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On offer is the super 1866 handwritten manuscript diary of Kate [Wood] French of Indianapolis, Indiana in Marion County immediately following the Civil War and in the thick of the Reconstruction Era. Kate is ideally placed to comment on the times as she is married to her adored husband Charlie, a successful executive in an oil and mining firm and mother to their daughter "May" who was the love of her life. She married Charlie on May 28, 1863, and their daughter was born on May 30, 1865. Charlie was the Vice President of "International National Petroleum Mining Company", and they seemed to be quite well off financially. Here are snippets: " ...... We have entered upon another year. This year we have a dear little Babe to brighten our days. I a mother and Charlie a father, Sweet names they are indeed to us ..... This evening after supper I went up home to sit awhile with pa. He is very sick tonight. We feel almost afraid to hope .... Sad day for us all. This morning at 6 oclock, dear Father breathed his last. The patient sufferer has gone to dwell evermore with his Saviour. Lent for us 2 oclock this morning. Pa's mind was clear to the very last. He spoke to and knew us all. His suffering was intense but he is now at rest, will know no more pain or suffering but will live where all is happiness through eternity ...... How lonely we have all felt today, and particularly poor mother, but Charlie and I took the baby and spent the afternoon with mother as all of the friends have left. Can it be we will never hear his kind voice anymore nor see his pleasant smile. Ah! It is true ..... Charlie and I went to church this morning, it did not seem possible that I should go to church and not see my kind Father on the steps to meet us as he always was, but he was not there. We can not see his kind face there any more. Oh can it be true? Dear Savior in pity look upon us .... A lovely day but so very muddy that it is almost out of the question for ladies to go out .... Mother and the boys spent afternoon and staid for supper, we always talk of dear Father who has gone, never to return. I cannot yet realize that Pa will not come here anymore ..... We should always make it a rule to get up early Monday morning for that is "washday" and an early start to work ought always to be had ..... A lovely day. This afternoon I got ready and commenced to walk down street but as luck would have it, the kindest husband coming for me, we took a delightful ride, we did not get back till five ..... So cold and windy that the men have not been down street but have had a pleasant day reading and talking in the parlor. In the afternoon they walked over to the Arsenal, this evening Bryon has been telling us of his imprisonment in "Andersonville Prison" .. I got up early and went shopping wih mother. We did not get back till 3 oclock, then I found Charlie waiting to take May and I riding. We went and had a nice ride, all enjoyed it. Charlie has had workmen out fixing the pipes to the bathroom .... My girl ironed the clothes today and then went up to mothers for some milk. Dr Thompson was here again this afternoon to vaccinate May as the first did not take. Charlie is delighted - is offered $350.00 for Fancy. After supper, took a nice ride ..... Well today we have had our little pet Christened - May Wood French. It is a sweet name. There were three others besides ours. May acted so like a little lady that we were all delighted with her ..... This evening after supper we took a delightful ride in our little "Central Park Carriage" and so Baby "May" rode in it for the first time ..... After dinner we dressed May up so sweet and called at Mrs Smiths and Halb. Everyone who sees little Baby May on the street admires her a great deal ..... This afternoon the man put down our carpet, a beautiful "tapestry brussels" in our bedroom. It is so pretty. Now we are going to have the furniture varnished and then it will be nice .... We got up pretty early this morning as we had a considerable to do before we could start. I finished packing our trunk and Charlie went for a carriage. We started at 12 oclock, we got into Lafayette at 4 pm. Stopped at Lahr House....We have all had enough of Delphi already so I think or rather hope we shall start back tomorrow - I went up to see Aunt Delia this afternoon. The rememberance of Dear Pa filled her mind and was too much for words, he having been there so lately ..... Our darling little girl is one year old today and yet it seems but a few weeks since she was brought into existance. I did intend going down street and getting her a birthday present but Charlie brought her a beautiful doll as large almost as herself ..... Charlie came home early telling me that next Monday he and Capt. Smith would start for "Canada Oil Wells", its too bad but then it can't be helped ..... This beats us for what should Charlie do but have a chill, and he was feeling extremely well. I can not imagine what caused it ..... Charlie feeling better but thinks he will not eat much so as to starve the chills ..... Charlie went down street this morning and brought home "Morgan" the handsomest horse (with the exception of "Beauty") I ever saw. Then after supper, C, May and I took a nice ride in little Pheaton, the entire rig, the attraction of all ...... Charlie received word today that "Oil is struck", hurray for us ..... Oh! How our hearts ached this morning. May was very sick, we were up from 2 1/2 till day-light but now we are happier for she is better ..... Charlie came home early and I had May dressed so sweetly so while supper was getting ready we took May and rode down street. The "observed of observers", why? Because Baby May held the reins of fiery Morgan, just as if she drove him ..... In the evening Charlie and I went to the "Opera", we are not partial to operatic singing but we went more to see the new Hall and people ..... My new girl came early this morning and Melia (whom I have had working for me a year next month, left for her home on the noon train. She has been an excellent girl and I thought a great deal of her ..... I have felt in rather a strange mood today, been wondering if anyone loves me or not. I believe precious little May does. I know I had a Father who has gone to that bright shore loved me. I know he did. I am sometimes afraid that I am not a very lovable person. Well, I don't know what to do to make myself any other way ..... Somehow or other today has been dreary enough for me and then too I feel in sort of wretched state and wonder either taking into consideration the peculiar feelings I have. God to Thee I look for strength to bear my pains and sufferings ..." Larger format journal 6 1/2" x 8", 311 handwritten entries, there are some dried rose pedals in-between some pages, pasted on back pages are some newspaper clippings for home remedies and cures; Pickled Tomatoes, Pickled Cauliflower, Gerken Pickles, Chili Sauce, etc. Genealogical record of births & deaths of babies are recorded by grownup May who wrote that she had a "darling baby born Sunday August 30, 1896 at a quarter past three oclock in the afternoon and was taken from us Friday Sept 4th, was not named - May Black" and there are a number of others. The rough covers are detached, but present. ; Manuscript; 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall; HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, AMERICANA, ALS, ARCHIVE, DIARY, DIARIES, CIVIL WAR ERA, WAR BETWEEN THE STATES, CONFEDERACY, CONFEDERATE, INDIANA, INDIANAPOLIS, MARION, OIL INDUSTRY, ANTIQUITÉ, CONTRAT, VÉLIN, MANUSCRIT, PAPIER ANTIKE, BRIEF, PERGAMENT, DOKUMENT,

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