00MV416[DEAD SEA EXPEDITION] HENRY BEDLOW - member of the 1849 United States Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea. This naval expedition was led by Lieut. W.F. Lynch plus 13 naval men. Henry Bedlow, Esq., and Henry J. Anderson, M.D., were with the Expedition as volunteers. Lynch wrote in his Narrative "More zealous, efficient, and honourable associates could not have been desired. They were ever in the right place, bearing their full share of watching and privation. To the skill of Mr. Bedlow, the wounded seaman was indebted for the preservation of his life; and words are inadequate to express how in sickness, forgetful of himself, he devoted all his efforts to the relief of his sick companions." Anderson left the expedition and Bedlow took over medical duties, he having studied medicine at one time. Offered here is an ALS, 1854, 1p, no place mentioned, to H.P. Beck. Courteous letter explaining how the correspondent's letter had miscarried and was found by one of the laborers under a Lilac tree on the lawn. Dead Sea association written in ink in unknown hand and could be separated from letter if desired. Very uncommon exploration autograph. VG condition.
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