630On offer a very rare archive of handwritten manuscript documents, notes, file cards and typed letter written authored by Dr. Mary L Cook famed Quaker physician, teacher and children's rights activist. There are many monuments to her outstanding works in her home state of Ohio. The archive details her preparation for her speech (A Plea for Children's Rights). In total there are nineteen [19] 6 x 3.25 inch file cards; one [1] 8.5 x 11 inch 6 pp typed copy of a speech; 3 detached sides of #10 envelopes used for notes and lastly thirteen [13] 5 x 8 inch page notepad style sheets. VG. BIO NOTES: Cook graduated in 1887 and was the valedictorian of the first graduating class of the Harveysburg, Ohio public schools. Cook (1869-1964) was born to Seth and Hannah Cook, Quakers who lived near Mt. Holly in Warren County. While working as a secretary, she enrolled in an evening medical school and graduated after four years. She eventually saved enough money to study one year at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at the University of Illinois. She graduated in 1908, and in the fall she returned to Waynesville, Ohio and opened her office, located in the Waynesville National Bank building on the northwest corner of Main and North streets. She practiced medicine in Waynesville for more than 52 years. In 1958, at the age of 88, Cook ranked as one of the oldest women practitioners in the United States. Cook was instrumental in the founding of the public library in Waynesville. In early 1917, she gathered together interested citizens and established a library association. The state granted a charter on Ohio May 1, 1917. In 1924 the Library Association Board assumed the responsibilities of a school district public library. Cook was appointed the first president of the board of trustees, a position she held until 1960. Information provided by the Mary L. Cook public library.
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