1285Tax included.
On offer is an original manuscript diary handwritten by a 45 year old woman still living with her parents in or near Speedsville New York in Franklin County. The writer mentions some possible clues as to who she is: "December 25th, 1923. The family Xmas dinner was enjoyed at Laura's. Those present were; Frank, Laura and Bernice Lant, Paul, Alice and Laura Mayor and father, Mother and Sister Lewis. We enjoyed a fine dinner and nicely remembered with gifts." Certainly this appears to be a daughter or sister 'in-law' to the Lewis family. Local collectors and historians will have many clues as she also states that on January 21st, 1918 her mother turns 64 and on January 22nd, same year, her father turns 69. She also maintains a super genealogical section with many generations of specific details. Here are some snippets of this 96 page diary: 1917 "December 25th, Christmas day once again. Father met Laura and family in Berkshire yesterday p.m. Brought them home to stay till this p.m. The weather mild and seasonable with good sleighing. We enjoyed a good but simple dinner. The following were at table. Father, mother, Flora, Laura, Frank, Alice, Bernice, Aunt Emma, and Mr. Baker. After enjoying the good things to eat, the table was cleared and then our little gifts exchanged, the money value not great but they were rich in love and all good wishes. Which are the most satisfactory of this life." "December 26th, The men began ice cutting today by the covered bridge. Ice 10 inches. Mrs. Stinerd called this p.m., brought her xmas gifts to show me including knitting bag. Growing colder tonight." 1918 "January 18th, Today is the first of five days shut down in all industries by order of government to relieve the fuel situation. We are having weather around the zero mark continuously." "February 2nd, Wind and snow. 30 below tonight. Clear today. This month begins food regulations according to government orders. Mon. & Wed's wheatless days, Tues meatless, Friday porkless. One meal each day, wheatless. Can buy only a certain amount of wheat, flour and must buy at the same time as much of some other cereal product. All bakers must make war bread. The nation is also on short rations of fuel and sugar." "March 3rd, Alice left us this morning at 9:15 to meet her people in Berkshire to return home. Seems lonesome without her. Wish we might have kept her longer. Services in St. John's today. Mr. Nanz kindly loaned me a book to read, "Meditations for every day in the year". I have been reading it and like it very much….." "May 29th, Miss Root came today to make us a visit. She and mother went to Red Cross meeting this p.m. Raining tonight. Mrs. Lipsett and Mr. Hobson returned to their home from spending winter in N.Y. City. F. Maynard sold his farm to Mr. Holtman." "June 5th, All boys reaching the age of 21 years since June 5th, 1917, must today register for miller (?) orders. In Tompkins Co. Today is house cleaning day. Hired woman and two paper hangers. Ma went to Ber. tonight with Louis and Lydia." "August 8th, Old Home Day in Speedsville Park. I spent the day with Mrs. Lipsett as in former years. The weather was perfect till after the gathering broke up. Than a hard thunder shower came up." September 5th, This afternoon the funeral services for Mrs. Harry Boyer, two o'clock at the house. Pa, ma and F.B. attended. She was 45 years of age. Been ill quite some time. Left home only a week ago to Endicott Hospital. Aunt Jane came down here this forenoon. I have been ill in bed all day from sick headache. Raining tonight." "September 12th, Raining. Today all men between 18-45 who are not already registered must register for military or government work as needed for to help win the war." "October 16th, All day meeting of the Red Cross at Mrs. Leggs. Spanish influenza raging everywhere." "November 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th, Election. A nice and sunny day. Pa been to Berkshire, this the first election for the women to vote. Alfred Smith elected Governor of New York….The Lant family and party started for Florida today by auto. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Jordan, a son, Gilbert Ephriam Jordan…….Mr. Pierce and family have moved into Mr. Meeks red house. This their first night there. Mr. Thompkins and family have moved during the week in with their son Leonard. Mr. Nanz called this p.m. Germany surrendered. Great celebrations everywhere." 1919 "January 22nd, Pa's 70th birthday. The last evening party was to celebrate for him also. Their 65-70 birthday's have been a nice and pleasant one for them. Mrs. Lipsett brought them a cake and beautiful white narcissus. Laura wrote them a letter enclosing views of Daytona Florida where they are now staying. Edith Hulsander sent them a card, Mrs. Stinerd gave a set of soup plates and Louise G. brought them some of her birthday cake. This is quite a lot of January birthdays. Thurston the 17th, Louise the 20th, Ma's the 21st, Pa's the 22nd, and Maud J. the 25th." "February 10th & 12th, The funeral of Joseph Phillips, aged 57, tumor on brain cause of death. Burial at West Slaterville…..The funeral of Miss Mary Osborn, aged 78. Service at Universalist Church. Burial at Jinksville." "May 13th, My birthday was nicely remembered again this year by loving friends having received a box of lovely violets, a collection of shells, 4 letters, box candy, glass of orange conserve and a book, The Story of Waitstill Baxter." "August 24th, Sunday. Laura, Frank and the girls came over this morning and took us up to Caanan [sic]. We looked over the old homes, ate our dinner on the porch of our old house. Called on friends. Came home in a thunder shower." "October 8th, Hard freeze last night. Ma feeling better. Lena came down a little while this p.m. Today begins the great transcontinental contest. Airplanes have been flying over all day. Saw my first." Collectors and local historians will be appreciative as she mentions many names: Arthur Boyer, Meeks, Patch's Store, Stinerd, Coleman's Hall, Blackman, Chafee, Mildred Freeland, Legg, Edna Maynard, Goodrich, Comstock, Eighmy, Frank Yaple, Pangburn, Lant, Dr. Heaton, Arch Deacon Hagerman, Josephine Jordan, Lipsett, Hattie Yoeman, Roy Franklin, Harry Zimmer, Ethel Nichols, Doughty, Foster, Rena Mae Harris, and more. The diary was kept in a 3 ¾" x 6" black tablet that is G+.; Manuscript; 16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall; WOMENS STUDIES, PRE SUFFRAGE, WESTERN NEW YORK, CENTRAL NEW YORK, GENDER STUDIES, WORLD WAR I, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, DIARY, JOURNAL, LOG, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, DIARIES, JOURNALS, LOGS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, AMERICANA, antiquité, contrat, vélin, document, manuscrit, papier Antike, Brief, Pergament, Dokument, Manuskript, Papier oggetto d'antiquariato, atto, velina, documento, manoscritto, carta antigüedad, hecho, vitela, documento, manuscrito, Papel,
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