1313On offer is an extraordinary, original manuscript German home front diary handwritten by the young daughter, perhaps 18 or 19, of an officer who would soon become a Colonel-General and one of the Nazi elite. [Research suggests that this man may have been Hermann Breith or Josef Harpe but local researchers will certainly have enough clues to be certain in the future.] Collectors and historians will agree as to the utter uniqueness of this World War II home front diary. Beginning March 24th 1940 and ending on June 19th 1944 when the woman is drafted into a FLAK [Anti-Aircraft] unit. The book's upbeat floral pattern of the small square journal hardly belies the backdrop of the horrible War years and the suffering the likes of her father perpetrated. Entries range from the banal to the historic: March 17th 1942 she records: "Father is promoted to General Oberst". A later entry notes when her father is ordered to Hitler's Headquarters, and many, many more references to life within the 'military life'. Her last entry records being drafted into anti-aircraft service as increasingly elite layers of society were eventually stripped of their status and forced to participate in the War and many such women were near the end. She mentions dating a pilot wearing a Spanish Cross denoting service in the Luftwaffe. These people obviously lead a very elite life. Lots of political discussion, and we read of the Nazis sending agents to give political classes and much more. It has entries for almost every day with 100+ pages filled in front and back. Here are some snippets: "My Diary" from Easter 1940" March 24 1940 "Easter! Daddy is on vacation! Coffee with lots of Easter eggs. Purzi shot a duck. Laid in the lounge chair in the sun. In the afternoon we played board games. Dad showed pictures from the Front. In the evening we sat and chatted." May 10 "War has begun in Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg. German troops marched into these countries. Germany will definitely win!" May 17 "Did train station service" - Provided soldiers with tea from 4:30 - 8 pm." May 21 "Train station service from 4 - 8 pm." May 29 "Went into the city and sent my soldier a package by field postal service." June 5 "Had to stay in bed. Big victory at Dünkirchen. Bells were ringing, flags were waved. Dad was made general of the Panzers!" June 6 " Fever is gone, but had to stay in bed anyway." June 7 "Was allowed out of bed, but not quite feeling well yet." June 10 "Back to school today. Italy declared war on France today. Narvik (Norway) ultimately subdued by the Germans. A great victory day!" June 13 "2:30 - 9:30 Train station service, Served coffee to 3 troop transports. The mountain hunters were very nice." June 14 "German troops have entered Paris! Got a letter from my soldier, from the field." June 17 "France wants a ceasefire. Heard a special broadcast announcement in the city. Bought a birthday gift for Mom in the city." June 22 "Ceasefire signed" June 24 "Ceasefire signed by Italy in the evening. At 7:35 in the evening the German "Reichsregierung" learned of the armistice. 6 hours at later at 1:35 am there was a ceasefire. Experienced the solemn moment at night by the radio. Bells ringing, "Now Thank We All Our God." June 25 "School holiday - went with my class to visit the wounded." July 1 "Last vacation day. It was a wonderful vacation. The war in Russia is proceeding very successfully." 12 Sept 1940 "Wrote to dad in the afternoon. Gila had night-shift, and there met Oberleutnant Baumann, Stukka-flyer, with a golden Spanish cross EKI-I." [Spanish crosses awarded to veterans of the Spanish Civil war from July 1936 - April 1939.] Oct 28 "Air-raid alarm. Not in school because of a cold." Nov 13 "In the evening there was a very interesting presentation about the German colonists in Brazil, with slides, at the Academy." Nov 29 "Was sworn in as a Party member in the evening." Jan 30 1941 "Great celebration day. The Führer speaks. Germany will definitely be victorious." March 14 "Received orders to the R.A.D. To Krautheim/Jadst Take courage, the thing will go wrong! Roasted in the sun. Prepared for orals. Sewed overshirt." March 21 "Got my marks at 5 in the afternoon. I am free of orals! Got a gold bracelet from Mom and from Grandma a ring. Thank God, I've got my diploma! We are going to Munich. Mom has reserved rooms at the Regina Hotel." March 29 - April 2 Descriptions of what she saw and did in Munich. On March 31st she describes going to see an opera (La Traviata - "fantastic music") and when they returned to the hotel, suddenly her father was standing before them. He departed early in the morning on April 2nd. April 4 "Travel to the R.A.D. Arrived at 5 pm at the camp in Krautheim." April 5 "Sewed tags into clothing. The girls are very nice. Letters from Mom and Jochen." April 6 "Proclamation by the Führer. War with Yugoslavia has begun. Wrote to Mom. The first Sunday in the camp. Wrote to Dad." April 9 "5 important things during political schooling! (?) … through Yugoslavia 20,000 prisoners and generals. Saloniki (Thessaloniki) was taken, a part of the Greek army capitulated. A very happy day. Worked a lot in the garden. The feeling of togetherness is especially strong." April 20 "Swore my oath to the Führer, Received a pin. A morning ceremony in the City Hall for the Führer's birthday. In the afternoon a book fair." April 23 "In the evening Dad called unexpectedly/suddenly. He was coming from Yugoslavia. Great joy! Got a package from Mom, and letters from Gi. And Jochen B. Packed my suitcase." April 24 "An early bus at 7 am to ???. Arrived at 11:30 in Würzburg. Great reunion joy!" May 5 "Was D.U. Excursion to Stüppach with the comeradeship (fellowship), In Grünwald looked at a Madonna. Wonderful colour composition. In Hirschen I ate 4 fried eggs with lots of butter, without stamps. In the evening heard a magnificent speech by the Führer in Asanstadt. At night we returned [to camp] and had a beautiful supper served by the leaders [feminine]." April 5 "Got up at 5:50 again. As of today we will have 8 hours external duties. In the afternoon the section leader [female] from the district came for inspection. Big excitement in the camp! In the evening Mr. Greusch, the examiner, checked our blankets. A big trouble box! Received letters from Mom and Wilma." April 7 "Cleaned garden tools early. Listened to a news[paper] report. Sang a lot of canons (rounds). During the external duty in the afternoon the Colonel Field Master from (?) and asked me how I like it. After (?) I heard that Molotow in Russia is deposed. Wrote to Dad." May 13 "Hess landed in Scotland! Great excitement!" June 22 "A pity! Toiled in the kitchen the whole Sunday! Russia declared war against us. A difficult struggle is looming for us. Wrote Mom a letter. June 26 "Early (6:52 am) departure for holidays. Wonderful! Arrived in W. (Würzburg) at lunch time. Evening with Gila, Hellwig, and Lieutenant Mark in Charlott. Very nice." July 2 "Back in camp. Assigned to garden duty. In the evening we played the grammophone. July 3 "In the evening a serenade by 10 soldiers. We all listened on the balcony." July 4 Big fight in the camp. Heavy duty lecture." February 19 1942 "Early in the morning the news came on the radio that Dad was honoured with the oakleaf by the Führer. Wrote immediately to Dad. Got a letter from Hilde B." February 21 "In the night a air-raid alarm. Cleaned the operating room until 1 am. During the alarm the doctor performed a c-section." March 3 "Dad became Colonel-General." April 1 She has returned home: "In the morning, for the first time in a long time, I slept in. Unpacked my suitcase. In the evening sat cozily and told of my adventures over red wine and cookies. Dad told about Russia. After three hours there was an air-raid alarm." Jan 30 1942 "The Führer spoke at 5 pm. The last time I worked in Susi's room. Wrote to Mom. Big Fight with Mrs. Doctor about the serving of dinner. Mr. Doctor has been drafted." July 1 1942 "Special announcement at 10 in the evening: Sevastopol has fallen. The strongest fortress in the world was defeated by our soldiers. Colonel General v. Manstein is promoted to General Field Marshal. (Field-Marshal General?)" December 20 1942 "Dad arrived from Russia. Mom picked him up at the train station. Very joyful reunion." February 1, 1942 "In the afternoon the rumour runs wild in the lecture hall that the "nurses aid exam will already be at the end of March! That would be a big letdown. We laughed terribly. Wilfrid and Ulla picked me up from the Julius Hospital…. We all sat under the high fence. In the evening we listened to "Something for Everyone". Mom was invited to Mrs. Heglmann's for tea in the afternoon. In the evening Gisi called. A letter from Dad finally arrived, after we hadn't heard anything from him for 14 days. Things look very serious in Stalingrad. A part of the Paulus (?) Army had to surrender." February 4 "We've had to ultimately surrender at Stalingrad. One of the greatest heroic deeds of world history ended there. From now on everyone in the homeland feels, more than ever, how serious this war is for us. Theatres are closed. Finally got mail from Dad and Gisi. In the evening I went home with Hanna Meyer….." April 18 "Two Air-raid alarms at mid-day." April 19 "In the early evening heard a speech by Goebbels in the radio. For the first time heard a lecture by the (Gailer?). As a final experiment he demonstrated "At the risk of a life" centrifugal force. In the afternoon I practiced in the laboratory." April 20 "Führer's Birthday. Flags everywhere. In the evening Mom and I toasted the Führer with wine. In the afternoon we examined blood, and I was at the X-ray for the last time. Vacation starts now, but there's still a lot to learn before the exam." Then later near the end she reports: "Integration orders (draft notice) from the Wehrmacht out of Nürnberg. At 10 am I am to report there…." Roughly 4 inches by 4.5 inches and 1 inch thick. Overall VG.; German Language; 32mo - over 4" - 5" tall; KEYWORDS: HISTORY OF, STALINGRAD, HOME FRONT, FLAK, ANTI AIRCRAFT, EASTERN FRONT, GERMANY VS. RUSSIA, SOVIET UNION, WORLD WAR II, WORLD WAR TWO, WW2, WW II, HOLOCAUST, THIRD REICH, GERMANY, NAZI, GENDER STUDIES, WOMEN STUDIES, WOMEN IN WAR, FEMINISM, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, DIARY, JOURNAL, LOG, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, DIARIES, JOURNALS, LOGS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, BRITAIN, BRITISH, BRITISH EMPIRE, RAF, World War I, WW I, TRAVEL, GERMANY, ANTIQUITÉ, CONTRAT, VÉLIN, MANUSCRIT, PAPIER ANTIKE, BRIEF, PERGAMENT, DOKUMENT, Hitler Jugend, Sonnenwende, League of German Maidens, League of German Girls, Hitler Youth, Bund Deutscher Mädel, Brieth, Harpe, Panzers,
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