1786 Decree Issued by King Louis XVI's Council of State
10073On offer is is an excellent example of the types of decrees that were issued by Louis XVI’s Council of State in the late 18th century, immediately prior to the French Revolution.
The document is dated December 13th, 1786, only 2ó years before the French Revolution. Up until that time, the Conseil d’Etat du Roi or King’s Council of State originated in the 13th century. It was the principal administrative body charged with the ruling of the country. It had 3 sections dealing with administration, finance and the overseeing of judgments. It was reorganized under Louis XIV, consolidating several ‘sub-councils’. From that time until the fall of the monarchy, it remained unchanged.
The council ceased to operate with the overthrow of the monarchy. In 1799, the Council of State was re-established by the new government – The French Consulate, at the direction of Napoleon Bonaparte. It continues to this day as the principal legal advisor of the executive branch of the French government and as the supreme court for administrative justice.
This particular document concerns payments to clergy in France. The French monarchy was inextricably linked to the Catholic Church, a relationship described in this manner:
la France est la fille aînée de l'église
[Translation: France is the eldest daughter of the church]
Qui autorise les Bureaux diocesains justqu'a ce que la prochaine Assembllee generale du Clerge y ait pourvu, a repartir sur les Cures & Vicaires, tant perpetuels qu' amovibles, auxqueles il fera donne des supplemens de Portion congrue, en consequence de la Declaration du 2 Septembre 1786 ...
[Translation: Which authorizes the diocesan Offices, until the next General Assembly of the Clergy has provided for it, to start again on the Cures & Vicars, both perpetual and removable, to which he will make additions of small Portions, as a consequence of the Declaration of September 2, 1786...]
The document is signed for the Council by “Le Baron Breteuil. This was Louis Charles Auguste Le Tonnelier, Baron de Breteuil, Baron de Preuilly. Breteuil was a French aristocrat, diplomat and statesman. He was the last Prime Minister of the Bourbon Monarchy, appointed by King Louis XVI only one hundred hours before the storming of the Bastille. In fact, his appointment is generally considered the instigating factor in the storming of the Bastille, generally seen as the beginning of the French Revolution.
This is an excellent example of the wide range of decrees and edits issued by this Council and is especially interesting as it connects important and key persons at the time of one of the greatest upheavals in modern European history.
This document measures 10.0 inches by 8.5 inches. It is double-sided and printed. The page is in very good condition. With only some very slight discolouration around the edges.
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