515Tax included.
On offer ia a personal diary starting July 4, 1929 ending August 31, 1929. The inscription reads: Stanley F. Treu, 109-33-116 St., Richmond Hill, Long Island, N. Y. Stanley, a rather 'wild one', though quite literate and certainly well spoken, describes a cross country trip in great detail. Beginning from home in Richmond Hill, LI, he writes daily, crosses the country to Oregon, down to Mexico and back to New Yorok State over the near 8 weeks they are on the road. Frequent repairs, a fair bit of drinking and shenanigans these fellows are a fun bunch and quite independant. Stanley's observations of the country and the trip are super. He gives particular detail of a juant to Juarez where he and the boys run some booze up into the USA from Mexico. There are also wonderful descriptions of the scenery in State Parks. There are description of Glaciers, Old Faithful, and every thing you can imagine. Arlington Cemetary was mentioned and there are descriptions of killing animals (a rabbitt and a rattlesnake). He mentions fishing several times and also talks about the food and the problems with the car they were driving. Each page also notes the miles traveled. The last few pages seem to be ripped out. The last entry says that he went to a welcome home party and "Had a wonderful time while it lasted." The entry about the Mexican trip reads as follows: "First thing this a.m. Erny went into the city to get our supplies & I cleaned the carbon, etc. until he got he back. We then filed the shines on the 3 not so bad bearing but the one Erny had bought needed new shines, so once again he went back to Dodge. I ground the valves while he was gone & upon his return we finished up. The one new bearing was too tight & caused a piston slap at first but gradually came in. (our vacuum tank was leaking so we rode to Dodge & had that fixed. After that we ate & then went over into Jurez, Mexico, leaving our car in Texas. Had some drinks &wrote some cards. Crossed bridge 3 times before we finally got what we wanted. Bought cigarettes, etc. Got acquainted with a fellow in a gas station who told us how we could get some booze over. At 10.00 he, a mex., Erny & I rode over the border in a car at a desolate spot, Had a few more drinks & then smuggled 4 qts back with us. The 2 guys we took over were afraid to come back so we ran the stuff over alone. It was quite a thrill even though we weren't bothered by any customs officers. Rode out of the city about 30 miles & camped on the side of the road. The mosquitos were terrible. Reading- 22229 Day- 40" For the most part quite legible I would say at least 95% fully written but a 110% entertaining. The cover is careworn but no significant damage to the outside. Ther are few pages torn out of the end of the book most likely for notes as the text appears complete. Super early travel diary. ; Manuscript; 16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall; DEPRESSION ERA, PROHIBITION, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, DIARY, JOURNAL, LOG, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, DIARIES, JOURNALS, LOGS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, AMERICANA, EPHEMERA, SMUGGLING, RUM RUNNING, MEXICO, TRAVEL,
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