![1938 - 1949 ORIGINAL ARCHIVE OF THREE [3] FIVE YEAR DIARIES DETAILING THE LIFE AND TIMES OF A 35 YEAR EMPLOYEE OF THE FBI WITH THE BACKDROP OF WORLD WAR II](http://katzfinemanuscripts.com/cdn/shop/products/Image-coming-soon_24356c16-8de3-4093-b8a3-831bc4c7a51c_{width}x.png?v=1647026688)
1626On offer is a super, original manuscript archive of three [3] handwritten diaries by Eugenia Vasseur Ivey later Bivens [b. April 29th, 1919, d. January 20, 2011] who worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigations [FBI] beginning in 1942 for 35 years. [Her sister Virginia also worked with the FBI.] The books are all 5-year diaries dated 1938-1943 [nearly full], 1944-1948 [2/3rds full] and the last only for 1949 and about half full. Prior to her work at the FBI she attended college and taught and she may have also been a hotel clerk. While each year is not full this archive shines on a number of levels given that she writes during the war years, travels a fair bit, dates a lot and sometimes interesting things happen to her like meeting Norman Rockwell and getting his autograph. As a home front diary she notes blackouts, air raids, gas rationing and much more relating to life during the war. What may be of particular interest to historians and collectors of FBI material was the fact that she was a super diarist detailing her duties, her contacts, her bosses and matters from the mundane to bank robberies. We learn she quit the FBI over a transfer dispute but they came back to her months later asking her to come back which she did. We also note that she met her husband Winfred Lee 'Wint' Bivens at the FBI. She went from and average typist to a respected clerical employee and her test results and other works were highly commended it seems. Here are snippets of the early years: 1942 "March 11th, Mother went to her club. I get supper. Heard that Elbert is worse so I call off my bridge club I was to have Thursday night. Elbert has Hodgkin's disease, no cure. Went to his stomach. Has been having treatments at Duke for it about 3 years…March 12th, Mother called me at school to tell me Elbert Ivey (my 1st cousin) died last night. Had busy day at school and company all afternoon after I got home. I went up to A. Blanches and helped in house from 7 to 9:30. So many flowers. He was only 42 years old. Has two sons, 5, 3. Married Isabelle Parker. Certainly so sad….June 7th, Va. and I got up at 6:00 and did final packing car. By 8 boys came over and had breakfast with us. At 9:00 Va. And I left home by car for Silver Bay. I hated to leave mother and daddy. They helped us so to get off. We drove over Mts. all day and went over 45 and got 350 miles to Weston. West Va. By 9:30 at night. Beautiful dinner. Had no trouble. Had nice tourist home for night. Car ok. Jack and Dick were to leave after us going to Asheville and Smokey Mountains and then to Columbia S.C…..June 14th, Rained all day. I got up about 8 and went to work at front desk. Tom Helde is here for 2 weeks so he showed me a lot of things about job. I had afternoon off so I unpacked and straightened room. At night I worked until 11:00. Don Mac Naughton is back to be head desk clerk when Tommy H. leaves then a new boy is on other shift. I think I will like my job fine….June 15th, I slept late as I had morning off. I worked in afternoon and night as Student Conference of 125 came in. It wasn't too bad registering the people. Most came by bus and train. I worked until 12:00 getting cash report made up and everything…. September 9th, we got up early. Raining but we packed the car. Ate about 8 and went and told everyone goodbye. Left at 9:30. Beautiful drive even in rain. I drove into NY City at 6:00 P.M. Had room at Taft Hotel. At 8 Dick came and took Va. and I to Billy Rose's Diamond Horseshoe. The show was so good. Jack had to work so could not get off. All bright lights are out in NY these days…September 17th, Va. Mother and I went to Charlotte. We interviewed by FBI man and he offered us jobs in office in Washington. I also saw Bell Tel. man, offered me job at $70 per month but that is too low. Va. wants to go to Washington. I don't. But we have to have physical exams and they have to investigate. September 23rd, Cut out red plaid skirt and black jacket. Neighbors came in and sat and talked. Then 2 page telegram from John Edgar Hoover telling us of our appointment as clerk in the FBI dept. and to report for duty September 28th. Va. and I both wired we accepted. Went up town in afternoon. We only hope we are doing right by going….September 29th, Went to see U. Harry. He was so surprised to see us. Went again at 9:00. Heard more lectures all day. Took tour of building and went to J. Edgar Hoover's office but he was not in. At 6 we were given our assignments. I am to be typist in fingerprints, called Identification Division. Va. with files. We begin work Wed. night 11:30 P.M. to 4:30 A.M. We had supper, came to house and to bed early….October 29th, I graded cards tonight instead of typing them. Va. is to transfer and start 6 weeks study in tech Monday. Learn how to classify fingerprints and I'm so dissatisfied….November 16th, to work at 3:30. Had my 45 day report with Mr. Anderson. It said I was an average new employee and I was discontent (and I am). He said he was not pleased with report and fussed at me terrible. I couldn't say a thing as I was so hurt. Went to rest room and cried….December 18th, Heard today that Roy Rainhart is out at Ft. Belvoir Virginia and getting well from war and on way to Ireland. Will go out to see him Sunday. Gasoline was frozen today at noon and we only have tank ½ full. Only T. cards good. Eastern fuel shortage critical so was forced to do this. What will daddy do now for business…" 1943 "January 1st, Slept late. Rainy. Went to work, no holiday for us. Touhy gang was caught by FBI in Chicago. Heard from Earl. Went to show before work. Jack Benny in George Washington Slept Here. Good…April 7th, All our office was called in today into Mr. Scott's office for efficiency report. Mine was excellent. Louise, Clark and Va. were too but not others. I was proud of it. I told Mr. Scott that if I didn't get transfer to Charlotte I would probably resign in July. Also told Clark and office. How I want the transfer through….April 10th, National Police Academy of FBI had its graduation exercises at 10:30. Va. and I and 2/3 of employees got to go. J. Edger Hoover spoke. Earl Godwin, Garvy Firestone and Horace Beck (Editor of Collier). So nice. Ate lunch in Internal Revenue Dept. Not so good. My office went out in afternoon and took pictures of us….May 4th, Today Norman Rockwell, artist for Saturday Evening Post was at Hecht Co. selling bonds and giving copies of his 4 Freedom pictures away. Va. and I went at lunch time to buy a bond and N. Rockwell autographed one of the pictures. He is very homely looking..." For months she tells the FBI she wants to transfer to Charlotte or she will resign and finally on October 14 she does resign. After that she is out of work for several months waiting impatiently for the FBI to call for another job in the Charlotte area. Finally in 1944 she gets re-hired and spends the next 35 years with the FBI. There is also so much is happening in 1944 concerning the war and on August 6th she writes this entry about the Atomic Bomb: "August 6th, 1944 Today we heard that U.S. used new and mighty bomb, Atomic Bomb, on the Jap Island of Hiroshima. So powerful it leaves nothing alive which it touches. 2,000 times more powerful then B-29 bomb. Levels steel and everything. Wipes out whole cities. Terrible." Besides trips to places like Quebec in 1949 the most extensive seems to be in 1947 when she and her sister take a month and a half trip to the West Coast : "October 18th, Thought I would go home after work today but decided not to and decided to go to office party at agent's house they rent out on river. Mr. and Mrs. Cole took me. About 50 or more there, mostly married couples. We drank and danced. Had a fine time. I had a time with key and Mr. Cole had to come help me open door at 2 A.M." "December 6th, Nice day. Helen is so excited about her trip. She leaves in morning at 4:27 A.M. We had office party out at two agent's house out near river. Nicest place! Had juke box and all decorated for Xmas. About 60 there. Mr. and Mrs. Cole took me. I had fine time and feet tired from dancing. Got home about 2:15 A.M. Even the boss came a few minutes but I didn't get to dance with him." Included are a number [9] of unidentified photos of we assume Eugenia and her family. One of the diaries has a cracked hinge, the locks are all cut or broken but overall they are G+.; Manuscript; 24mo - over 5" - 5¾" tall; KEYWORDS: HISTORY OF, J EDGAR HOOVER, FBI, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS, EUGENIA V. IVEY, BIVENS, HOMEFRONT, HOME FRONT, HICKORY NORTH CAROLINA, GENDER ISSUES, GENDER STUDIES, WWII, WORLD WAR II, WW2, WOMEN'S STUDIES, AMERICANA, HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, ARCHIVE, DIARY, DIARIES, ANTIQUITÉ, CONTRAT, VÉLIN, MANUSCRIT, PAPIER ANTIKE, BRIEF, PERGAMENT, DOKUMENT, antiquité, contrat, vélin, document, manuscrit, papier Antike, Brief, Pergament, Dokument, Manuskript, Papier oggetto d'antiquariato, atto, velina, documento, manoscritto, carta antigüedad, hecho, vitela, documento, manuscrito, papel.
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