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On offer is a super, original 1891 manuscript relic of a Victorian Era teacher named of Jennie T. Weimer, handwritten while Jennie was in her 8th year of teaching at the University of Akron [founded in 1870 as Buchtel College] and while she does not specify the University of Akron she makes mention Professors Glover, Wise, Hamblin and Fraunfelter and writes about the "New Building" and Crouse Gymnasium and Albert Hall which makes the fact it is U of A conclusive. Jennie was born on August 8th, 1865. Her mother was Mary C. Weimer and either her father died or left them at an early age because the 1880 census show 14 year old Jennie living with her step father George T. Rankin (a carpenter) and her mother and two half-brothers, Irving Cornelius and George Thomas. Jennie is also listed on Akron's school board directory as a teacher. The page a day book is very full and a treasure trove of local history and genealogy for historians and researchers in Akron Ohio. She does a super job of listing many names and local events. The diary is not only full of her days of teaching and social events but also in the summer of this year she takes a two week trip to Eagle Harbor and also travels to Niagara Falls. Here are some snippets: 1891 "January 21st, I arose at 7. Went to school a little before 8 on the car. Taught all day and came home on the car at 12:15. Crocheted and went back about one on the car. I went down the street at eleven and bought a handkerchief case and glove case for Mart, also a black silk handkerchief for him. Ma was 44 years old today. I came home about five in the car this evening because it was raining. Walt was over in the evening and went home at 9:30. Clapp was here to tea and remained for the evening going to the Hotel at eleven. I received a letter from Mart and retired at 11:30." "February 3rd, I arose at 6:30. Went to school on the car at 8 and taught all day. Came home at 12 on car. Did some mending and went back at one. Walked because the electricity left the wire. Came home about five on the car. Mrs. Bates was here a little while. I was at home all evening and wrote to Mart and retired at nine. It was a snowy, cold day." "February 7th, I arose at 6:30. Miss Carothers and I took the 9 o'clock train and went to Cleveland. It rained and snowed all day long. But never the less we had a nice time. We went to dinner with Mr. Clapp. She and I did some trading in the morning and then went to hear the "Black Hussar" by McCaul Opera Company then did some trading and went to "Live and Let Live" for super. We came home at 10:15. I retired at 11:30. I received a letter from Mart and from Howard." "March 25th, I arose at 7. Went to school at 8 and taught all day. I came home at 11:45 on the car. I received a nice letter from Mart and I crocheted some. I went back about one on the car. Bert Pardee was at school all P.M. I came home about 4:45 on the car. In the eve we all went to the college to the Ashton Prize contest. Irv took second place, which was twenty dollars. Anna Berry went with me. Walter came home with us and came in awhile. He went home about 11:15. I retired at 11:30." "April 1st, I arose at 6:15. I was at home all day and sewed. Miss Smith was here sewing for me. Ma and I got a dozen of white roses and sent up for Mrs. Rood's funeral. They had the funeral at 6:30 P.M. and then went to the depot and took her to Wellington for burial. I went to the depot. Walter and Charles Mottinger were here in the eve. I received a nice letter from Mart and a notice from Joseph Mitchell and Co. I retired at 11." "May 12th, I arose at 6:30. Went to school at 8 on the car. Taught all day and came home at 11:30 on the car. Received a letter from Ada and answered it. Did not get it mailed today. I went back on the car at one. Came home about six. In the evening ma and I went to the Evangelical Church and heard Jay Staninger, the 6 year old boy orator, lecture on the "Inequality of Man." It was very good. We came home about ten and I retired at 10:45. Received a letter from Mrs. Holcomb." "May 30th, I arose at 5:30. Went to the depot at 9 and saw the crowd off to the picnic for the Reserved Corp of the Central M.E. Church of Cleveland held a picnic with our class at Stow. I went up with Mrs. Young in the carriage. Had a delightful day. I spent a good share of the day with the Misses Climo and Mr. F. Hester of Cleveland. We came home about 8 and Mrs. Young and I went to choir meeting. Came home at 9:30. Retired at 10:15." "June 10th, I arose at 6. Went to school at 8 on the car. Taught all day. Came home at 11:30 on the car. Received a letter from Howard. Anna our old girl was here for dinner. I went back about one on the car. A thunder storm came up on my way over and the electricity was turned off for away but I got to school on time. At four I took the car and went to the church to Helen Stover's organ recital and then went down stairs to Missionary tea and flag drill. After which I went out riding with Mr. Young's until 10:30. I retired at 11:30. Professor Glover was at the building this P.M." "July 4th, I arose at 8. Helped with the work for our girl Mani went to a picnic. I watched the show parade as it passed the house. Baby was real sick all day. In the P.M. I took him to the Dr. Ada Allen was here a few minutes this morning. Gordon was here to dinner. About 4 o'clock Mr. Will Taylor came from Pittsburg and then he and I drove up to the lake and then stopped at the falls and got our supper and had the horse fed. Came home about ten. Mr. T. came in until 10 minutes of twelve. I retired at 12." "July 12th, I arose at 7. Studied my S.S. lesson and then went to S.S. and taught Mrs. Berry's class. Remained for church. After dinner went to Mr. Glover's and he, Nell Hine, Ion Jackson and myself looked over some music and at 2:30 the carriage came and took us to sing at the funeral of a Mr. Helwig who was burned to death by gasoline explosion. Came home about four and Bert Richardson and I went for the Dr. for Irv. Walt was over while I was gone to the funeral. In the evening I wrote to Mart Howard and Mr. Taylor. I retired at 10:30." "July 22nd, I rose at 4:30. Had my breakfast and Ma, Irv and George went with me to the depot. The train was late and I did not leave until 6:30. Got into Cleveland at 8 and left at 8:30. Reached Erie at noon and cousin Maggie was at the depot to see me. Got into Buffalo about 3:30 and went up on Main St. and did some trading. Left Buffalo at 4:55 and reached Lockport at 6 and left S. about 6:30 and arrived at Eagle Harbor about 7:30. Cousin Howard met me and took me to Mr. Ferguson. We had tea and I went with H. to prayer meeting. Came home about nine and we talked until ten. Then I did some unpacking and retired at about 10:30." "July 28th, I arose at 7. It was a beautiful day. I helped with the morning work. H and I started for a drive about 10 o'clock. We called at Tommie Platten. Had dinner at William Platten's and then called on Mrs. Gaze. From there we drove to Lakeside, a summer resort on the lake. Had supper there and came home about 10:15. Retired at 11. I received a card from ma." "August 8th, I arose about 6:30. Minnie gave me a cup and saucer for my birthday and her mother a nice pen wiper and Henry gave me 26 cents because I was 26 years old. I wrote a letter to Howard and a postal to ma. Received a nice letter from Anna. I went up to Allen's awhile in the A.M. In the P.M. John took Min, Emma Lockhart and myself to the ball game between the Jamestown's and Meadville's. In the eve Sue and Liz Bradley and Mrs. Mansfield and Callie and Willie were done. We all went up to Mrs. Mansfield and had an electrical shock. Retired at 11." "August 13th, I arose at 6:30. I crocheted some and talked some and I received a letter from mamma, also from Mart. I wrote to Mart and Walt and a postal and ma. In the P.M. the boys got a double carriage and John, Henry, Minnie, baby Minnie and I went to Saegertown and took supper at Ponce De Leon. Came home about nine. I washed my bangs and Min and I retired at 10:30." "August 25th & 26th, I arose at 6. Wrote awhile then went down and packed my trunk and paid for the wool being carded. Howard, Willie and I called at Northam's and then went and called on old Mrs. Stuart at the hospital. After dinner Howard and I went down and bid Northam's good bye. Callie, Willie, Min. and Henry went to the depot with us for Howard and I took the 3 o'clock train for Akron. The "Fresh Air Children" went back so we went down a little early. We reached Akron at 7:30 and went up home. Our folks were very much surprised for they were expecting me the next day and were no looking for Howard. We had a very pleasant visit. Retired at 12:30." "I arose at 6. We let Howard sleep until about 7:30 when he awoke and come down stairs. We visited some in the morning and in the P.M. I got a horse and carriage and Howard and I drove up to Stow Lake and stopped and saw Miss Carothers on our way home. Got here about 7 o'clock. We had a splendid visit in the eve. H. asked me a question that set me to considerable thinking but no decision. We retired about 2." "September 8th, I arose at 6. Helped with the work. Went to school at 8 on the car and began my eighth year of teaching. Had 50 scholars after promotion. I came home on the car at 11:30. Did some sewing and went back at one on the car. Profs. Fraunfelter and Wise were at the building this P.M. I came home about 5:15 on the car and remained at home all eve….." "October 21st, I arose at 7. Went to school at 8 riding over with Clare Howland. Came home at 11:30 on the car. Helped with the work and went back at one on the car. I taught all day. Professor Hamblin was at the building today. George came over to school after me at four. He took me down to the P.O. to mail my letter to Howard which I wrote this morn. Matt Wise went home with us. Ma and the folks went to H. Missionary tea at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Young called in the eve. Esther, Ellen and Mrs. Ida Jolly and I went to hear the Sadie Schubert Quartette and Emerson the first of the Y.M.C.A. course. Came home shortly after ten. Retired at 11." "November 5th, I arose at 6:30. Went to school at 8 on the cars. Taught all day. Prof. Wise was at the building this A.M. I came home about 11:30 and found Howard Mc Dowell here. I was very glad to see him. He went over to school with me in the P.M. Prof. Fraunfelter was at the building this P.M. At four H. and I went down the street and I did trading and then stopped at Sybil and got my evening dress and paid for my evening dress and gave her some money for stockings. In the eve I went to rehearsal and H. went to prayer meeting and then came up after me. We came home about ten and talked until very late." "December 25th, I arose at 8. Received a gold bracelet from ma, silver paper knife from Mart, afternoon coffee spoon from Irv, darning bag from Mrs. Ferguson, slipper from Minnie, soap from George, name cards and plate from Mrs. Young, picture and frame from Emma Jones, dessert spoon Miss Smith, dessert and two tea spoons from ma, 3 afternoon coffee cups and saucers from Mary. I sewed some in the morning. In the P.M. went and sat with Mrs. Bates. In the eve went to the church to xmas entertainment and then to Y.M.C.A. lecture. It was Brooks, the poet humorist. The Caskey's were here to see my presents. We came home about 10:20 retired at 11:15." Names mentioned include: Young, Redding, Rhorbucher, De La Matyr, Snyder, King, Osborne, Weeks, Emerson, Lyman, Clapp, Smith, Ada Allen, Elliot, Carothers, Leland Powers, Dr. Chapman, Lake, Josie Stoffer, Marshall, Derthic, Clemminger, Bessie Scott, Charlie Mottinger, Roddinger, Kate Bolander, Dr. Hitchcock, Elery, Gamble, Griffith, Marcy Wicks, Edith Haxton, Amanda Getz and more. The diary measures about 3 ½" x 6" and although the cover is very worn, the binding and pages look great. Overall G+.; Manuscript; 24mo - over 5" - 5¾" tall; KEYWORDS: HISTORY OF, UNIVERSITY OF AKRON, BUCHTEL COLLEGE, CROUSE GYMNASIUM, TRAVEL, AMERICANA, GEORGE T. RANKIN, EAGLE HARBOR, EDUCATION, VICTORIAN ERA, OHIO, OH, WOMEN'S STUDIES, PRE SUFFRAGE, GENDER STUDIES, WOMEN TEACHERS, WOMEN IN EDUCATION, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, ARCHIVE, DIARY, DIARIES, ANTIQUITÉ, CONTRAT, VÉLIN, MANUSCRIT, PAPIER ANTIKE, BRIEF, PERGAMENT, DOKUMENT, antiquité, contrat, vélin, document, manuscrit, papier Antike, Brief, Pergament, Dokument, Manuskript, Papier oggetto d'antiquariato, atto, velina, documento, manoscritto, carta antigüedad, hecho, vitela, documento, manuscrito, papel.

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