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On offer is an interesting 1915 manuscript diary handwritten by an unidentified New York City fireman. While unidentified historians and collectors of the City's Fire Department should have many clues to perhaps place ownership to the book. It would be of further interest given that the writer has an uneasy relationship with the Department as he seems to be retiring from or quitting the New York City Fire Department. We learn reading the 1915 entries over 55 handwritten pages that our author spends a good deal of time eating at the Astor Hotel, drinks egg shakes, lives in a boarding house, works the night shift, and also mentions the murder of a 'Chinaman' by two men from Salem. Then later on in the diary he takes a position from the Mayor's office as an "on call" Fireman and says he's going to be working for the "Franklin Street House". He is also illiterate. Here are some snippets: 1915 "February 10th, I got through work at 7 A.M. Took a wash and went to bed about 9 A.M. Got up at 4:30 P.M. Took a bath and shave and dressed. Roy and I went to the Astor lunch for supper and then we went to the C.T. (Central Square Theatre) to the show. I was not in there long when a fire alarm come in and I had to go (524). Went up to the engine house and reported to the Captain and also handed in my resignation to him. Returned to the house and went to work at 9:30 P.M. Roy and I had luncheon together at 12 M." "February 12th, Got through work at 7 A.M. Had an egg shake. Took a washing. Box 526 came in. I did not have to go but I thought I would go and turn in my badge but I forgot it so I reported to "Lieut" and came back in the police wagon. This is my last run. Came back to the house about 8 A.M. Went to bed about 8:30 A.M. Got up at 4 P.M. Took a wash and dress. Took a walk up to the house and got my clean linen for the engine house and took it up and give it to the Captain with my badge. Had supper at the Astor Lunch. Returned to the house. All the folks went to the show this evening so I kept house for them. Changed clothes at 9 P.M. and made my first round at 9:30 P.M. Had luncheon at 11 A.M. It has been a fair day.' "February 19th, Got through work at 7 A.M. Had some toast and coffee at the cart. Went up to see how Miss Johnson was this morning. She was feeling better until she had a letter from her mother and then she began to cry and that made her have the pains in her side again but she was all right when I left her. A clerk came over from the City hall and then I left. Took a wash and went to bed at 10 A.M. had a little wrestling match with Roy in the hall. Roy woke me up at 5 P.M. Got up and took a shave, wash and dress. Went down and had some supper at the cart then I went up to the Engine House and got an entire ladies ticket, had a ride down to the Hall in the chief's machine. Went up to M.I. House and met her and M. I. and her sister A. J. and went to the Fireman's Ball at the Casino Hall, Summer St. left there at 11:20 P.M. and I went home with M. I……." "February 26th, ……I had a letter from Civil Service Commissioners today asking me if I would accept a certified on the call test as Call Fireman so I telephoned up to Jim Nichols to find out if I would loose my places on the list for permanent and he said that he didn't think that I would. So I come up to the room and signed it and went down to the post office and mailed it…….." "March 1st, After the show we returned to the house and I changed clothes and went to work at 9:30 P.M. Roy "Pig" and I had luncheon at 12 M. I took a chew of tobacco and it made me sick so I had to go and lay down so Roy worked the rest of the night for me. I got up at 5:30 A.M. and went down to the office at 6:30. Roy and I went out and had some breakfast then I helped Fred put out the ashes then went and washed up and changed clothes……" "March 5th, Got through work at 7 A.M. I did not eat at the cart this morning but I got an egg shake at Small's. There was a Chinaman murdered last night on Essex St. up near Chatham and the police come in and wanted me to keep a look out for two men that might come to let a room so this morning I went over to court thinking that they might arraign two men that they arrested in Salem this morning so I took a wash and change clothes and Barker and I went over together. We stayed there until 10:30 but they did not bring them up so I left Barker there and came back to the house and went to bed…….." "March 6th, ……A man came to see me this morning from the Mayors office to see if I would accept position as call fireman and I told him that I would so he went away again. I went to sleep about 1 P.M. Melvin came down around 3 o'clock and I give him a $1.00. He brought me a letter from M. A. and I had a letter from the Mayor's office with my appointment in it. It is to take effect March 15th. I am a going up to the Franklin St. House……." "March 8th, Got through work at 7 A.M. Helped Fred put out the ashes. Went up home and put out the ashes there then return to the house and took a wash and went to bed about 9:30 A.M. Lillian come and woke me up about 3 P.M. to see Mr. Littlefield. I got up and dress and went down to see him and he wanted to see me in regards to the house. He said that he wanted to do away with the night watchman and wanted me to take charge of the house as Mr. and Mrs. Hill have had words and parted so he wanted me to look after things. While we was a talking, Mrs. Buzzell came along and tried to make trouble for me with Mr. Littlefield but did not make any headway……." His last consecutive entry is on March 9th, but there are two short later entries after that. The journal measures about 4" x 7" and is in good shape.; Manuscript; 16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall; KEYWORDS: HISTORY OF, HARRY H. BAKER, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, CHICAGO ILLINOIS, MITRAL STENOSIS, MEDICAL, MEDICINE, DOCTORS GETTING ILL, SICK DOCTORS, HEAR FAILURE, HEART CONDITIONS, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, ARCHIVE, DIARY, DIARIES, antiquité, contrat, vélin, document, manuscrit, papier Antike, Brief, Pergament, Dokument, Manuskript, Papier oggetto d'antiquariato, atto, velina, documento, manoscritto, carta antigüedad, hecho, vitela, documento, manuscrito, Papel,

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