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On offer is a super typed autograph letter by George Haven Putnam (1844-1930), b. London, England, served in Union army through Civil War; became partner in G. P. Putnam & Son (1866) and president (1872-1930); continued international copyright struggle, organized American Publishers' Copyright League (1886), and was instrumental in securing copyright act of 1909. Author of "Books and Their Makers During the Middle Ages" (1896-97), "A Prisoner of War in Virginia" 1864-65 (1912), and two volumes of Memoirs. TLS, on 'English-Speaking Union of the United States' letterhead, Sept. 29, 1926, 2pp, 4to. Great content letter to Doctor G. Alder Blumer of Providence, R.I. wherein Putnam discusses the charge of "conspiracy between Lord Northcliffe and myself. Such a conspiracy was charged against me by Hearst in his New York Journal; and when I was speaking in Brooklyn, six years back, on the importance of maintaining friendly relations between the United States and England, a party, sent, as I afterwards learned from the office of the New York Journal, managed to break up the meeting and prevent the speaker from being heard. I went to Brooklyn a week later, as soon as I could secure the hall and succeeded in delivering my address. Interruptions were attempted, but the audience, realizing that the Irish policemen would not act, took into their own hands the matter of protecting the meeting, and they put the intruders out. I had a word with one of the young Irishmen belonging to the party sent by the Journal. I said, 'You ought not to interrupt my speeches; I have always been a believer in home rule for Ireland, and I spoke in England on behalf of Gladstone's home rule measures in 1884, and again in 1887.' The youngster shook his fist in my face with the words, 'To Hell with home rule, we want you to spake [sic] for the Irish Republic.' I said, 'That is not my subject, and would not be.' He went on, 'You are preaching British propaganda. You are not a true American.' I asked, 'How long have you been in this country,' and this question brought no answer….. A great letter although tattered about the edges with short edge tears.G..
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