1287Tax included.
On offer is the fascinating original manuscript diary of Miss Anne Bernstein [b. May 28, 1914] of Michigan [the diary starts out with her first living in Dryden and then a year later the family moves to Detroit]. This is a very unique diary inasmuch it is a travel diary of the many, many trips Anne made from her teens as a high spirited young woman on road trips or hitchhiking on numerous short and long distance trips in 1930 to vacation trips, holiday excursions, hospital stays, weekned visits etc., a mature and sometimes married woman would take over the next 25 years until 1955. Through Anne's travel lists and narrative we are in truth documenting her adult life. The first page lists 12 different trips in the summer through to Thanksgiving. In 1931 the entries become somewhat more detailed and the 'Ran away from home' makes for an ominous entry in green ink. But with all her rebelliousness and running around, partying and boys Anne is at heart a very nice Jewish girl who gets married to Benjamin Bradley at the Heights Temple in Cleveland by Rabbi Rosenthal. Over 88 pages of entries we see a life and get an intimate look at what Anne was like and her experiences including her single years hitchhiking all over the place, her marriage to Ben Bradley, the birth of her children, including twins, the family's move to Florida, living in California with her husband because he's in the Navy, her horse racing, and everything in between. Plus, she seems to love to drink and smoke and on numerous occasions "swears off of both" but that promise to herself doesn't last too long. Here are some snippets of this super diary: "July 5th, 1930 Hitch hiked to Almont, Imlay, Romeo, Clifford, North Branch and Kingstom. 160 miles." "September 5th, 1931 Labor day. To parade at Romeo with mother, father, Sammy, Lily, Niki and I. Then to Detroit and new home at 16161 Roselawn." "July 30th, 1932 To Lakeville to swim with mailman. Also back with him on his afternoon route." "July 4th, 1933 Race at Dryden. I came in first. Beat Allison and Higbee's horses." "Labor Day, 1933 Spent weekend at farm with family. Horse races at Race Track. Sam won Farmer's race. I won the heavy pong race." "October 7th & 10th, 1934 With Morrey, Lily, mother and me to Florida. Lower Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida. Miami Beach. 1665 James Ave…..Arrived in Florida, nice trip. Stayed at Villa D'este Hotel on Biscayne Blvd." "November 15th, 1934 Got a job at "Petrie's" Flagler St. Miami Florida. Met Esther Weinberg and Mrs. Petrie." "February 14th, 1935 Valentines Day. Met Allen Serlin and swore off smoking forever. Not for Allen, for Sammy……Broke resolution June, 1935. See New Year's eve, 1936." "December 31st, 1935 New Year's eve. Lily, Harold, mother and I quietly saw the new year in at our apt. at 642 Michigan Ave. Miami Beach Florida. Went swimming today also." "January 7th, 1937 Thursday. Arrived in Miami 11:00 a.m. Rented an apt with Sherman's at Seville Plaza at 642 Michigan, Miami Beach. Saw William's, Fish, Kaplain's, Sangerman's, Neham's, George and Stacey." "February 6th, 1937 Saturday. Decided to leave Sherman's at 642 Michigan. Saw Mrs. Titelbaum at Blackstone. Engaged as governess for Arline, 8 years old and Carol 4 ½ years old. Room, board and salary." "March 27th, 1937 Friday. Moved to our new flat at 3200 W. Philadelphia. Good luck and happiness I hope." "November 18th, 1938 Left for Cleveland with Lily via Mercury. Dinner on train. Ben and Harvey met us at the station. Checked in to Hollender Hotel. To Ohio Villa. Saw Marian and Cal Smith." "April 22nd, 1939 5:30 Mercury to Cleveland. Ben gave me a gorgeous engagement ring, Tuesday April 25th." "August 30th, 1939 To bed at 11:30. Spent an absolutely sleepless night. Heard war declared over radio by Hitler. Sept. 1st, 5:00 Det. time." "September 25th & 26th, 1939 New York. Ben Bradley and I were married at Heights Temple Cleveland by Rabbi Rosenthal." "October 1st, 1939 Took cab to Lakeview Rd. Rented an apartment at Sovereign Hotel. Married life is marvelous. I have a wonderful Husband. Now: Mrs. Ben Bradley!" "November 25th, 1942 Ben enlisted in U.S. Navy, 1st class petty officer." "February 25th, 1943 Arrived in Los Angeles after a perfect trip. Took a bus to Oxnard and cab to Port Hueneme, Ben's C. B. Camp. Finally met Ben at USO at Oxnard. Spent night at home of Ben Rich." "February 24th, 1945 Hitch hiked to Van Nuys Cal. To Helen Cole's "Golden Egg Ranch". The diary was kept in a 3 ½" x 5 ¾" journal titled "My Travels" which really describes Anne's life the best. She doesn't seem to stay in one place for very long. The cover is worn and pulling away a bit from the binding and a few pages are torn out but overall G+.; Manuscript; 16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall; DEPRESSION ERA, HITCHHIKING, TRAMPING, TRAVEL, JUDAICA, JEWISH, JUDAISM, FEMINISM, GENDER STUDIES, WOMEN'S STUDIES, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, DIARY, JOURNAL, LOG, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, DIARIES, JOURNALS, LOGS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, CANADIANA, TRAVEL, GERMANY, ANTIQUITÉ, CONTRAT, VÉLIN, MANUSCRIT, PAPIER ANTIKE, BRIEF, PERGAMENT, DOKUMENT,
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