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Handsome Folio Manuscript in early calf with gilt written by the Attorney of the Real Audiencia (see Bibliografia Mexicana, 220) and prepared for the Viceroy. Lengthy stipulations of taxes for the freed mestizos, mulattoes, and negroes as well as exemptions for Indians of the repartimientos even when married to Spanish women. These taxes were the root of the perceived injustice that explains why freed men formed the core of the Revolution when it came. EXTREMELY RARE AND IMPORTANT FIRST HAND TEXT OF MEXICAN HISTORY. (see Archivo General de la Nation, "Los Precursores Ideologicos della Guerra de Independencia (1929) pgs 137.139." LAID IN NOTE: Arce Y Echeagary, J. Yinstruction para que los Administradores de Aduanas del Reyno de Nueva Espana hagan la legitima exaccion de los dros. de Alcabalas y Pulques en los casos que por lo regular se ofrecen en las propias Aduanas. Mexico, 1794. ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND: In 1519 the Spaniards conquered Mexico. This led to the formation of a new state called New Spain and later into a new hybrid culture. Several military expeditions were led to extend 'New Spain'. The whole of Central America, West Indies, Philippines, and parts of the current Texas and California were later conquered to become part of New Spain. The Spanish political control over Mexico lasted for three centuries. The entire region was formed into a viceroyalty in 1535. The colony was divided into provinces ruled by governors. These provinces were divided into departments and subdivided into districts. Magistrates controlled the districts and mayors led smaller villages. The parliament court handled all political matters and the Council of Indies controlled the other administrative matters. Off course the supreme authority over the Spanish empire belonged to the king. This system was pretty inefficient as it took several years for directives from the king to be implemented at the lower levels. During the initial administration, grants called Encomiendas were given to colonists, which controlled Indian labor and produce. This led to the misuse of power and atrocities against the Indians increased. The Indians revolted against the Spaniards in 1541 but were easily subdued. The Spanish emperor Charles V, initiated the decline of the Encomienda system in 1542. This decline saw the emmergence of the Roman Catholic Church. The church was successful in carrying out mass conversions. The Spaniards protected the Indians that converted. Missions and monasteries dominated much of the land. The Spaniards thrived by the new found wealth in the colonies. They amassed huge wealth by controlling silver mining, large ranches and estates that grew wheat, sugarcane, and indigo for export. Spanish merchants exported such goods as cotton, silk, and dye that were produced by the Indians. The prosperity of New Spain began to decline in the 17th century. Disease and natural disasters destroyed most of the Indian population. Most others migrated slowly to remote parts. Mines were abandoned and large areas of farmland were destroyed. The economy of New Spain collapsed. In 1810, a catholic priest named Miguel Hidalgo called upon Mexicans to rise up and fight the Spanish. Although father Hidalgo was killed, another priest Jose Morelos continued to lead the fighting. New Spain finally won its independence from Spain in 1810 and came to be called Mexico. ; Spanish Language; 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall; MEXICO, MEXICAN, TAXES, NEW SPAIN, MEXICAN REVOLUTION, NAPOLEON, BONAPARTE CHARLES V, HIDALGO, MORELOS, HANDWRITTEN, HISTORICAL, HISTORY, HAND WRITTEN, HOLOGRAPH, MANUSCRIPT, MANUSCRIPTOS, SPANISH, ESPANOL, VICEROY, mestizos, repartimientos antiquité, contrat, vélin, document, manuscrit, papier Antike, Brief, Pergament, Dokument, Manuskript, Papier oggetto d'antiquariato, atto, velina, documento, manoscritto, carta antigüedad, hecho, vitela, documento, manuscrito, papel.

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