Sefer Korban Aharon : Being a Rare and Complete Hebrew Work on Ritual Sacrifice
444FOLIO. PRINTED 1742. CLASSIC HEBREW WORK ON RITUAL SACRIFICE. Rare. No copies at auction in the American Auction Records. The Book: Ibn Hayyim, Aaron, 1545-1632. Sefer Korban Aharon : ve-hu perush le-sefer Sifra ... / hibro Aharon Ibn Hayim ; nit`orer Eliyahu ben Mosheh Desoya le-hadpiso shenit Desoya : [h. mo. l.], 502 [1742]. COMPLETE. 20, 260 leaves ; 36 cm, Red calf and Boards, pages age-toned. The Hebrew word for sacrifice is Korban. The sacrifice of an animal to a deity was an acceptable form of worship among the ancients. Many mystical rites which are found in other religions, can also be found in the Jewish sacrificial system. The Hebrew word Korban comes from the root "karab" which means "to approach" or "draw near." Many forms of religion believed that before "approaching " a deity one had to present a gift or offering to appease the god. Maimonides the great Jewish scholar, philosopher, and theologian believed the entire sacrificial system came about to accommodate man's primitive desires. Maimonides says the Torah, limits the practice, permitting it only in certain places, at certain times, by certain people, and for certain purposes. Maimonides suggests that these limitations are designed to wean a primitive people away from the pagan rite of sacrifice. ; Hebrew, Judaica; Folio - over 12" - 15" tall; Ritual Sacrifice, Maimonides,Kabbalah, Judaica, Jewish Studies, Hebrew, Talmud, Rashi, BOOK
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