1873-1875 Manuscript Minute Book and Constitution of an Illinois Silver Cornet Band With Details of Finances, Performances, By-Laws, Local Events and More

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On offer is the manuscript Constitution, By-Laws and Minute Book of the Franklin Grove Silver Cornet Band which was officially organized in 1873 and played throughout Illinois.

The book begins with the full Constitution and By-Laws of the band, which was adopted on August 23, 1873 by the founding members. The remainder of the book contains minutes from monthly meetings of the band, beginning with their September 13, 1873 meeting, and concluding after their May 15, 1875 meeting. 

The founding members of the band ranged in occupation from a painter to a police magistrate and lots in between. Founding members are: John Blocher, George Marvin, Nathan C. Roe, Abram F. Wingert, D.F. Riddlesburger, R.E Young, F.W. Roe, J. Spangler, John Riddelsburger, Jacob Ponerd, Francis Warner, William Kipler, S.C. Yingling, C.A. Colwell and P.F. Buck. 

Through meeting minutes, the reader is informed of the growing pains of a young musical group getting their footing, losing and gaining members, electing boards, costing and building a venue, negotiating gigs and the outcome of performances. There are even some surprises, such as a member whose relative was once President being voted out of the band for lack of payment. 

Excerpts from the book give the flavour of the entries:

“...Ashton concert was reported as follows, Total receipts $12.74 Expenses paid up to time of report. Was for hall 1.00 License 2.00 Supper 1.20 Marvin’s fare  30 cts to Schumucker .25 Jacobs Total 5.00 Leaving a balance of $7.74 which as paid into the hands of Treasurer. On motion it was voted to assess each member 28 cents in order to raise the amount in treasury to $10.00 to pay W M Cosh. Adjourned J Blocher Sec.” [Feb 14, 1874]. 

“...Petition of Chas Withey to become  a member of the band was read and placed on fileand the amount for taking in new members at this date fixed at 33.48. On motion it was voted that C. Withey be allowed to take Bb horn to practice…GW Marvin having delivered the 1st Bb horn to the President, and through him tendered his resignation as a member of the band…” [April 4, 1874]. 

“....Invitation of L.G. Fish inviting band to Grangers Picnic and offering to take up a collection on teh ground for their benefit was read to band…the band voted to play for them on the 4th of July if they would obligate themselves to pay band fifty dollars. Blocher was appointed to notify L.G. Fish of the action taken by the band…” [June 20, 1874]. 

“...Treasurer reports a receipt of $10.00 of SC Yingling…Committee on bandroom reported that the cost of room 36x62, 12 feet…would be about $480.00…the building of the bandroom was voted upon and carried unanimously by The Trustees were introduced by the band to secure $600.00…D.F. Riddelburger” [Aug 29, 1874].

“Whereas John Riddelsburger having failed to comply with his contract by not paying up his note according to said agreement Therefore be it resolved that said contract be declared null and void from this date…” [n.d.]. 

The minutes are an absolute goldmine of information about the towns and villages in and around Lee County, as well as the citizens of the region and the financial realities of a small arts organization in the 19th century. 

The book measures 8 x 6.25 inches. It is hardcover and covers are in good shape save for some wear at the edges. Binding is loosening but in tact. Writing is legible. It appears the previous owner of this book allowed a child to draw in pencil on two pages at the front of the book. This does not interfere with the written pages. Pages are in good condition save for some tearing which does not impact readability. Overall Fair. 

Provenance: Purchased from an auction house in Ottawa, Illinois in the early 2020s.

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