1650On offer is a superb, original 1763 manuscript relic of Colonial America being a handwritten legal agreement between a shopkeeper and millwright to his future tenant. Historians and collectors of legal Americana will appreciate the wonderful content: the tenant could only keep two fires in the house; in the kitchen and the other room and among other things he had to agree to take in the landlord's wife or mother! Here is a some of the transcription: "Memorandum the____ day of May 1763 made between John Gailbreath of the City of Philadel shopkeeper of the one part and Richard Hall of Springfield in the county of Chester Millwright of the other part as follows. First the----John Gailbreath herby letts his house and plantation in Springfield for one year from the date hereof to the said Richard Hall paying the rent of twenty seven pounds and if the rent is not paid at the years end to give security to pay the same in four months after which the tenant agrees to do and keep the house, fences, and premises in repair as good as now. And that he shall not keep more fires in the house but only one in the kitchen and one in the other room. And also not to cut any timber or wood but in the back field joining to Crosiers Plantation and that for fencing and fireing on the premises and the use the tops of the trees and old decayed wood for fireing first and that he shall not plough nor sow but only the back fields or the field next the meadow for winter corn. But he may put summer grain anywhere were it has been usual. If the tenant thinks fit he may plant indian corn in the fallow field. The tenant agrees if Mrs. Gailbreath shall have a mind to go live on the places she may have the back room below stairs and if the landlord shall have a mind to put another tenant on the place next season he may send persons by the first day of next april who shall have liberty to work on the place and have use of the house in the spring with as little unconveniency to the tenant as can reasonably be expected. And the tenant agrees not to take any hay, straw, or dung off the premises and the tenant is to have liberty to reap his corn and thrash it in the barn after the time is out leaving the straw and the chaff and the tenant agrees to deliver up the quiet and peaceable ----of the premises unto the landlord on the first day of may next and for the true performance of all and singular the covenants agreement afor. The said parties to these presents do hereby bind themselves their executors and administrators each other in the penal sum of fifty pounds lawful money firmly by these presents in witness." Has some edge staining and small tears but overall G.
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