Collection of Three Volumes of the Journal of Maine-et-Loire Published 1826, France

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On offer are three volumes of a political and literary journal published in post Napoleonic France. These are three excellent examples of regional journalism in the years following the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte and the re-establishment of the French monarchy.

The first press publication of the Maine-and-Loire region dates from 1773. It was initially called “Affiches d’ (or Postings of) Angers, capital of the territory of the Count of Provence and of the province of Anjou”. It published until 1925, after which it became the political and literary newspaper of the department of Maine-et-Loire. Subsequently it was renamed the "Journal of Maine-et-Loire". At the end of the 19th century it again underwent a change, becoming Le Petit Courrier . This new incarnation of the French regional daily from Maine-et-Loire appeared for the first time on June 10, 1883, under the Third Republic. It defined itself as the "organ of the appeal to the people for the department of Maine-et-Loire", then the "organ of the Republican Union". Its publication ceased on August 10, 1944.

After the Liberation following WWII, it re-emerged as “Le Courrier de l'Ouest” and continues to publish under this name.

The articles cover a wide range of subjects, for example:


Demande en permission d’etablir sur la commune de Concourson en haut fourneau, une forge et un martinet pour traiter le minerai de feret et la fonte, formee par les concessionnaires des mines de Montjean et Sainte-Georges-Chatelaison. [Issue 76, p1]


Request for permission to establish on the commune of Concourson in a blast furnace, a forge and a hammer mill to process iron ore and cast iron, formed by the concession holders of the mines of Montjean and Sainte-Georges-Chatelaison]. 


Bonne caleche de voyage, avec coffre, malle et harnais a ventre pour 650 Fr S'addresser chez M Dani, sellier, place Sainte-Croix No 6. [Issue 76, p4]


Good traveling coach, with trunk, trunk and belly harness for 650 Fr Contact M Dani, saddler, place Sainte-Croix No 6]. 


Extraites d'arrets portant condamnation a des peines afflictives ou inffamantes, rendus pendants la session du mois de mai 1826... [Issue 98, p1]


Excerpts from judgments condemning to punitive or non-punitive sentences, handed down during the session of May 1826…]

There is a brief medical notice:


Les membres du comite de vaccine d'Angers vaccineront gratuitement tous ceux qui se presenteront le mardi 18 juilette a 11 heures du matin dans la salle du museum. [Issue 98, p3]

[Translation: VACCINE

The members of the Angers Vaccination Committee will vaccinate free of charge all those who come to the museum on Tuesday 18 July at 11 am in the exhibition hall].


The sieur Pointeau (Louis), ex tambour d'ouvriers militaires de la marine, est invite a passer au secretariat de la maire d'Angers, pour retirer une lettre qui le concerne. [Issue 157, p1]

[Translation: MAYOR OF ANGERS

Mister Pointeau (Louis), former drummer of military workers of the navy, is invited to stop by the office of the mayor of Angers, to withdraw a letter that concerns him].

La Roi a accorde un secours de trois cents Francs aux victimes d'un incendie qui a eclate dans l'arrondissement de Chatillon-Sur Seine (Cote d'Or). [Issue 157, p3]

[Translation: The King has granted a relief of three hundred francs to victims of a fire that broke out in the district of Chatillon-Sur Seine (Cote d'Or)].

For a social historian, especially of the years in France following the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, these newspapers/journals offer a wide-ranging look at daily life in the Loire Valley of western France

Journals Number 76, 98 and 157 are included in this lot. Each journal is four pages long. They do vary slightly in size and all are in good condition.

Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information or to request photos. (Kindly include the SKU, listed on this page above the price, in your e-mail so we can more easily answer your questions.)

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