RECONSTRUCTION, RAILROADS, RAIL INDUSTRY, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, DIARY, JOURNAL, LOG, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, DIARIES, JOURNALS, LOGS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, AMERICANA, VADE MECUM, antiquité, contrat, vélin, document, manuscrit, papier Antike, Brief, Pergament, Dokument, Manuskript, Papier oggetto d'antiquariato, atto, velina, documento, manoscritto, carta antigüedad, hecho, vitela, documento, manuscrito, Papel,

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