1489On offer is an original relic of Nazi Germany and the Third Reich's control and manipulation of young German women and men being a handmade photo album and memory book of a young woman's [identified as Erinerung von Deinen] time in the RAD the Reichs Arbeitsdienst (Reich Workers Service) which was created by the Nazis to combat massive unemployment, particularly amongst the youth. Kids graduated from school at about 18, and finished with BDM (girls) or Hitler Jugend (boys) and were conscripted for a year into a work camp. The German RAD during the Second World War was an auxiliary formation which provided support for the Wehrmacht. The female section of the RAD with "training-education" camps, RAD/HJ for girls, where more used in supportive tasks, such as service for civic, military and agricultural projects and often in caring for children of farmers who were soldiers. The RAD was classed as Wehrmachtgefolge (literally Armed Forces Auxiliaries). Auxiliary forces with this status, while not a part of the Armed Forces themselves, provided such vital support that they were given protection by the Geneva Convention. Some, including the RAD, were militarised. This particular camp was for young women, and was in Hermagor, in south-west Austria. The young women who wrote in this created a book of memories for a favoured girl who was leaving the group around the end of March 1945. There are some poems about friendship by famous poets like Goethe, others appear to be original written by the young women themselves, and all are for the recipient to remember her comrades from the work service. Historians and researchers of the era will find an interesting artefact of Hitler's plan to create an ideal German Community (Volksgemeinschaft). Women were key to Hitler's success and as such all German girls were obliged to go to a Work Camp during WWII, to do their "tour of duty", usually about a year. They were "trained" to be perfect German girls, perfect housewives, they had to be "real" German, Austrian and even others were obliged to go to these camps. Hundreds of camps in Germany followed the same program, from washing, farming, sports to political lessons, cooking, mountain climbing and so on. Many were proud to be "drafted", others didn't want this obliged role for Hitler. 21 pages of photos and inscriptions etc. Overall VG.; Photo Album and Diary; 24mo - over 5" - 5¾" tall; KEYWORDS: REICHSARBEITSDIENST, REICH LABOUR SERVICE, GERMAN COMMUNITY, VOLKSGEMEINSCHAFT, KONSTANTIN HIERL, WEHRMACHTGEFOLGE, HERMAGOR, LEAGUE OF GERMAN MAIDENS, BUND DEUTSCHE MADEL, BDM, MANIPULATION OF GERMAN YOUTH, HITLER, NAZI, NAZI PARTY, THIRD REICH, ADOLF HITLER, RAD, MEMORY BOOK, NAZI GERMANY, PROPAGANDA, YOUTH MOVEMENT, HJ, HITLER YOUTH, HITLER JUGEND, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR TWO, WWII, WW2, HOLOCAUST, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, DIARY, JOURNAL, LOG, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, PHOTO ALBUM, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUM, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, DIARIES, JOURNALS, LOGS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, HANDSCHRIFT, HANDGESCHRIEBEN, MANUSKRIPT, SÜTTERLIN, VON HAND GESCHRIEBEN, HANDSCHRIFTLICH, UNIKAT, EINZELSTÜCK, DOKUMENT, SCHRIFTSTÜCK, KURRENT, KURRENTSCHRIFT, DEUTSCHE SCHREIBSCHRIFT, OSTPREUßEN, KALININGRAD, ADEL, PERSONAL HISTORY, antiquité, contrat, vélin, document, manuscrit, papier Antike, Brief, Pergament, Dokument, Manuskript, Papier oggetto d'antiquariato, atto, velina, documento, manoscritto, carta antigüedad, hecho, vitela, documento, manuscrito, Papel, Handschriften
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