533On offer is a very interesting and enigmatic diary of the Korean Conflict and the effect of war on a man. The author, Captain Elbert Emerson Stickel, begins writing January 31, 1951. He is fastidious in his keeping of this journal - he fills in the personal record info even listing the serial number of both his watches, his pistol and his rifle. He writes in tiny - very legible - capital letters in most of the book. Capt. Stickels is a man in flux - mental and physical and almost certainly more. He writes of zero moral, dank, dark quarters, frequent evacuations and sending men to scrounge for supplies. He is not a happy soldier. He also complains when 'convalescent leave' is not granted. He seems to be the man in the middle: not part of the fighting but the guy that gets things done. Everyday that he writes he details what he is doing, who he meets and very frequently to where he is evacuated. He also interacts with various armed forces delivering medicines, dealing/training with civilian labor, preparing a directive for refugee control, hiring a woman doctor and pharmacist, having to find rice [a difficult procurement], 'investigated the Thomas case', provides and has a number of occasions with booze, visits the 1st Battalion, the Belgian Battalion, deals with payrolls and at one time has $5,000,000, visits with a psychiatrist and later admits 'Feel okay except for what is in the back of my mind.'. He has other tests and then on April 1st he writes that he is told on a visit to the psychiatrist he will be sent to 141 General Hospital. Another time he has a 'consultation' with another captain and he writes he feels like hell. April 14th - 'Suggested possibility of operation to ward surgeon." The the next day - 'Dressed to go to church but inadvertently fell to drinking.'; and then remarkably on the 21st of April - 'Appointment with Major Segal 0900. No circumcision - will retn to States immediately. Sold radio to Capt. Jordan...' Through mid May the Captain does much Stateside and in the hospital for a stint of tests. He stops writing after the 13th of May and then picks up with June 8th - 'Appeared before the Medical Board.' Soon thereafter he does get leave, writes of his travels and then re-assignment. Further down the road he notes his letter of resignation has been turned down. Interesting, intriguing and enigmatic. A real collectible in the art of the diary. This 'Army Mutual Aid Association 1951' diary is in very good shape.; Manuscript; 48mo - over 3" - 4" tall; AMERICANA, OREGON, CALIFORNIA, SALINAS, NORTH KOREA, KOREAN WAR, KOREAN CONFLICT, SOUTH KOREA, US ARMY, MEDICAL, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, DIARY, JOURNAL, LOG, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, DIARIES, JOURNALS, LOGS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY,
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