1942-1943 Diary Scrapbook of a German War Watcher Cheering on the Nazi Regime and Tracking World War II By Summarizing German News Media Reports

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On offer is a fascinating German-language diary and scrapbook kept by an unknown German civilian news diarist who notes down details of World War Two (2) from the German perspective, apparently compiling news gathered from German media sources and painting a picture of the war from a distinctly German lens. 

Our unknown diarist is deeply invested in the war effort and records the activities of the German army’s battles with “the enemy”. He notes political actions by Hitler and other leaders within the Nazi regime, and the various battles being fought on the Eastern Front, at Sea, in Africa, England and Germany. The record is kept from March 28, 1942 to February 11, 1943. As well as detailing the German war efforts with a notably pro-German slant, our news diarist glues in photos, newspaper clippings and postcards that provide colour to the newsy narrative. 

Among other events, the diarist captures the German perspective on The Battle of Stalingrad on the Eastern Front, which was fought from July 17, 1942 until February 2, 1943. While our author does not provide any personal information it is interesting to read his relentless positivity throughout the Battle as Germany reaches its highest highs in the summer and fall of 1942 to the lowest of lows by winter. 

Excerpts follow [Note: While this diary is written completely in German, it is accompanied by a full handwritten English-language translation. All excerpts are pulled from translated document]:

“East Front: Combats on the Caucasus Front have failed. The German infantry overran a number of fortifications at Stalingrad. Along the Don Front local combats took place. The Russian’s attempts to attack Woronesh have failed. Reshow was attacked by heavy Soviet armed forces. The battles continue. By concentration of all available forces the attack of the Soviets at Lake Ladoga came to an end. Crossing attempts of 260 T. boats at the river [?] were stopped” [Sept 27, 1942].

“East Front: The great battle around Stalingrad has ended. German soldiers stood side by side and fought until the last bullet was gone. But in the Caucasus the heavy fighting continues. In the Ladoga area the enemy’s attacks have failed once again. Terror attacks: British bombers attacked W. Germany” [Feb 2, 1943].

The diary begins in August, 1942, when Germany and their axis partners were at the height of their military success. 

“...East Front: Great success was accomplished in the southern part. On Aug 24 heavy German forces made their way across the river Don in order to reach Stalingrad...” [Aug, 1942].

“...Terror bombing attack on the city Mainz...” [Aug 11-13, 1942].

“...War at Sea: The great success of the German airforce and the submarine has reached the million mark 1,011,700 gross tons were sunk...” [September, 1942].

On Sept 30, 1942, the day that Hitler made his speech in the Berlin Sportpalast speech, our author does not deem it worth recording, instead writing:

“...Politics: 1.2 billion Reichsmark were gathered by the public in order to help the war time unemployed...”

The German lens with which our news diarist takes is sometimes in conflict with other reports. For example, while the US Navy’s Statement on Pearl Harbor put out on Dec 5, 1942 retained a positive tone, our news diarist reports it this way:

“...Politics: Now, one year after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the USA has confessed to their defeat...” [Dec 6, 1942].

Interestingly, near the end of January, 1943, when the Germans were losing significant steam across the board, diarist writes:

“East Front: Everything is going according to our plan. Africa” Our troops have made success as stated in our plan…” [Jan 23, 1943].

A couple other excerpts:

“...Africa: Heavy air battles are taking place along the Egyptian [country?]. War at Sea: On the Gulf of Tuez a tank cont. 5000 gross tons were sunk. Terror Attacks: Br. Airplanes have attacked a major enemy airport. Great damages resulted. Politics: 134 Germans returning home we happily met in Frankfurt a/m” [Oct 20, 1942]. 

“East Front: In Stalingrad our army is lead by Marshal Paulus. Battles continue in the Caucasus Mts. Africa: The enemy attacked our fortress in West Tripoli. Enemy attacks in Tunisia have failed. Terror Attacks: British bombers have again attacked the city of Berlin. West Germany was attacked during the night. The enemy lost 5 planes. War at Sea: In the Mediterranean German submarines sank 9 trading boats” [Jan 31, 1943]. 

Overall this is a terrific piece of World War 2 history recorded from the perspective of a German whose views aligned with the Nazi regime. To compare this diarist’s recounting of events with media published in other parts of the world is eye opening. 

The diary measures approx 8.5x13 inches. It has no covers and may well have been lifted from a larger document. The first and last pages have clear tape on the edges. The document is held together with string and modern-looking hole reinforcement stickers have been applied. The pages are mostly in very good condition. Writing is legible though a few pages have more significant bends and creases. Overall Fair. 

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