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On offer is a super, original 1862 - 1871 manuscript diary handwritten by Abijah W. Talbut [sometimes Talbot] of Columbia Falls Maine who was a minor inventor and likely cranberry farmer as we note from one online reference: "… it was the rake developed by Abijah Talbot of Columbia Falls, Maine that became the standard for the industry. This rake was similar to those used for harvesting cranberries, but had metal teeth and a flat bottom like a dustpan. With only minor modifications it is still in use by many growers." The diary has 110+ pages of which most are financial and expense entries with some miscellaneous notes however historians, researchers and collectors of early East to West intra America travel will find a significant 34 page narrative section of a near epic 1867 trip from Columbia Falls Maine all the way to St. Paul Minnesota and somewhat beyond involving stage coaches, steamships and trains. He makes note that this is his first trip on a train. His also details his time on a Mississippi River steamboat, the Addie Johnson which had been built just three years prior. He takes a packet up the Mississippi all the way to St. Paul and then walked to St. Anthony's Falls. He then takes a stage to Princeton Minnesota where the joins a crew who is working on building a dam outside of town. They are camping in tents and this camp is called the Barrows Camp. He's only in camp a few months (very brief entries of life in camp) and then decides to head back home. There are a several more sporadic diary entries of life in Maine dotted through the expense pages and while Abijah writes in a naïve format his diary makes for a fascinating read. Here are some snippets: 1867 "New Wharf. Left Mill (Milbridge Maine?) Oct. 14th, 9 A.M. Clear with smart breeze. Touched at lower wharf. 11 A.M. sick. 11:30 touched at L. W. got tickets through to Boston. Bought first to Rockland then to Boston. Touched at Pedgoria (?) 1:45 P.M. Touched at Deer isle 2:05 P.M. left Castine 3:15 P.M. Since left S. W. Harbor (Southwest Harbor Maine) has been very smooth. Have not been sick. At Rockland 5:15 P. M. Waited until 7:40 before the Cambridge arrived so to change passengers. Left Rockland 8:40 evening. The Cambridge came near loosing a passenger cause of being late. They are now driving the Richmond. Good to make time. At 9 o'clock turned in, soon after passing out headlight. Slept nicely all night. Woke up, found myself in Portland. Cruise about took breakfast at Kenn (?) saloon. Shaved, walked and run about till half past 8. Took cars for Boston. Started 8:45 traveling for 1st time by rail. Passing 16 ash stacks. Thick as cocks…….North Berwic, smart looking place. At Berwic Junction passed trains at 11 o'clock. Salmon Falls, a splendid place mostly brick buildings. Next change for good. Falls next. Stop at Dover. Splendid place from Salmon Falls to Dover, nice looking farm houses and farms. Durham short. Running 24 per hour…." [New Market, Exeter where they stop for refreshments, East Kingston, Newton, Atkinson, Haverhill, Bradford, North Andover, Lawrence and more.] "Tuesday October 15th, Left Boston at 2:30 P.M. for the west. 1st at Framingham, 2nd, West Brookfield. 11 o'clock P. M. Albany, left Springfield at dark and could not note stations. Wednesday Oct. 16, waiting at Syracuse for train to suspension bridge. Traveled all night. Port Byron a small station. The scenery from Syracuse has been delightful, level country, good farms but small house. From Fort Byron land more uneven, larger houses…" "Lockport waiting at the suspension bridge for dinner. After dinner train started and crossed the great suspension bridge very slow. We had a fine view of this stupendous work. It is impossible for me to describe or give the least idea. Also had glimpse of Niagara Falls as the majestic waters falls to the casom below. Across on Canada side waiting for passengers….." (Dundas, Harrisburg, Paris) "I noticed that since entering Canada our lady passengers are not so partial to waterfalls nor the latest style hat. Here we have the fashions of several seasons." (Princeton, Ingersoll, London. Detroit, Ann Arbor, Dexter, Chelsea, Jackson City, Grass Lake, Marshal, Battle Creek, Galesburg, Kalamazoo, Niles, Chicago. Milwaukee, La Cross, Watertown, Lowell, Columbia, Fall River, Otsego) "Saturday Oct. 19th, On board packet Addie Johnston bound for Minneapolis. Arrived at LaX (I'm sure he means La Crosse). Took packet ran 9 miles stopped on account of fog till morning. We started, ran into a boat towing lot of barges. Injured one of barges. Our boat and the Phil Sheridan (a side wheel boat) are trying titles as to speed. Ours is a stern wheel. The Sheridan has 2 many wheels for our Addie. The country along great Mississippi is splendid. The river is comprised of a regular succession of crooks. There R many small settlements along its banks but the most prominent feature is the bluffs which rise from the water 2 a great height and reside suddenly back of these I am told the country is a beautiful prairie. I saw a number of rafts of lumber going down river with houses built on them. Touched at Winona, a smart place 25 miles above LaX. This town is cituated on a level plain between the river and bluffs the water is kept from overflowing by levee or dyke as we call it. City Mountain composed of small houses stuck on to the side of a bluff. Took dinner on board. Had a nice one….."(Minnewaska, Wabasha Landing, Reed Landing, Lake City.) "Sunday Oct. 20th, Still on board Packet plowing up the Mississippi. The river is very low. Reefs and sand banks are to be seen on every side and very often the boat is running in 3 ft. of water. The Addie Johnston is a fine boat of 315 tons. Gentlemanly Captain and officers. They furnish us vittles on the boat free and no better gents can be wished. We are now passing where the banks are not so bold but spread out into broad bottom lands covered with heavy growth of Elm Hickory and Cottonwood….." "Just below St. Paul passed 2 boats aground. Arrived at St. Paul Sunday at 11 o'clock as there was no conveyance we started to walk up. Arrived at St. Anthony at 3 P.M. I walked around and found Mr. Skinner on Minneapolis side a mile from the city." "October 21st, Been running around all day after my trunk. It came at last on the 6 o'clock train from St. Paul. Am boarding with Mr. Plummer. Commenced today. Talked with lumber men but could not get much of a right. A fellow in St. Paul jerked 50 cents out of me by promising to send my trunk by morning train and did not do it." "Wednesday Oct. 22nd. 2:25 P.M. At Anoka a waiting for cars to Minneapolis. Have been up river 18 miles to look at a farm have not decided to purchase the price of that piece is 10 per acre…." "October 26th, Been loafing up town. Have hired with Mr. Barrows. Have been digging potatoes two days for Mr. Loverins. Loafed until the 30 started for woods. Took cars to Elk River and stopped for dinner then took stage to Princeton where we stop over night. Next morning started, drove 12 miles, camped, had hunt for hay, found none. Next morning started, arrived at the spot where we are to build the dam and prepared for camping. Sat. Nov. 2nd, commenced on dam. Dug trenches, put in 2 bed pieces. Sat. night snowed. Camping in tents…" "January 21st, Discharged last night, going out to Princeton today thence home. Took dinner at Mayo's ½ way camp. Stopped over night at Princeton. Wednesday 22nd, at Mr. Plummer's. Started this morning from Princeton, took stage to Elk River. Was a little seasick ridin in the prairie schooner. Took cars to Minneapolis then came out here where I arrived at 2 P.M." He finally reaches Bangor and boards a stage arriving home February 6th. The 3 x 6 inch book is in rough shape being worn and the pages have some smudging but overall better than Fair. ; Manuscript; 32mo - over 4" - 5" tall; KEYWORDS: HISTORY OF, ABIJAH W. TALBOT, STEAMSHIP, ADDIE JOHNSON, MISSISSIPPI RIVER, COLUMBIA FALLS, MAINE, BARROWS CAMP, PRINCETON MINNESOTA, TRAVEL, TRAIN, STEAMSHIP, MISSISSIPPI RIVER, RAILROAD, STAGECOACH, CRANBERRY FARMER, POST CIVIL WAR, RECONSTRUCTION ERA, CIVIL WAR ERA, INTRA AMERICA TRAVEL, EAST TO WEST TRAVEL IN AMERICA, AMERICANA, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, AUTOGRAPHED, AUTHORS, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, ARCHIVE, DIARY, DIARIES, JOURNAL, LOG, PRIMARY SOURCE, FIRST HAND ACCOUNT, SOCIAL HISTORY, PERSONAL STORIES, LIVING HISTORY, ANTIQUITÉ, CONTRAT, VÉLIN, DOCUMENT, MANUSCRIT, PAPIER ANTIKE, BRIEF, PERGAMENT, DOKUMENT, MANUSKRIPT, PAPIER OGGETTO D'ANTIQUARIATO, ATTO, VELINA, DOCUMENTO, MANOSCRITTO, CARTA ANTIGÜEDAD, HECHO, VITELA, DOCUMENTO, MANUSCRITO, PAPEL,BIOGRAPHY BIOGRAPHICAL AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY PERSONAL NARRATIVES

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