806On offer are three handwritten manuscript diaries written by Miriam Hammond, a young woman, we estimate 16 or 17 [she graduates Normal B School in 1923], who lived in Holly, New York. Miriam is attending school in Syracuse. These diaries detail the years 1921, 1923 and 1924. [The 1921 diary is written in a 1916 diary.] Miriam is a gal with a lot of personality and she is a fine representative of the 'Flapper' era Miriam seems to focus a great deal on men and dating. In fact it takes Miriam only 3 entries in the first book for her to meet a new fellow, admit she likes him and then breaks curfew to keep the date going. She notes giving a ring back to a particular fellow, and the many, many brothers of her many, many girlfriends are all potential dates. These diaries are a whirlwind of activity. Here are some snippets: 1921 "Went to Syracuse on 3 trolley. Arrived at 5:45. Nina met me. Had supper at the "Y". Went to the Eckel with Chet, Charlotte, Don, Nina and I. Had a good time. W. Curtis did not come til 11 p.m." "Went to church in a.m. Went to hear sermon on "Evils of Modern Dancing." Went up to Cole's Had popcorn etc. Met Rodney Cook." "St. Patrick's Day. Sent a card to Stan. Went to school. Went to Legion dance at night with Gilbert, Deloris and Floyd. Taylor's orchestra. Wonderful time. To bed at 5:00 a.m." "Expected Gilbert, Jessie and Doe up in p.m. Came about 6:00. Went to Bergen. LeRoy and Avon to the White Horse Tavern. Had clams, clam bouillon, lobsters, baked chicken and grapefruit. Wonderful time. Back to city and home on last car." "Got up at 7:00. Ready to go to N. Rose. Started at 8:45 arrived there at 12:20. Passed thru Rock, iron deposit. W. Webster, Union Hill, Fruitland, Ontario Center, Williamson, Sodus, Wallington, Alton. N. Rose. Had a wonderful wedding. Star played wedding march. Nina sang "Oh Promise Me." Decorated car with tin cans etc. Liked Tom very much." "Howard Davis, Jean Howard, Hazel Ferris and I went to Sea Breeze to the M. I. picnic. Saw circus parade in a.m. Ate lunch at Durand-Eastman. Saw races, games, took ride down toward Sodus Pt. Rode on Dogin Dip, Dip the Dips, Jack Rabbit, Whip, and ate and ate and ate. Danced. Had a wonderful time." Another interesting note - Miriam always mentions times - going to bed, appointments etc. and she usually reefers to the time by 'bells' - went to bed at 11 bell. Perhaps her father was in the navy? A more than casual reading will no doubt provide further background and for local historians and collectors who will find a treasure trove of local events and genealogical information as this hugely busy young ladies names all her visits and contacts in school and at home. G+.; Manuscript; 32mo - over 4" - 5" tall; GENDER STUDIES, SOCIAL STUDIES, SEXUAL REVOLUTION, FLAPPER ERA, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, DIARY, JOURNAL, LOG, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, DIARIES, JOURNALS, LOGS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, AMERICANA, FEMINISM, FEMINIST, PRE SUFFRAGE, SUFFRAGE, SUFFERAGE, WOMEN STUDIES, TURN OF THE CENTURY, antiquité, contrat, vélin, document, manuscrit, papier Antike, Brief, Pergament, Dokument, Manuskript, Papier oggetto d'antiquariato, atto, velina, documento, manoscritto, carta antigüedad, hecho, vitela, documento, manuscrito, Papel,
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