1918Tax included.
On offer is a very interesting, original manuscript relic dated September 6, 1966 through October 1, 1967 of the Vietnam War and American involvement handwritten and typed by US Special Forces Chaplain, David G. Boyce [b.1928 - d. March 4th 2013]. One part "Duty Log" and moreso a diary of all his movements and his personal thoughts regarding his service this is a very intimate personal history. (There are even some movie plots he has imagined and poetry and songs - Boyce was quite a Renaissance man it appears!) Using yellow legal pad paper, originally handwritten, the author changes over to a typed manuscript of 350+ pages doing a superb job of recording names, ranks, operational duties and much, much more. [He does at times use blank spaces to be discreet and sometimes he admits he has forgotten the name.] Here is a sample passage - spelling and typing mistakes intact: I remember the invitation of the Mike Force CO who is up here with a company guarding the camp while it is under construction. He and Sgt. Matthews, the first sergeant had said to come on over and visit. I decided that if I dedn't get out that I would do just exactly that. I would go visit the Mike Force since I had now payed my visit to the Strike Force. I sat outside the team tent (TOC) for a while. Then I went inside and talked with Capt Horn (CO.). I told him my plan and gave him sixteen (16) of the Lubbock Texas "To a Soldier in Vietnam" letters- He said that he did not want to be abrupt but he had to leave for a meeting. We parted on this note. He went to his meeting and I went to gather my gear to go to Mike. Went outside and found that Sgt. Pederson was leaving. He said that he would give me a ride. He is E-7, acting team Sargeant. He took me down about 1700 to the Mike force location, near the river- I dismounted and walked out into the woods. I saw the China Boy troops. They were obvisiuly Chineese. They kept pointing me farther back into the woods. Away from the road. Finally I came across two (2) Americans- It was Sgt. Leon and Sgt. Hoskins and Sgt. Leon came over and picked up my pack and took it for me over to the next object, a half building 35 meters farther back. It looked like a half built house with posts and part of a back wall and about half of a grass roof with bamboo beams. This was the CP. Here I found the C.O. Capt. -----, Sgt. Matthews and Sgt. Lopey. I was given a very warm reception. It was the warmest that shave received since being in Vietnam. Even better than the one I received at Don Phuc mike force which was the best one that I had received up to that time. The warmth of their reception more than made up for the cold night that I was to spend there. I sat down and was introduced all around and told them that I remember Lopey from Bragg. He has a wife that is from Munich, Germany and he now has orders to the 10th Group. Sgt. Leon is a dew and wanted to know why some of the ranking Chaplains are not ______. Sgt. Hoskins is called snake because he is very fearful of snakes. He is intrepid in battle is not afraid of death but he does not like snakes. The CO has orders to Fort Benning. He says that he is going "home". He knows Col. Stanly. He went through VW school with him and on one of their field problems he was point man one night and fell unto a 30 foot well. Sgt. Natthews is an old soldier with another couple to go which he will do in ROTC at _________ and hopes to continue there in ROTC after he retives. As a civilian, the state pays half and federal pays half. Sgt. Hoskins has 23 years in Air _______ Since 1943. He was in the 519th? Abn, Bn, that Gen. Yarbrough was in- Black Potch with the Red out line of a C-42 door and a resene parachute in the foor- He says that he will shortly retive and go to work in D.C. investigating welfare cases- His goal is to stamp out welfare- I sat down and they asked if I had eaten. I said no and told then that I wanted some of that pork and rice they had promised me. The served me with a big bowl of rice and pork with cooked cucumbers (tasted like cooked turnips) and a glass and a half of chocolate milk. It was a good meal because the fellowship was so good. I used several helpings of soy sauce to make it down and finished the entire bowl. Then we sat around batting the breeze which I usually don't enjoy but I did enjoy with them. Some one asked for the time and then some one said 1745. Shortly afterwards, (I need a watch to be more accurate) there was a couple of explosions like a grenade heard off toward the river. Some one said that they are playing with grenades down there. Then there were more explosions and the sound an automatic weapon and some one called out (four the Nungs) Vee Cee! With that everyone started to scurry around. I was frightened so I took my cigar and put it is my mouth so that I would appear more calm than I was. I had a cigar because I had previously passed out cigars to Sgt. Matthews, Sgt. Lopeg and Sgt. Leon,- the CO and Sgt. Hoskins don't smoke- I put the cigar in my mouth and went over to my ruck sake and put on my tiger suit shirt (I don't know why)and put on my webb gear. Next I dug out my 45 pistol and then had to hunt for the chips. I put a chip in but did not put a round in the chamber. Next I stood around trying to look calm with my cigar in my mouth. I went to the Nortor pit and watched then five the 60 MM nortors. They fived 5, had a misfire, cleaved the barrel. I was very apprehensive as they cleaved the chamber and I tried to edge away without being too conspicuous. He finally cleaved it and began to fire some more. When he completed the fire mission, the sound of firing died away and I thought that it was all over. I wandered back toward the CP trying to be as nonchalant as possible, just as I reached the edge of the CP roof, everything opened up all at once. I was frightened and the man standing next to me who was acting as my body guard told me to get in the hole that had been dug at the edge of the CP. I gladly got in. I thought that we were being over run because of the valume of fire power that was being put out. I pulled out my 45 and tryed to put a round in the chamber. It would not go. I pulled out the clip and all the bulled fell out. My Chineese body guard very calmly said "#10" and proceeded to take my clip and put the rounds in it while I helf his carbine. (I than realized that I showed carry my carbine with me when I go out on field trips. It would be best to have a folding stock). He fixed the clip and I stock it in my weapon and put a round in the chamber and held the 45 on ready. I was expecting to see the VC any minute. My body guard then commented. "No VO". I couldn't see how this was possible but he said it several times with calmness and I began to be less frightened. I then got up out of my crotching position and sat on the edge of the foxhole. Again he saig "No V.C." and by now I began to believe him. With his words of assurane ringing in my lars, I found the comrage to get up out of the fox hale and wander around. The firing was still going on but not with the first initial intersily. Behind the CP, I found Sgt. Matthews firing the rocket launcher. He fired at least 4 or 5 rounds with the new self contained unit. The firing of the rocket launcher just about finished up the firing. A FAC came over. Sgt. Matthews wanted Francois to go down the road and locate China Boy 3, the CO & Sgt. Leon & Sgt. Hoskins & Sgt. Lepey. They would not come up on the radio. Francois did not seem inclined to go look. Soon they came in, the CO and the ones who had gone out to investigate. The CO gave me a suvineer, the tailfin off of a rifle grenade, home made type that the local VC us. There had been 4 VC, local type, they had been firing at a jeep or trying to get in close enough to the New Camp for night _______ or trying for revenge on the Mike Force. As an informal critize it was pointed out that there were 4 VC. We did not get a one of them and in the process, $5,000.00 worth of ammo was expended. The heavy valume of fire at the end which had frightened me was the firing of their weapons out of frustration and out of just wanting to fire the weapons. Sgt. Matthews said that the time to be scarred is when you hear the "crack" of the bullets. Then you know that is incoming. Then is the time to be frightened- I realized that I had just about chewed the cigar into and also I realized that I was sweating out of fright. I threw away the cigar slobb and wiped my sweaty brow. [Adding additional breadth to this personal account are more than a dozen photos, many original, of the writer who was the senior officer and the head of the Chaplain's Unit, his colleagues and other Officers. Boyce we learn from a news clipping was a member of the Mecklenburg Presbytery Church [of Charlotte North Carolina] and distinguished as the first Presbyterian to be selected as a Special Forces Chaplain. He was also a jump master and fully qualified for the elite 3rd Special Forces Airborne Group.] Further research regarding his military record list his military specialties which include an unusual and very intriguing record as Special Forces Officer, Training Officer, Chaplain and Parachutist. Research also notes many awards and decorations. Overall VG.; Manuscript; 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall; KEYWORDS: HISTORY OF, VIETNAM WAR, SPECIAL FORCES, US ARMY, VIET CONG, SOUTHEAST ASIA, NAM, DAVID G. BOYCE, 3RD SPECIAL FORCES AIRBORNE GROUP, SPECIAL FORCES CHAPLAIN, CHAPLAINS' CORPS, AMERICANA, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, AUTOGRAPHED, AUTHORS, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, ARCHIVE, DIARY, DIARIES, antiquité, contrat, vélin, document, manuscrit, papier Antike, Brief, Pergament, Dokument, Manuskript, Papier oggetto d'antiquariato, atto, velina, documento, manoscritto, carta antigüedad, hecho, vitela, documento, manuscrito, Papel,
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