90Interesting turn of the century California diaries penned by Reverend Charles C. Kirtland. 1901, 1903 and 1908 are present and a careful reading provides many interesting insights into the Reverend and the religious politics of the west coast. In 1901 Mr. Kirtland has tipped in a small number of newspaper clippings detailing his surprise resignation at the beginning of June and he proudly asserts on September 8th - "My first Sunday as pastor of the Sonoma Church, morning text 1 Cor 3:9, evening text Matt 25:16." Only a week later - "Morning text 2 Sam 3:28 This was a memorial service in memory of our late martyred president (McKinley). The pulpit was tastefully draped in black and a large flag." He returns to Sebastopol the following week to aid in further Memorial services for the President. Other snippets: "The subject of our prayer meeting: What Can I do for My Pastor? attendance 8." [Pretty disappointing I'll bet as the annual Church meeting convenes with 57 people!]. The Reverend while not writing every day rarely fails to mention his sermons and the text he reads. He is fond of missionary sermons. Refers to seeing Booker T. Washington at the Mechanic Pavilion: "He could not make himself heard in the rear of the building. He is undoubtably the greatest man of his race, a practical leader of his people." "A social was given in the church parlors - in spite of rain about 80 attended. Music and a farce by way of entertainment after which the young people played games." "Mrs. Dr. Rich who gave birth to a son last night is very low and not expected to live. Tonight's report a little better." [Sadly as so often the case in these pioneering times the son died a few months later but Mrs. Rich survivied.] "Little Jennie Hewgett who has been sick for about 10 weeks died this morning. She was a sweet child. 10 years old, a member of our Sunday School." "Began a new testament study of the religion of Jesus - only idea is begin with the study of his earliest writings..." Mr. Kirtland was also a man used to using his hands and feet. The diaries discuss vacations; one climbing Mt. Shasta, always fishing, hiking and packing up horses with provisions to head for camp. There is also a fair bit of contact from other preachers and reverends inviting Kirtland to preach in their churches, this leads to Kirtland writing others to cover his pulpit. This archive will be a treasure trove for area historians and genealogists - there are hundreds of local names mentioned as to births, deaths and marriages. All meetings and visits have the participants named. Super detail. These three premium Excelsior diaries are in very fine condition.; Manuscript; HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, DIARY, JOURNAL, LOG, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, DIARIES, JOURNALS, LOGS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, AMERICANA, Marriages, Funerals, Preaching, California, Religion, Missionary, Genealogy, Sebastopol, Sonoma, Redwood City, California
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