1880s Collection of Manuscript Letters with Hypnosis and Publishing Content Related to Colonel John Lewis Hurbert Neilson
12371On offer are three handwritten letters related to Colonel John Lewis Hurbert Neilson [1845-1925].
The first letter is written to John Lewis Neilson with his unsigned written reply on verso. Dated 221 Drummond Street, Montreal, Oct[ober] 23rd, [18]89, this letter is from H.S. Mclellan of Montreal to Neilson asking "Would you care to try hypnotism on me?" He refers to Lloyd Tuckey’s article in The 19th Century, and describes his symptoms. With a draft reply in Neilson's hand on reverse, advising that he believes Mclellan could benefit from hypnotism and making arrangements to meet.
The other two letters are written to John Lewis Neilson from A.W. Moore, manager of the American Literary-Illustrative Bureau relating to receiving and submitting manuscripts. The first is dated American Literary-Illustrative Bureau. Rochester, Dec[ ember] 24th, 1887. Setting out terms to receive a manuscript for publication on either the North West Expedition or the Egyptian Campaign. The final letter is dated American Literary-Illustrative Bureau. Rochester, January 21st 1888. Suggesting submissions to Harpers, Century, Scribners or Cosmopolitan for the articles Neilson proposes, and expressing difficulties with the editing process.
An interesting set of letters for anyone interested in hypnotism with a perspective of a late 19th century Canadian medical soldier.
Neilson was experienced with and interested in Hypnotism. Charles Loyd Tuckey in his 1913 book Treatment By Hypnotism and Suggestion Or Psycho-Therapeutics on page 224 refers to his friend Dr. Neilson on this subject and also refers to a letter Neilson wrote to him. Colonel John Louis Hubert Neilson, the grandson of John Neilson, was a physician, soldier, and author. Late of the Royal Canadian Artillery; First Director General and organizer of the Canadian Army medical services; holds General Service medal, and Campaign medal, Soudan 1884-5; Knight of the Order of Melusine; Associate of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Clubs and Societies: Quebec Garrison Club; Military Institute, Whitehall, London, England; Quebec Literary and Historical Society (President).
a) Autograph letter signed. Two pages, 8vo. b) Autograph letter A.W. Moore signed. One page, 4to. c) Autograph letter A.W. Moore signed. One page, 4to.
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