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On offer is an original manuscript diary dated 1896 handwritten by Theo C. Linn a Brampton Ontario Canada man who travels a lot to Manitoba including Winnipeg, Portage [La Prairie], Brandon and High Bluff [Manitoba]. He also mentions a number of Ontario towns such as Arden, McGregor and of course, always Brampton. He's an itinerant teacher, bit of a scientist and scholar, has a wife named Lottie, two young girls named Nora and Rena and on March 2nd, his third daughter Vera is born. Fully written and uniquely Lottie writes when Theo can't. Included ephemera includes two photos that are glued to the inside front and back covers. It appears to be Theo and his wife and one of the two younger daughters while in bed. Historians and researchers of the era will have many clues to flesh out Theo's life as we learn: Theo's birthday is on July 13th; Lottie's 27th birthday is on October 29th; Theo's parents wedding anniversary is on July 13th; Theo's and Lottie's wedding anniversary is on June 30th. The diary begins with Theo is teaching school but not around home and has to travel and stay away sometimes during the week, but during the fall of this year the family moves as he gets a job teaching in the school at Arden. Here are snippets: 1896 "January 3rd, (His) Another very cold day, forty four below zero. Clinton and Elliott here for tea. I have made final arrangements to take charge of Elliott's school." "January 6th, (His) Elliott drove me out to his school this morning and I took charge. Small school, only fourteen present. Warm day. Went to Mr. Young's to board this evening." "January 12th, (His) News. Seven of Bowitt's (?) ministers have resigned but Nick thinks he can yet pull through. The English and German's are having a row over the Dr. Jameson Raid against the Boers." "February 5th, (His) Another grand day. Am again staying after four to write this. Had eighteen at school today. Am going to study Latin tonight. I intend to have my previous standing in May." "February 11th, (His) A blustery day. Cold but clear. Studied French in evening. Am anxious about Lottie. Have been dreaming about her nearly every night." "February 15th, (His) Cold day. Train 9 hours late. Came down on freight. Had a French lesson with Loftus. Read today of the first reading of the Remedial Bill. Great discovery in photography a few weeks ago, light passes through opaque bodies." "March 2nd, (His) Heard of Phil's accident. At exactly eleven O'clock this evening Lottie tells me that my youngest daughter (name unknown) made her appearance on the stage of life. Well for her that it wasn't Saturday last." "March 14th, (His) Come home this morning. Beautiful day. Baby takes notice and laughs at Rena and Nora. Thawing today. Borrowed thirty five dollars from A. and C." "April 2nd, (Hers) A little warmer. Thawed quite a bit. Jo washed. Mrs. Wilson was here all the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ross called after tea. Jo went to Silverthorn's. Murder at Holland." "April 3rd, (Hers and the day of their photo together) A lovely day. I got up early. Theo home on time. We went up to Louis to dinner and took baby. Had our pictures taken. Went to Cora's to tea. Had a most enjoyable day." "May 1st, (Hers) Fine morning. Theo came home early bringing fish. Stayed home all day. Theo is feeling very blue. He and Pete attended a political meeting." "May 2nd, (Hers, and the day of the photo in the back) A beautiful day. Took the children's picture in bed. Theo and I at Linn's for dinner. Spent the evening at home. Had a most delightful day. Baby's birthday." "May 16th, (Hers) Very fine in morning but wet in the evening. Theo came home on time. Helped Jo clean. Finished the dining room. Took out the stoves. Theo taught the children to play "Ladies Chain." "May 20th, (Hers) Wet all day. Mr. Irwin and Mr. Belfour are here as delegates to the District Meeting. Raining very hard just at present. Mr. Irwin says that farmers at Meadow Sea have scarcely started seeding." "June 7th, (His) Cold wet day. Rained all day. We did not go to church. Heard that Mini Taylor died this morning. Her body came up on tonight's train." "June 16th, (His) Nomination day for the Dominion election. Political meeting. Rutherford, Boyd, Braithwaite's, Howell and Jarvis Akins. Did not go to McGregor." "June 23rd, (His) Went to town hall about 9. Stayed until half passed five at Liberal _________. This has been a red letter day in Canadian history. The Liberal party were put in power. Stayed up until half past one and did not learn whether or not Rutherford is in. Heard tonight that our man has lost the day…." "July 7th, (His) Drove home in style. Hot day but cool morning breeze. Drove three horses abreast. Reached town just church time. Father preaches today in San Francisco." "July 17th & 18th, (Hers) Beautiful day. A merry-go-round was set up near the Albion. Theo took the children down. Agricultural show today. We did not go. Theo and I went down to Tom's for a walk at night….Very high wind. Quite cool during the forenoon. The great circus commenced to appear between here and the station at about half past 7 and by ten was in full blast. We did not go. It was very long." "August 6th & 8th (His) Took train back to Louis and started out from there at ten o'clock. After some trouble with my tire reached Methuen and stayed over night at hotel. Saw Will Defoe. Rode today only twenty eight miles. Kept awake by standing……Started from Rathwell about 8 o'clock, 4 miles out broke my wheel. Got carpenter to put in spoke. No use, had to walk nearly 25 miles. Had tea at Afurno's (?). Reached Elford's near midnight." "August 14th, (His) Went to N.P. station to see Pete off. Saw a horrible sight. The mangled remains of a man who had been run over by train. One leg torn from body, other cut off down knee. Head crushed." "September 18th, (His) Cold day. Snowed a little. Saw in paper that I have secured Arden school. Had a telegram that Pete and Tom are driving over from Portage." "September 29th & 30th, (His) Spent all forenoon shipping goods. Met Boughton at M. and N. train. Halfpenny came down today. King called. Got my bicycle home. Humley made a good job of it. Fine day….Reached Gladstone on a freight about two o'clock. Wheeled to Arden. Met McCanis, Van Blaricom and Bruce. Was favorably impressed with town. Took a look through our new home." "October 15th, (His) Prairie fires yesterday did a great deal of damage. The high wind carried the fire across guards and swept every thing before it. Started what we should have years ago." "November 9th, (His) Smallest school yet. Trustee's closed school for two days on account of measles. Studied Latin in evening." "November 23rd, (His) Went to school this morning. Two there. I taught all day. Dr. told me not to admit anyone without medical certificate. No one to come." "December 8th, (His) Opened school this morning after four weeks holidays for measles. Ten pupils in attendance. Received _______for first time. School question appears to be satisfactorily settled." "December 31st, (His) Vera very sick all night, little better this morning. Nora has a bad cough and Rena is quite sick. Rained for a long time today. I am feeling better. Smith has just come in. Well this is the last page of another volume of our life and although at times the outlook has been dark, everything has turned out for the best. Held watch meeting at fathers." The diary measures 3" by 4 ½" and the pages and binding look great but the cover is pulling away at the spine. Overall G+.; Manuscript; 48mo - over 3" - 4" tall; KEYWORDS: BRAMPTON, PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, BRANDON, WINNIPEG, EDUCATION, TRAVEL, ARDEN, MCGREGOR, TEACHERS, ONTARIO, CANADA WEST, UPPER CANADA, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, AMERICANA, ARCHIVE, DIARY, DIARIES, CANADA, CANADIANA,

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