753On offer are two [2] autograph letters signed (ALS) dated 1854 and 1855 by famed Kansas architect, Civil War Officer and Chief Quartermaster of the Army of the Frontier, J. G. Haskell. "He deservedly ranks with the most skillful architects of the West. In nearly every considerable village in Kansas are found monuments of his taste and skill." William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas. These are written before Haskell had ventured out West to make his name in the Civil War and later forever immortalized as he constructed the State House, State Capital and State University as well as a number of other important buildings. Beautifully written, six full 8" x 10" pages, he writes his old school chum with a delightful articulation and rich prose to Charles W. Gillette and talks of the academic life, current events and College boy shenanigans amongst many other things. Original Envelope with stamp address to Gillette at Humpheyville is included. One letter from Brown University, (1854), the other from Boston (1855).
BIO NOTES: JOHN G. HASKELL, who made a reputation both as a soldier and an architect, was born in Chittenden County, Vermont, February 5, 1832, and was educated at Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Massachusetts, and Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. In 1855 he entered an architect's office in Boston, and two years later settled at Lawrence, Kansas. During the Civil war Captain Haskell served as assistant quartermaster general of Kansas, as quartermaster of the Third Kansas and the Tenth Kansas Volunteers, as captain and assistant quartermaster on the staff of Gen. James G. Blunt, and chief quartermaster of the Army of the Frontier. In 1866 he was made architect of the state house, building the east wing, and as state architect subsequently constructed much of the capitol; also the State University, Snow Hall, the insane asylums at Topeka and Osawatomie, the reform school at Topeka and the reformatory, were all designed and largely built by him. Here are some snippets: Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, Saturday Eve December 23, 1854, "I am unemployed a few moments this eve that is some tired and thought something like vicration might invigorate my sleeping sensibilities a little …What is the news at old Wilbraham. I often think of that old home for their I have passed some of the most pleasant hours of my life: "the Club" - How does she prosper this term? … I wish there was something of that kind here in college There are two debating societies and what are they why they are just nothing at all that's what they are destitute of all interest or anything above the kind of society like the "Old Club" is rare stock in academic markets or within the precincts of college either: There was and is I dare say now a sort … a brotherly love and friendship existing between the members of the society. I love to see the muss in the reading Room...I think Miss Lawrence and Hosmer (?) do not move in the same circle: did you call on Ms. L. I passed an hour or so with her quite pleasantly when I was there. She informed me she intended visiting W. this winter …......Anything like the outside excitement of an Academy is not found in college, scholarship is the principal most to which the crowd are rushing the Best scholars …By the way: Have you heard of the fall of Sevastopol? Humbugs personified- Well now to be Honest … Prov. (Providence) was all on live this be with the news of "Sevastopol is taken." Boston papers were quick …. I wonder if those newsboys did make a pretty good spic out of the report doubtless you will hear all of this before my letter reaches you...This is the most wonderful age truly disasters and "ship recks" at sea private firms and banks coming in upon the shore. Barnum's Autobiography (P.T. Barnum) and the Siege of Sevastopol* from newspaper talk together with the Nebraska bill and Know Nothing is in to connect the political chain and make 1854 a year long to be remembered in the history of the world as being rife with things Awful..J.G. Haskell, Direct to Brown University." Boston, July 1 1855, "When we were in Wilbraham last Winter I think something was said about an occasional letter or at least one so I'm I know how to give you...I have been in Brown University until a few weeks since when I had a pretty good chance to come to Boston and engage in business during my vacation, so I left college a short time before the close of the term and came here where I shall most likely remain until the commencement of next term which event comes along about the 7th of September - what are you driving at the present: teaching? I was about to Wilbraham some four or five weeks since stayed there are few days looking about the premises of the old Monastery -the Dr. was putting them through a "stiff" course as I presume you have learned of this but his "smelling committees" were not infallible after all. The boys would put things through -the Dr. paid his father a family visit while I was then taking the entire flock of Little Raymonds with him. He left to take care of the premises - his borders those unfaithful servants in the absence of their lord and master did take to themselves others of the opposite sex nor was this all they Smuggled them into the old man's study and then and there in that consecrated place with the intent of forethought did they have a good time Nor left their coves until the cock crow....The students seem to enjoy themselves finely after for in spite of the most characteristic vigilance the Private interviews would be holden...Professor Farnsworth and G.W.D. Costa are studying law here in Charleston they have called in to see me quite frequently since I came to Boston. Farnsworth is the same at same as of old except that at present he is cultivating a Pet mustache red as fire. Little Hoyle is also here in Boston Reading Law. he's some, eh? ...Where do you celebrate the Glorious 4th? I'm bound down the harbor in a fishing excursion the hot streets of a crowded city will present fewer attractions for me on that day...A display of fireworks here in the eve is the most important features In this performance of the "Dead Lion" But my time is limited and must close...Bon Clubs, J.G. Haskell." Haskell was commissioned Major and Quartermaster by the President of the United States. There is a small amount of fold toning to the Brown University letter, chipped slightly on top, Otherwise Fine.
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