1698On offer is an original, manuscript 1909 through 1913 diary handwritten by Grace Waldron Calvert, the daughter of Colonel William H. Waldron, a pioneer journalist and one of five original publishers of the Boston Herald. He was instrumental in developing several other publications but in 1872 he established the Lewiston Weekly Gazette and in 1876 his son-in-law, Thomas E. Calvert, Grace's husband, entered into partnership with him and became editor of the Gazette. Colonel Waldron died in 1881. Grace and Thomas of Portland Maine belonged to a County Club, took numerous trips to New York, attend balls, plays, recitals, and even a reception at the white house in 1912 and much more. She also belongs to a "Current Events" club. Grace's daughter was a soprano singer who studied under Alfred Brinkler. [Ephemera such as newspaper clippings inside the diary mention her events.] There is also a newspaper article which talked about an illness her other daughter Dorothy experienced and the diary also talks of this. Dorothy spends over a month in the hospital. Here are some snippets: 1909 "In all day. Tom and I went to see The Witching Hour. John Mason leading man. Great play. John Mason nearly spoiled the play by being under the influence of something…..Telegram from O. W. L. that Dr. gives no hope, asking me to go on. I telephoned in reply to know if I was needed immediately. Home all day. Sewed all day…..Shampoo at 9. Had a woman to cook for us all day. Country Club P.M. with Grace. Home in Mr. Woodman's car. Mrs. Wilson and Elizabeth here to dinner. John Alden and wife here evening…..Twenty three years ago today since our little Tommy died. Miss Mayer here sewing. Sewed with her…..Downtown A.M. on business. Country Club P.M. Grace went to Bath in Government boat with some people from Mt. Williams….Grace and I had delightful day. Went down the bay with Mr. Brownell and a party in his motor boat. Dolly could not go, not well. Had picnic on shore. Home at six P.M…..Shampooed. Downtown A.M. on business. Took Lizzie to Country Club P.M. Went to Cushing's Island with a crowd at 10:30. Helen Phillips went away…..In all day. Aunt Anna walked to Eastman's. We all went in to Mr. Brinkler's in evening. Grace sang and sang well. Jefferson theatre opened….Went to station with Gertrude's who went to New Harbor. Dr. Hull, Meta and I went to Long Island for sail at 4 P.M. We three with Cleeland went to Keith's theatre in evening…..Downtown A.M. Miss Reynolds fixing my lace gown. Charity Ball. Ross dined here. Dolly went to the Venus. Had fine time at the ball. In all went well……" 1910 "Lovely day. Dolly and I walked part way to County Club, P.M. Had "Tea" with Mr. Harvey Smith. T. E. C. and I played bridge evening. Mistake. In all day Sunday, worked on business matters….I went driving with Aunt Anna. Pleasant. Went to see Dr. Thompson with Dolly. Went to La Fayette to see Mrs. Rice who has an opening. She was here in P.M. Mrs. R. in evening to show corset….." 1911 "Graces wedding day. Weather perfect. Beautiful wedding. Reception very satisfactory. Grace and Percy went to Boston on 3:35 train. Masquerade party to which we all went in evening. Mr. Bishop went to New York….Dr. Ruffin came in to see Grace. She is in fairy good condition…..In town A.M. Tried on my suit first time. Back to W. Medford. Dressed and we all came into Kittredge-Hamlin wedding. Very warm day…..In all day. Mrs. Newman here finishing my gown. Went to Charity Ball evening. Fine Party. Downtown A.M. Nammie here all night. Mrs. Holland here. Shampoo and facial….." 1912 Lovely day. Grace taken sick about 2 A.M. Baby came at 1:30 P.M. A beautiful little girl. Dorothy. Eleven and ½ hours she was sick. Did not expect her for 3 weeks. 8 ½ pounds….I went to the President's reception to the _____at the White House. Great crowd…..Pleasant and spring like. G. went to dentist A.M. I took C. Denison to see Baby Mine and the Russian Dancers at the Bellosco (?). Then to Tea Cup Inn for cup of tea……Cloudy. Percy and Capt. Brigham went to S____in the machine. Grace and Mrs. Bingham went to see Officer 660 in evening. Girls went to tea at Elizabeth…." 1913 "In the house all day. Molly asked to see me and asked me to read to her which I did. She does not want to see anyone….Gen. Tilden's father, Col of the 16th Maine Regt. Called with Charles Gordon Sr. and Jr. They are on their way to Gettysburg. Auto ride with C. A. G. Jr. P.M…..In all day. These days from the second day of July to the fourth are anniversary days of the Battle of Gettysburg…..Dolly taken terribly ill about 10 A.M. upon coming in from downtown. Hurried to hospital by Dr. Operated upon at 2:45. Dr's Thompson and Brock. Ulcer had perforated stomach. I staid at hospital all night. D. wanted me about 1 A.M. Went in to see her…." The 1909 has full handwritten entries for every day. The other years are about ½ to ¾ full. The diary measures 5" x 7 ¾" and is Overall G+.; Manuscript; 48mo - over 3" - 4" tall; KEYWORDS: HISTORY OF, GRACE WALDRON CALVERT, THOMAS E. CALVERT, COLONEL WILLIAM H. WALDRON, BOSTON HERALD, ALFRED BRINKLER, BOSTON, PORTLAND MAINE, JOURNALISM, JOURNALISTS, NEWSPAPERS, NEWSPAPERMEN, GENDER STUDIES, WOMEN'S STUDIES, AMERICANA, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, BIOGRAPHY, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, ARCHIVE, DIARY, DIARIES, ANTIQUITÉ, CONTRAT, VÉLIN, MANUSCRIT, PAPIER ANTIKE, BRIEF, PERGAMENT, DOKUMENT, antiquité, contrat, vélin, document, manuscrit, papier Antike, Brief, Pergament, Dokument, Manuskript, Papier oggetto d'antiquariato, atto, velina, documento, manoscritto, carta antigüedad, hecho, vitela, documento, manuscrito, Papel,
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