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On offer is a journal recorded during a fascinating time in General American and U.S. Naval History. The journal is written on the U.S.S. Independence, as she travels from Boston to Portsmouth, England, onto Copenhagen and Kronstadt to receive a visit from Russian Emperor Nicholas I. The ‘Independence’ then leaves Russia for Rio de Janeiro, where she becomes the Flagship of the Brazil Station, tasked with the duty to guard American commerce along the eastern seaboard of South America, during the war between France and Argentina. A page in the very beginning of the book states, “Private Journal of A Cruise in U.S. Ship Independence During the years 1837, 1838, 1839 and 1840 Under Commo. John B. Nicolson On the Brazilian Station.” Another a bit later states, “Cyrus E. Joy. U.S. Ship Independence.” Cyrus Joy is presumably the author of the journal. The ship leaves Boston on May 20th, 1837 “in presence of thousands of spectators, who crowded the adjacent wharves to witness our departure.” On board the ship is the Honorable George M. Dallas, who at that time had served as Mayor of Philadelphia, U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania (1831–33) and would eventually become the 11th Vice President of the United States in 1845 under President James K. Polk. According to the journal author, he “is said to be a man of exalting talents, sound discriminating judgements...” At the time, Mr. Dallas had been recently appointed Minister to Russia. The ship crosses the Atlantic “in what a soldier would call ‘quickest time’” and the ship reaches Portsmouth, England after 22 days. On the 20th of June, the King of England, William IV, dies and the next day Queen Victoria, his niece ascends the throne. “All colours in the harbors (and most likely in the kingdom) were displayed at half mast and we fired guns in honour of the deceased. Soon after this firing ceased we manned the rigging, cheered ship and fired a “Royal Salute” on the occasion of Queen Victoria's, daughter of the Duke of Kent, and niece to the late Sovereign.” The ship moves on to Copenhagen, then Kronstadt “situated at the head of the gulf of Finland.” The ship is ‘visited by the Emperor Nicholas and wife. We were by no means in condition for such a visit. We had been up the greater part of the preceding night, and after coming to anchor, pulling sail, &c. We proceeded to holy-stone the decks, washed and dried them down in the neatest manner. After this we ___ our topmast rigging in afresh, and the utmost exertions were used by all hands to put the ship in the best order for the expected visit though she was after all, very far from being in first-rate condition.” The author describes the Emperor as a “tall stout well made man with light reddish hair, blue eyes, high forehead, and high cheek bones, and has a remarkably loft and commanding appearance.” The author speaks very highly of Nicholas and the visit goes smoothly and enjoyably. The whole event is a thoroughly enjoyable portion of the journal. The author spends time comparing the Danes and the Russians before the ship leaves again, this time heading for Rio de Janeiro. This section of the journal ends as the ship reaches Portsmouth, England again. The journal begins again in 1839, as the ship is in South America, protecting American commerce. “Feb. 9th, 1839. Here we found our presence much needed for the protection of American property. When we left the first time, the French had nothing like a respectable force on the station...Their forces however have been increased but are also too weak for the a blockade of more than the port of Buenos Aires. The entries in this portion are spread out, with long periods in between each entry. The ship seems to go between Rio and Montevideo, providing protection of American trading ships in the area. The author also speaks of the reasons for the war and the Independence’s role in helping mediate the conflict, as well as thoughts on the role of the American Navy in “the formations of a character abroad, as well as at home.” The soldiers also seem fairly unhappy on the ship after a while. “Jan 1st, 1840. At Montevideo, and little prospect of leaving soon. More than 100 of the men have completed the full term for which they entered the services, and are clamorous to be sent home...Under these circumstances no ship can hardly be deemed fit for actual service.” The ship finally leaves the Brazil Station “after being thirty five months on this cruise. I think I shall stop at home a few months at least.” The journal continues with the next entry explaining that after three months of doing nothing, Mr. Joy joins the “Montezuma, Capt. Christiansen bound to Liverpool.” Having heard of “such a thing as ‘Happy England’” he is “struck all aback to see the number of prostitutes, beggars, ballad singers, &c. I do believe that in this single place there is more persons of the above description than in the whole of the U.S. You can not walk from the docks up in the city without being accosted every two or three minutes by a female with ‘I say Jack won’t you treat us’ or ‘Shipmate give us a chew tobacco will ye’ or ‘God bless your honour you hav’nt got never a penny for a poor fellow have ye’”. The entry ends with a list entitled, “U.S. Ship Independence. List of Officers 20th May 1837. John B. Nicolson.” The list contains more than 3 dozen names of all the men on board, including midshipman, on the ship. There is also a list of “Salutes fired during the years 1837, 38, 39, & 40.” with the columns, “Date,” “No. of guns,” “Quantity of powder,” and “When” and on the opposite page, “On What occasion.” The list is 12 pages long and provides a fantastic and comprehensive list of where the ‘Independence’ was during the years of the author’s journal and the special occasions on which it fired salutes. The journal also contains a hand drawn portrait of the face of Emperor Nicholas I with the date, “July 29th, 1837” written underneath. The drawing is amateur but very well done, in a number of colors. The book is roughly 220 pages, in which there is writing in approximately 70 or 80 pages. The handwriting is easy to read and legible throughout, in black ink, which is rarely faded. The pages show some discoloration and wear, but nothing that affects the legibility of the writing. The cover shows a good deal of wear and age damage, but is still very structurally sound. A number of the pages with writing have come loose from the binding, but are still gathered together so they are not loose from each other. There are two major gatherings detached and the rest of the book is still in the binding. Overall: G. Sample Text: “May 19th, 1837. All ready for sea and people in crowds visiting our ship. Some probably to see and be seen, but many, very many to take leave of ‘friends and comrades dear,’ bound on a long and tiresome cruise. Such numbers came off in boats that it was impossible to admit all and numbers were compelled to return without bidding their friends farewell as gratifying their curiosity by inspecting our kindly beautiful ship.”; “July 4th. We fired a National Salute, but had no merry making on the occasion. It was in fact the dullest Fourth I have ever witnessed.”; “June 23rd, 1839. We have been nearly 18 months from Boston before we were allowed to go on shore, and many of us have been almost two years on board, without having been out of the ship...I am of opinion the men should have had liberty much oftener: and I believe they might have had it without detriment to the service or themselves.” (Background: The ‘USS Independence’ was a wooden-hulled, three-masted ship, originally a ship of the line and the first to be commissioned by the United States Navy. Originally a 90-gun ship, in 1836 she was cut down by one deck and re-rated as a 54-gun frigate. Independence recommissioned on 26 March 1837 and sailed from Boston on 20 May 1837 as flagship of Commodore John B. Nicholson. On board for her record passage across the Atlantic Ocean to England was the Honorable George Dallas, Minister to Russia. She arrived at Portsmouth, England, 13 June, called at Copenhagen; then proceeded into Kronstadt 29 July 1837 to receive a visit from the Emperor Nicholas I of Russia. Two days later a steam boat arrived to transport Mr. Dallas and his family to St. Petersburg. Having received marked social courtesies from the Russian government, Independence departed Kronstadt on 13 August 1837 for Rio de Janeiro, where she became flagship of the Brazil Squadron to guard American commerce along the eastern seaboard of South America. This duty continued into the spring of 1839 when Commodore Nicholson attempted mediation to end the war between France and Argentina. The Independence returned north to New York on 30 March 1840. She was laid up in ordinary until 14 May 1842 when she became flagship of Commodore Charles Stewart in the Home Squadron. Based at Boston and New York, she continued as his flagship until laid up in ordinary on 3 December 1845.; Manuscript; 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall; KEYWORDS: HISTORY OF, CYRUS E. JOY, U.S.S. INDEPENDENCE, FLAGSHIP, THREE MASTED SHIP, SHIP OF THE LINE, UNITED STATES NAVY, U.S. NAVAL HISTORY, RUSSIAN EMPEROR NICHOLAS I, COMMANDANT JOHN B. NICHOLSON, HONORABLE GEORGE M. DALLAS, MINISTER TO RUSSIA, DEATH OF WILLIAM IV, KING OF ENGLAND, DIPLOMACY, FOREIGN SERVICE, ASCENSION TO THE THRONE OF QUEEN VICTORIA, PRE CIVIL WAR ERA UNITED STATES, U.S. FOREIGN POLICY, FLAGSHIP, BRAZIL STATION, WAR OF THE CONFEDERATION, FRENCH BLOCKADE OF THE RIO DE LA PLATA, AMERICAN COMMERCE IN THE 19TH CENTURY, AMERICANA, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, ANTIQUITÉ, CONTRAT, VÉLIN, DOCUMENT, MANUSCRIT, PAPIER ANTIKE, BRIEF, PERGAMENT, DOKUMENT, MANUSKRIPT, PAPIER OGGETTO D'ANTIQUARIATO, ATTO, VELINA, DOCUMENTO, MANUSCRITTO, CARTA ANTIGÜEDAD, HECHO, VITELA, DOCUMENTO, MANUSCRITO, PAPEL

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