9091On offer is an exceptional and fascinating document of a young, creative man’s studies in the first half of the 19th century. This is a wonderful school mathematics workbook with many of the things that make these books great to have, e.g. carefully copied mathematical formulas and problems, beautiful script handwriting, unique learning style, etc. However, what makes this workbook truly special and unique is that within its pages are contained numerous watercolor sketches of sailing and steam vessels along with more normal calculations. There is an 1812 battle scene watercolor of the Java and the Constitution (a ship that is still afloat to this day), as well as watercolors of the steam brig New York, the steamship Robert Fulton, the ‘Ship Caroline and its cargo,” a beautiful drawing of the bark “Boy” from Newport, Rhode Island,” drawings of small boats being tossed around by waves, and more. All together there are more than a dozen drawings in the book, along with plenty of doodles and scribbles. The drawings are remarkably detailed and beautiful, drawn in black pen and often touched up with watercolors in blue, black and red. The drawing of the “Boy Newport” is especially remarkable, made up of immaculately drawn sails and masts connected with dozens of rope lines and showing a crew of many small but skilled drawings of people in the boat. The author is most probably by a man named Oliver Whitford Hopkins. The cover reads “October 1939. O. W. Hopkins.” Oliver (born 1826) would have been 13 at the time of the writing of this book. The Condition of the workbook is fair. The covers are off and badly worn, and there are paper losses, ragged edges, and a few tears. Most of the losses do not affect content. Page numbers go to 100, but begin on page 13, so some beginning pages have been lost. Measures approximately 8 inches by 13 inches. There are 86 pages plus covers. Pages in the very beginning and end show strong discoloration and wear, but the pages on inside look very good still, and for the most part, the ink in the book has hardly faded. Oliver Whitford Hopkins was born October 7, 1826 and died December 23, 1903. He seems to have lived his whole life in Newport County, Rhode Island, so it can be reasonably assumed that this book was created at a school in Rhode Island. This is a fantastic workbook for those interested in mathematical studies in the 19th century, who want a book that contains something very special and unique.; Manuscript; Folio - over 12" - 15" tall; KEYWORDS: HISTORY OF, OLIVER WHITFORD HOPKINS, MATHEMATICS WORKBOOK, 1812 BATTLE SCENE, USS JAVA, USS CONSTITUTION, STEAMSHIP ROBERT FULTON, STEAM BRIG NEW YORK, SHIP CAROLINE, CYPHER BOOK, CIPHER BOOK, COMPLEX MATHEMATICS, ADVANCED MATHEMATICS, ARITHMETIC, HAND DRAWN, MARITIME ILLUSTRATIONS, BARQUE, BARK BOY, JAMESTOWN, NEWPORT, RHODE ISLAND, DRAWINGS OF SHIPS, ARTIST DRAWINGS, SCHOOL NOTEBOOK, AMERICANA, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, ANTIQUITÉ, CONTRAT, VÉLIN, DOCUMENT, MANUSCRIT, PAPIER ANTIKE, BRIEF, PERGAMENT, DOKUMENT, MANUSKRIPT, PAPIER OGGETTO D'ANTIQUARIATO, ATTO, VELINA, DOCUMENTO, MANUSCRITTO, CARTA ANTIGÜEDAD, HECHO, VITELA, DOCUMENTO, MANUSCRITO, PAPEL
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