659On offer is a super diary handwritten we believe by Mrs. Electa J.K. Penny. Living in New York City, Electa has used an 1866 diary for the year 1867 and writes extensively of activities and events. Enclosed in the diary is a calling card for Mrs. Penny and as she makes numerous references to 'Electa' and activities more suited to a younger person we conclude that her daughter was named after her. A great look at life for one family living in New York City immediately after the Civil War. Here are some snippets: "February 14th, Oscar came for us. Was there to dinner and fetched us to Otisville. Came to Middletown. G.M. came with us. Took tea at the Ogden House. Came to New York on express. Got home at 11 p.m all right." "March 13th, Karen called. Eliza came and we went to Mrs. Brown's. She went with us to Canal Head. Looked in cloak store for short sagues. Eliza came home and stayed all night." "March 14th, Eliza here and spent the day. We went down to B. Way (Broadway) to Ford and Taylor's bought 3 collars. Visited studio and saw pictures. Went down town and up to the depot with John L. Eliza stayed all night." "March 20th, Sarah here to spend the day. Came early and staid until 4 o'clock. I went with her to Broadway to look for cloth for those children. Came home in the train. Eliza first called to Mr. Grants and came home again." "May 1st, Eliza at Grants. Electa's school dismissed at noon. Arose at 5 o'clock in the morning. Eliza and Electa took hoop and went to park. Returned at 7 for breakfast. I wrote to mother and Russell. Received a letter from John L. Paid one months rent in advance up to June 1st." "May 3rd Wash woman here. I made ginger cracks. Eliza and Electa went out in morning to park. Had a pleasant time. Called at Mrs. Bogart with Eliza at eve. Charley Plumb spent the evening. Paid washwoman seventy five cents. Wrote Mrs. Plumb." "June 12th, Went to Brooklyn. Spent the day. Sarah and I without other company took clock to be repaired. Came home East Broadway road with John. Finished Sarah tatting for babies shirts. Eliza at the Backman's mending lace." "July 11th, John on cars. Louisa and Carrie came in morning at 7 o'clock. Houghton called. Sailed for California at noon. Louisa and Carrie, myself and E. went to B. Way. Got Louisa a dress. We all called at 11th street." "July 23rd, Came to the plantation in afternoon. Jabaeth fetched us. Took breakfast and dinner there and tea with Mrs. Evans. Sylva called in the evening." "July 24th, At home. Slept in dining room with Electa. Rose ½ past five. Took breakfast with Mrs. Evans. Baked bread. Swept the house and made up the beds. Libbie C. spent forenoon with Electa, then she went home with Libbie. Picked some berries in garden. Called at Mrs. Oakley." "August 17th, All went to Yankee Pond. Mr. Alcott drove over and spent the day with us. Took tea kettle and cider (?) took provisions and cooked fish and took dinner on the bank of the pond. A party of fifteen. John, Betsy, Jake, Jep, Russell, Wilber, Bell, Tanner, Hattie, Kate, Electa, Libbie, John and myself. Came home at 5." "September 7th, John, Emma, Electa, self took the Dan ____for Newburgh at half past seven a.m. Arrived at Newburgh ¼ past 11, took dinner at Demanthon (?). All went to Washington head quarters, saw the ancient affairs of the place. Walked around the place some, stayed all night." "September 10th, Electa commenced school. Emma, Magnena, myself went to Coney Island. Took dinner at Lew Coleman's came home at eight in the evening. Wash woman here. John on car." "October 16th, John on cars. Lett, Eliza, Dora, myself went to Washington market got some vegetables. Called at Dora's, went to Trinity Church. Lett and I went over town with John, came home about 4." "November 7th, George went home after breakfast. Eliza home, worked on brown dress. John applied for a situation on Erie Roads." "November 23rd, John home in afternoon. Mrs. Allen, Electa and self took car went to Canal St. Went to Lord and Taylor's to Ball and Blake's and in many other stores from there to tenth street." Cover has some nibbles.; Manuscript; HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, DIARY, JOURNAL, LOG, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, DIARIES, JOURNALS, LOGS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, AMERICANA, Civil War, Confederate, Conscription, Civil war, Americana, Williamsburg, Yonkers, New York,WOMEN'S STUDIES, PRE SUFFRAGE, SUFFERAGE, GENEALOGY
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