1628On offer is a super, original manuscript relic of World War I training taking place in Toronto Canada in 1915 handwritten by the entertaining, erudite and personable John F.P. Tate of Macpherson Avenue in Toronto. Originally 14th Battery Canadian Field Artillery then transferred to Canadian Railway Overseas Construction Corps May 5th 1915. Dated January 16th through June 12th John shines as he details with a great deal of verve his experiences. He also does a good job of detailing some of old Toronto. We learn a great deal of his duties and free time activities which include training at the Exhibition Camp where he spends his time dealing with field guns, riding and training horses especially to get them used to gunfire, stabling and caring for the horses, musketry training, field manoeuvres in Humber Valley and the Old Mill, brigade parade at St. Paul's and much, much more. Here are some snippets: 2.26.15 "The society after some weeks deliberation felt that it could scarcely permit another day to pass without showing in some material way its recognition of my worth hence my installation as President of the stable." 3.3.15 "After this AMs gun drill I have had enough practice to enable me to do it in my sleep. Had a lecture from the crazy man on lines of fire." 4.15.15 "My liver lungs stomach and heart were one vibrating churning mass when I underwent the usual ordeal of martyrdom on the limber foot drill." 4.16.15 "That malformed swine again. Removed a ton of ice from around the stable top with a pick. Froze to death on the lake front to gratify Cliffie's whim." 4.17.15 "Won the admiration of many by the way I didn't fulfill my duty when posted as sentry on Strachan Ave gate." 6.11.15 "Busy to day. Detailed to superintend loading of hold no. 1 SS Herschell. Had six wharf rats under my guidance whose wholehearted aversion to work appealed to me more in a humorous light than an irritating one. Am beginning to be able to feel very keenly for them." There are a few rough edges and one little section is missing from the outside binding, at the bottom; approx. 3/8" Some of the pages are turned up on the corners and the outside edges are gold but overall the leather book is G.
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