1253Tax included.
On offer are two [2] original manuscript autograph letters handwritten by Mary L. H. Peabody, dated Erzroom [Erzurum, Turkey], April 21, 1845 and Sept. 3, 1845, to brother Rev. Charles Herbert, Missouri. Mary Lawrence Herbert Peabody and her husband, Rev. Jonah Peabody served under the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. These well written letters describe the seemingly insurmountable task of instilling the Christian gospel in Erzurum. Peabody writes of the treaty, political and religious obstacles with the Russians and French; persecution and more. Here are some snippets: April 21, 1845 - "I suppose your are hoping to hear that the door for our Missionary work is thrown wide open by this time. But no, we are still laboring & toiling against the current. If the work of doing good is difficult in our own happy & Christian country what must it be here where Satan's seat is...Our prospect in some respects looks very dark at present. It seems the Russians & French are exerting all their power to oppose the progress of Protestantism...The influence of Russia is peculiarly felt at Erzroom as you know. The almost look upon this part of Turkey as their own...All the efforts of the English consul for us of late have been disregarded by the Bishop...." Sept. 3, 1845 - "Our prospects at times have seemed so dark - the poor people so oppressed & crushed to the earth by those who ought to aid them."; "The Bishop publicly not only orders the people not to speak or transact any business with those excommunicated but also to spit in their faces when they meet them. Notwithstanding...the people dare to read the Gospel & other good books...It is an interesting thing that some boys of 12 or 14 years old are searching the scriptures...Two were in yesterday & Mr. Peabody talked with them & read and explained the Gospel...one of them we have heard reads the Bible much to his mother...his father is much opposed to these things...he has a testament however which he reads privately to his mother...'; "Mr Peabody several weeks since resumed his Armenian service on the Sabbath...Those attending are principally a new set as those who formerly attended are still regarded with so much suspicion..." She also writes of the invalid Mrs. Jackson and her trip across the mountain; gardening; home; and is so ecstatic with the receipt of her brother's daguerreotype that she brings it along to a dinner party. The letters are in generally excellent condition with the exception that each sheet has eight vertical 2" cut marks (clean), not resulting in any text loss. Hand carried covers. Closely penned, ink. 3 1/2pp each.
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