1931-1934 Diary of a Bright, Politically Engaged Halifax, Nova Scotia Christian Woman Who is a Musician in a Philharmonic

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On offer is an interesting diary of a Halifax-area woman who seamlessly comments on global political events, the movements of the stock market and the events of her fascinating daily life over the course of three years. 

The author of this diary is unknown. From context, she lives in or near Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. We think she was married to a man named Percy and had a daughter named Adelaide. We know she has an extremely close contact named Belle (with whom she socialized almost constantly and seems to have worked for at times), but it is unclear whether Belle is a friend or family member. She is obviously educated and is acutely aware of the political world around her as well as  the challenges of the stock market and references both global and local events frequently. She is a musician who plays in a philharmonic, attends church and missionary meetings, and seems to have an active family and social life. 

Our unknown author begins her diary on Feb 27, 1931 and continues until November, 1934, with random gaps throughout, particularly in 1931 and 1932. Some excerpts give a sense of her style:

“...Terrible loss on waterfront. Peace with India about settled. Belle had tea and went to  Mrs. Murray’s in fur. P took us. Got fringe” [March 5, 1931].  

“Hot. Went to town for a bit. Had nap and then took A.L. to see Daddy Long Legs. Came home early. Hot in house…Hoover’s plan came out. Market soared” [June 20, 1931]. 

“...Bad in afternoon. Rehearsal for concert in new gym. Nice place” [March 3, 1932]. 

“Nice in morning. Storm in afternoon. Was at dentist, nerve dying. Market bad. Did not go to Philharmonic” [Feb 8, 1932]. 

“Lovely day. Downtown in am. “Bad” for a while…Listened to radio. Helped A.L. and then came home. Market better” [Feb 16, 1932]. 

"Fine. Did some sewing and got dinner. Bad in afternoon. Went to Musical Club in p.m. with B, Mary K and Mrs. Mercer" [Mar 17, 1932].

“Nice snow fall. A.L. had a great time. Stock market closed in New York. Had bridge with Percy…and “Bad” at night” [March 4, 1933].

“Cleared a bit. Wintry. All banks closed in US. Worrisome days. Helped at Belle’s. Nap and then washed. Went to Phil. Very good practise” [March 6, 1933].

“Hot. Went to golf. Tried Percy’s clubs. Made a light tea & Belle, A.L. & I went out in canoe. Lovely evening” [July 6, 1934].

“Beautiful day. Played golf in AM. Helped Belle in afternoon for party. Went to Missionary Picnic at Park. Lovely time and lunch” [Aug 7, 1934]. 

“Lovely in a.m. Went to Riverport with Lois and Hector. Had dinner at Lunenburg with Barbara and Sarah. Rain in afternoon...Splendid” [Oct 25, 1934].

For a social historian, especially of Depression-era Canada, this diary provides an intimate look at daily life for one woman during a bleak economic time in one of Canada’s poorer provinces. For a Gender Studies program, this diary clearly shows the role played in society by more well-off yet globally aware women in that early period of Canada’s history.

This small, 5-year diary measures 5.3x3.75 inches and contains 365 pages. The cover is a brown padded leather with inlaid designs and is closed with a clasp (broken). The cover is in good condition with some wear marks on the corners. The binding is in good condition, although 3 pages in the centre of the book have detached (but are still present in the diary). The pages are in good condition. The diary is about 65% complete. The handwriting is legible. Overall Fair. 

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