8036Tax included.
On offer is a superb group including 2 five-year diaries and a collection of papers that provide and incredible window into life in America in the decade immediately preceding WWII. The 2 diaries measure 5 inches by 4 inches and 5 1/2 inches by 4 1/2 inches respectively. They each contain 365 pages and are 100% complete. The first diary has damage to the cover - specifically, it has come detached and partially torn. The second diary's leather cover is worn. All pages though are intact and attached. Included with the diaries are dozens of loose papers, notes, photographs and memorabilia. These round out the picture painted in the diaries. Ruth Gilbert McClain lived in Chicago IL. Born in 1914, she is 17 when she begins her 10 years of diary entries. She was a journalist who worked for several newspapers in both the United States and the United Kingdom. She was married to Patrick Dolan, an American who worked in broadcast media WBBM Radio [see Oct 6, 1939]. Casual research does not turn up any biographical data but there are many context clues within the diaries and accompanying papers. The diaries span the years 1931 through 1940 in 2 five-year volumes. In the first volume, she is still a journalism student at the University of Illinois. The diary is filled with references to school, assignments and her busy social life. "My paper went to the printers intact - but oh did I get 'squelched' by Miss Russell. She pains me." [Jan 8, 1931]. She details many many dates and social events that she attends: "Went to Worlds Fair. Tried to get a job at Libbys through W.F. personnel office - no luck ... " [June 6, 1934]. She finished her studies in June 1935 and notes her graduation: "GRADUATION very impressive and now I have my BSc with honors ..." [June10, 1935]. The diary ends with several interesting events - on Dec 9th, 1935 she meets President Roosevelt. She also meets another journalist: "Met a cute man - PAT DOLAN born in Ireland and educated in Ireland."[Nov 20, 1935]. Notwithstanding her comments about other romantic interests, she will end up marrying Pat Dolan. Her second diary is much more work-focused. On Oct 5th, 1936, she notes President Roosevelt dedicating a bridge. Other world events are noted as well: "Hindenburg exploded 36 dead ..." [May 6, 1937], "First day of NAZI TIMES story ..." [Sept 9, 1937], "Assigned to the Ada Szceythsiski murder trial- Glad but worries me ... "[Jan 24, 1938]. She travels extensively and in 1937 finds herself in England. Her papers contain a separate loose-leaf account of her trip on the passenger liner MV Georgic. She doesn't waste any time upon arrival: "LONDON Arrived at dawn! ... Chamberlain's address WAR, saw Buckingham Palace & Whitehall" [Sept 27, 1938], "Got a job 9 guineas $47.25 at the Daily Mirror and Sunday Pictorial ..."[Oct 5, 1938] She notes the build-up to war being declared in 1939 culminating with: "GB declared war at 5 am (Chicago time) - F (rance) at 11 am (CT) - fighting only along French border and in P(oland) Bremen captured by British Chamberlain, King, Daladier, FDR spoke" [Sept 3, 1939]. She has travelled extensively in Europe including the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Paris, etc. In addition to the diaries, there is a collection of papers that include telegrams from her husband, cards and notes from friends, loose-leaf journals, photographs, newspaper clippings, ticket stubs and much more. This collection is truly a time capsule. It is written by a well-educated woman with a good eye for detail and an excellent manner of communicating. For a historian, this is a treasure trove, especially the time she spent in Europe on the eve of WWII. Whether places of interest, major events or commentary on life as she sees and experiences it, these diaries and papers are an outstanding resource. They would be valuable in a Women's Studies program as they show a clear contrast with the more traditional roles that women assumed in the early 20th century.; Manuscript; 24mo - over 5" - 5¾" tall; KEYWORDS: HISTORY OF, 20TH CENTURY, 1930S, U.S., BRITAIN, RUTH GILBERT MCCLAIN; PATRICK DOLAN; CHICAGO ILLINOIS, AMERICAN; CHICAGO HERALD; DAILY MIRROR; WBBM RADIO; WORLD WAR II; CHICAGO WORLD FAIR; HINDENBURG, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN, JOURNALISM, FEMALE JOURNALISTS, WOMEN STUDIES, AMERICANA, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, DIARY, DIARIES, JOURNALS, PERSONAL HISTORY, SOCIAL HISTORY, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, ANTIQUITÉ, CONTRAT, VÉLIN, DOCUMENT, MANUSCRIT, PAPIER ANTIKE, BRIEF, PERGAMENT, DOKUMENT, MANUSKRIPT, PAPIER OGGETTO D'ANTIQUARIATO, ATTO, VELINA, DOCUMENTO, MANOSCRITTO, CARTA ANTIGÜEDAD, HECHO, VITELA, DOCUMENTO, MANUSCRITO, PAPEL
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