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A wonderful, hand written diary written in 1895 by a very social woman in Brattleboro, Vermont. It would appear that the writer, unfortunately unnamed in the diary, was either the wife of a Church Minister or the Church's Goodwill Ambassador, as she spent nearly every day visiting and calling on Church members, sometimes 8 or 10 in a single day. She names dozens and dozens of Brattleboro residents that she visited in her Diary, often she brought baked goods or hand made articles of clothing to people. She also wrote much about the local Y.M.C.A., the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and other Brattleboro organizations that she worked very hard for. She wrote nearly every day, most days filling the entire page, missing only two days during the year when she was away from home. The diary has one page for each day of the year. Here are some quotes from the actual diary: "Jan. 14, 1885 Cold but Fine. Did some ironing in the morning then went to see Mrs. Crowell, found her better - borrowed some books. Went to see Mrs. O'Neil and tried to comfort her a little, then to see Tina. On reaching home found Mira who staid to dinner. Called on Mrs. Tolles who was not at home. Stopped at Mrs. Smith's to leave Mrs. Mitchell's letter. Spent the evening reading & writing. Wrote to Mrs. Cutting." "Jan. 19, 1885 Lovely & Cold washed in the early morning. Went down to Laura's with pie. Called on Mrs. Oaks and tried to call on Mrs. Tower in p.m. George Barrett carried me to see the colored people on the fair ground. Mrs. Streeter not at home. Saw Mrs. C.D. Fuller and Mrs. Amos Parker, Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Colman." "Feb 10, 1885 Very Cold. Did a little washing a.m. Called on Mrs. Clarkson and Mrs. Reed. P.M. visited Mrs. Rufus Smith, Mrs. Ellis (s. main st.), Mrs. Horton, had some conversation with her on personal religion, find her anxious to make a profession of her faith in Christ. Miss Amsden not at home. Had some conversation with A.A. Cheny on faith cures. Did some errands." "Friday May 29, 1885 Finished ironing and called at the colored folks, Mrs. Reed and Clarkson and Mrs. Smith P.M. called at Mrs. Carpenter's and Mrs. Manson's doors - not at home. Called on Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Oneil, Mrs. Stearns & Mrs. Horton, Canal St. After tea saw Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Smith. Too tired to go to meeting." Thursday Nov. 5, 1885 Called on Mrs. Bangs. Mr. Bangs a little more like himself. Called at Mrs. Crowell's and Mrs. Hawley's. Mrs. C. brought me home. In the afternoon carried jelly to Laura & blocks to little boy, then went to Estey-ville and called on Mr. heald, Mrs. Haskins, Mrs. Freeman (colored), Mrs. Strong and Mrs. Blanchard. Went to parsonage to sociable in the evening. Very, very tired." "Thursday Dec. 31, 1885 Rainy. Called on Mrs. Stone at Brattleboro House and Mrs. Horton on Canal St. In the afternoon carried aprons to Mrs. Chandlers's and called on Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Stickney. Finished putting my old carpet together. Very rainy evening." All writing is easy to read and this diary is in very nice condition.; Manuscript; 48mo - over 3" - 4" tall; KEYWORDS, HISTORY OF, Brattleboro, Vermont, Gender Studies, Women's Studies, Hand Written, Personal, Americana, Memoir, Handwritten, hand written, autograph, autographs, signed, letters, document, documents, manuscript, manuscripts, writers, writer, author, holograph, personal, Americana, antiquité, contrat, vélin, document, manuscrit, papier Antike, Brief, Pergament, Dokument, Manuskript, Papier oggetto d'antiquariato, atto, velina, documento, manoscritto, carta antigüedad, hecho, vitela, documento, manuscrito, Papel

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