1983On offer is a sensational, original relic of late 18th Century religious manifestation. The document is an incredible five [5] page manuscript account of a young girl's religious visions and experiences as detailed and handwritten by an unknown eyewitness. Hannah Coy the 9 year old girl is recorded as having been in a trance and while under its influence having religious revelations of Heaven and Hell and seeing Jesus, God and the Devil. The narrator, it appears, witnessed the child in trance while she saw this vision, the writer basically records what Hannah said and saw using Hannah's own words. It begins thusly: "The month of August the 10th day I began to write the following narrative may be depended on as fact and can, has been witnessed by great number of those who saw and heard it themselves." The testimony continues describing a noted change in Hannah's demeanour: "Hannah Coy of nine years of age was by nature a brightly active girl and as naturally inclined to childish plays as any of her brothers or sisters but all of a sudden she forsook all her plays and appeared acceding sober for the space of a month. The family all took notice of it and the children could not get her out to play with the and would sometimes reflect upon her for not being willing to play, but she would say to them my dear brothers and sisters these plays are but foolish trifles and will not do us any good we must leave them…" She goes on to describe Jesus and God, her vision of hell and the Devil and that some infants were there, sees people she knew in Heaven. "Jesus Christ was pleading for all the poor sinners, he was surrounded by thousands of Saints and Angels," Her mother asked if she saw anyone she knew, she saw a recently deceased neighbor who was "deaf and dumb and could now sing and speak and praise God." She then sees hell describes the tortured souls and the Devil himself. He tries to grab her but Jesus bid her to not be afraid. Christ told me to return and to tell my parents what I have seen. Tell my father that he must Carry me to our ministers and I must tell the minister all that I have seen and that he must come to my daddys and preach the gospel." We believe based on the paper, ink and writing style the book is late 1700s and one online source appears to confirm and identify Hannah's experiences when she related in 1798 the following: "Tending to Edify, Astonish, and Instruct" Published Narratives of Spiritual Dreams and Visions in the Early Republic ANN KIRSCHNER University of Delaware On a Sunday in September 1798 [one can safely assume the manuscript was written a mere month before], a large congregation gathered in Jericho, Vermont, to hear nine-year-old Hannah Coy relate a strange and wonderful story of a vision that had transformed her life.1 She had seen heaven and Christ himself-even his wounded feet and hands-and witnessed "thousands of saints and angels" singing praise to God, including a neighbor who in life had been deaf and dumb. Moreover, she had also been whisked by Christ to the pit of hell and seen the devil himself-a "dreadful creature" with "dreadful claws with long nails"-and observed "multitudes of poor souls in misery." Trembling at the prospect that this might be her fate, she was then assured by Christ that she "was his, and should live forever with him in heaven." Her only charge was to return to earth and tell all that she had seen. Two years later her story was published in a small pamphlet that also contained accounts of the visions of two other young women and another of a miraculous healing. 2 Coy's account is but one of a large group of similar pamphlets of dreams and visions that were published in increasing numbers beginning in the 1780s and peaking in the early 1800s, paralleling the growth of evangelical Protes1. "A wonderful account of a little girl of nine years old, who lives in the town of Jericho, in the state of Vermont; by the name of Hannah Coy" (Windsor, Vt., 1800), 1-5. There can be little doubt that this is the very same girl and the manuscript an original testament of her experience. The 7" x 3 3/4" booklet is overall G+.; Manuscript; 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall; KEYWORDS: HISTORY OF, HANNAH COY, APPARITION, VISION, MANIFESTATION, APPEARANCE, MATERIALIZATION, RELIGIOUS MYSTERIES AND MIRACLES, PARANORMAL PHENOMENA, SUPERNATURAL, JESUS, HEAVEN, HELL, GOD, THE DEVIL, LUCIFER, BEELZEBUB, REVELATIONS, ECSTASY, SPIRITUAL, SPIRITUALITY, PROPHECY, PRIVATE REVELATION, ALTERED STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, APPARITIONAL EXPERIENCE, BEATIFIC VISION, MYSTICISM, HALLUCINATION, KASHF, NEUROTHEOLOGY, SHAMANISM, TEMPORAL LOBE EPILEPSY, THEOPHANY, VISION QUEST, RELIGIOUS BEHAVIOUR AND EXPERIENCE, SECOND GREAT AWAKENING AMERICAN PROTESTANT MOVEMENT, JERICHO, HERMETIC MAGIC, CHALADEAN, DEMONOLOGY, NEO-PLATONIC, VERMONT, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, AUTOGRAPHED, AUTHORS, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, ARCHIVE, DIARY, DIARIES, antiquité, contrat, vélin, document, manuscrit, papier Antike, Brief, Pergament, Dokument, Manuskript, Papier oggetto d'antiquariato, atto, velina, documento, manoscritto, carta antigüedad, hecho, vitela, documento, manuscrito, Papel,
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