745Tax included.
On offer is an 1837 Manuscript Friendship Book Autograph Album owned by Edmund Terry of Yale College as evidenced by the handwritten inscription "Belonging to Edmund Terry Yale-College. July 3rd 1837." on the fep. Approximately 120 pages with sentiments and signatures on over 90 pages including: Jos. Darling Hull, New Haven; Wm. Russell, Stratford Conn.; George B. Morse "of the unprecedented class of 37. Remember Judge Dagget"; Geo. Duffield Jr.; Geo. T. Spencer Deep River Conn.; Wm. Maxwell Evarts Boston (1818-1901) U.S. lawyer & statesman, went to England during the Civil War in an effort to halt, if possible the building and equipping of Confederate navy vessels...U.S. Senator from New York, Attorney General in Andrew Johnson's cabinet, President Hayes' Secretary of State (DAB); W.S. Scarborough Brooklyn Conn.; Walter G. Hatch New York; A.B. Robeson Walpole N.H.; James D. Whelpley New Haven; George Wm. Cooke Waterbury Ct.; Henry Williams Savannah Geo. (pencil notation: 'the devil's...minister"); Wm. Fabian Law Savannah Geo.(author of the commemorative 1845 pamphlet "Eulogy, upon the life and character of the late General Charles R. Floyd, pronounced before the officers and privates of the First Regiment - First Brigade - G.M. on Tuesday, 22d, July 1845") ; William M. Birchard Lebanon Ct.; Wm. W. Selfridge; Phil Davenport; Phineas Blakeman; David J. Mills New York; James Cowles Colebrook Ct.; Wm. H. Sheldon; Myron N. Morris Warren Conn, one of the mid-19th century pastors of the Congregational First Church of Christ in West Hartford Ct.; Wm. Barlow Baldwin New Haven; Isaac Jennings Derby Ct.; S.B. Hall Milford Del.; O.W. Mather Windsor Ct.; Charles Backe Hartford Conn.; D. B. Cox; C. B. Palmer Stonington Ct.; W.P. Eaton Plainfied; W.G. Caperton, possibly the pioneer Texas preacher of that name; Allen Ferdinand Owen (1819-1865) Southern U.S. politician and lawyer, served in Congress; Chester L. Lyman Manchester Conn.; William Randolph Randall Cortland N.Y.; Frederick A. Coe Greenwich Conn.; Philo Ruggles Hurd New Mulford Ct., preacher; Thomas Tallman Middle Haddam Ct., Congregational Church pastor; Rob't C. Learned New London Conn. Congregational Church pastor; William Coit, Griswold Conn.; Morrison Remick Waite, (1816-1888) was the Chief Justice of the United States from 1874 to 1888, of Lyme Conn.-even though he was not thought of highly by the political hoi-polloi, he was one of the Peabody Trustees of Southern Education and was a vocal advocate to aiding schools for the education of blacks in the south-he had been appointed as Chief Justice by U.S. Grant; Thomas Mills Day; J.P. C. Mather New London, Collector of the Port Custom House in that town; Owen B. Arnold Haddam Ct.; John P. Putnam; Frank A. Southall N.C.; Edwin O. Carter Worcester Mass; George Yates Gilbert, Gilbertsville New York; E.W. Cook Manchester Ct.; Azariah Smith N.Y. (1817-1851) Presbyterian Missionary to Armenia and Turkey; Joseph C. Albertson Arshamomack Long Island; Chauncey Goodrich New Haven; Aaron Rice Dutton Guilford Connecticut; F.W. Gunn Washington Conn.; J. A. Spencer Philadelphia; Orle D. Hine New Milford Conn.; Ambrose Pratt Saybrook Ct, surgeon in the Connecticut 22nd Volunteers in the Civil War.; John N. Pettingell; M.E. Pierpont; J.A. Harsley Avon Ct.; Charles Andrews Wharton (?), New Haven Ct.; L. Smith Hobart Yatesville NY; Danl Powers Warren Mass; M. Mears Bagg Utica N.Y., author of a history of that town; Andrew L. Stone Oxford Conn.; Arnoldus Vanderbilt Dawson Charleston So. Ca.; Stephen Yerkes Montgomery Co. Penn. (1817-1896) reputedly a member of the Yale Skull & Bones club who became a professor of ancient languages at Danville Theological Seminary in Kentucky; J. Brace, N Erwington Ct.(?); William D. Gillison Mont Repos South Carolina; A.L. Chapin Hartford (1817 - 1892) pioneering educator to the American Midwest, founder and first president of Beloit College; Wm. Alexander Sparks of S.C., was U.S. Consul in Venice 1845-1849 where he succumbed to cholera; John Gould Hull Waterbury Ct.; Addison L. Hunt Columbia Ct.; Benj. N. Martin, who later was a professor at New York University; Benjamin Silliman Jr. New Haven, (1816-1885) one of the most respected chemists of his day and arguably the scientist who had the most impact on the early petroleum industry, with his findings regarding that substance as an efficient illuminator-via the fractional distillation process-which led to the nineteenth-century oil boom; Henry H. Barot; Walter T. Hatch New York; Seth Tryon Wilbur Genoa Empire State; Thos. R. Dutton; Robert H. Puddock Vermont; Silas F. Plimpton Foxborough Mass; Willard Mason Harding Boston; Christopher Musgrave Antigua W.I.; Sheldon Leavitt N.Y.; W.S. Deming; William B. Morse Lowell Massachusetts; John Stacy Belchertown Mass; the album printed by J.C. Riker New York with a hand colored floral lithograph title page illustration and a couple more within; a deocorativley blindstamped cover, edgeworn; spine covering about gone; binding fair; contents and signatures in very good condition, a superb early 19th century Yale ephemeral item, including some historically significant signers. Overall G+.; Manuscript; 32mo - over 4" - 5" tall; HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, AMERICANA, ARCHIVE, NEW YORK, DIARY, DIARIES, PRE CIVIL WAR, ANTIQUITÉ, CONTRAT, VÉLIN, MANUSCRIT, PAPIER ANTIKE, BRIEF, PERGAMENT, DOKUMENT, YALE, YALIES, SKULL AND BONES, NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, ALUMNI, ALUMNUS, ALUMNAE, Russell Trust Association
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