Writing History: Stories of a Rare Manuscript Collection

Tale of Two Diaries: Two Pieces of Incredible African American History Discovered 10 Years Apart!

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Tale of Two Diaries: Two Pieces of Incredible African American History Discovered 10 Years Apart!

We are excited to share the story of Venecia Taylor's 1904-1908 diary, discovered 10 years after her 1902-1904 diary was purchased and restored by the founder of our business. Both diaries provide important insight into the experience of a Black female immigrant working as a servant in white homes in Pennsylvania at the turn of the century. 

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Macao to Havana and Beyond: The Chinese-Cuban Coolie Trade - Indentured Labor (or Pseudo-Slavery) from 1847-1874

Posted by Jessica Katz on

Macao to Havana and Beyond: The Chinese-Cuban Coolie Trade - Indentured Labor (or Pseudo-Slavery) from 1847-1874
The Chinese coolie trade, a system of indentured labor that targeted young, poor Chinese men, operated from 1847-1874. Throughout this period, African slavery was slowly being abolished around the world. The coolie trade was initiated by Britain and was eventually dominated by both Britain and the United States of America. Chinese coolie laborers were sent to work in British, American and Spanish colonies, and the nature of the trade changed throughout its 27-year operation, due to social and political pressures. The coolie trade took place, in large part, between the shipping port in Macao (now a part of China, then under Portuguese rule) and Havana, Cuba (then under Spanish control). This article will explore the WHAT, WHO, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW of the coolie trade in general with a special focus on Macao-Havana trade.

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Coming Soon to Katz Fine Manuscripts....

Posted by Jessica Katz on

Coming Soon to Katz Fine Manuscripts....
We are excited to launch our new blog, which will help connect researchers, collectors and students with simplified, academically researched posts describing complex, lesser known moments in world history.

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