1936 + 1937 Handwritten Manuscript Diaries of Addie B. Currier of Boltonville Vermont
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On offer is a pair of diaries handwritten by Addie B. Currier of Boltonville, Vermont. Addie B. Currier wrote her name in the front of this diary, as well as other personal information, such as height, weight, bust /corset size, waist size, etc. The diary is filled with writing - All of the days have a handwritten entry. No loose or missing pages. Addie is a poor speller, which adds charm to her writings - but please keep this in mind as the names in the diary may be spelled wrong. Some of the things Addie wrote about was the men cutting ice on the river, local events & tragedies, car accident she was in, fire that burned down the grist mill, peddlers that came to her door, churning butter, making her braided rugs, working on her embroidery and "cut - work", the baking she did, etc. I was told her family ran a General Store and she writes of going to the store. She often mentions "Em", who was her neice. Here are a few excepts from her diary: " ... The grist mill burnt to the ground tonight in East Corinth .... Peter from St Johnberry called here selling Electric - Lux carpet sweeper .... Men came and dinimated out the ice around the bridge .... Cold raw wind and snowflurys. I washed, hung them out on my new reel and they froze in the basket before I got them all hung out .... I made three batches of soap and finished it all up .... Oscar came over in the evening. It is pretty lonesome here in the evening .... Rained hard this morning and the water is running over the ice on the river, the water is coming to cellar. Warm all night and rained, most all of the ice went out and the little foot bridge went out midnight .... Em and the Pieces all went to Wells River to see the high water ... Betris McIver asked me to go over to B___ to see where they put in the new dam, the water was up over the saw mill. It has been some flood everywhere .... Had a landslide down at the electric plant ..... Cold, the clothes froze on the line for the first time this fall .... Suannce Taplin bured today. Mr Owens & Edith took Oscar & I out to the funeral .... Baked some and hunted for a mouse in my bedroom ..... There were 12 out here on the river skating. They had a old tire set, a fire, and they all had a good time .... Margert took me down to Woodville and we looked around town. Got my red light in the window ...." There are many names mentioned in the diary, some of them are: Alice Martin ~ Tina Boyce ~ Dean Brock ~ Mr Lewis ~ Wilder ~ John Mylar ~ Mr Shatney ~ Harvey Handerson ~ Pete McKindly ~ McIver ~ Frank Martin Reed ~ Richard Buckanon ~ Walker ~ Dr Thomas ~ Henry Tuxbury ~ Edith Balcome ~ Warren McClure ~ Ralf (Ralph?) Shatney ~ Albert Kidder ~ John Tyler ~ Albert wright ~ Jim Rollen ~ Bee White ~ Ethel Brown ~ Pearly Whitaker ~ Agnes White ~ Rev. A.W. Smith ~ Mary Brown ~ and others. Some of the places mentioned in the diary are: Wells River ~ Ryegate ~ Woodsville ~ Springfield ~ St Johnberry ~ Groton ~ Haverhill ~ Hall Pond ~ E. Corinth ~ Center Harbor ~ Pine Land Park ~ Jefferson Hill ~ Littleton ~ Burlington ~ and others. The village of Boltonville is located in Eastern Vermont in Orange County. Located in eastern Vermont, with the Connecticut River as it's eastern boundary, and the state of New Hampshire across the river, the communities in Orange County include: Boltonville, Bradford, Braintree, Brookfield, Chelsea, Corinth, East Corinth, East Orange, East Randolph, Ely, Fairlee, Newbury, Orange, Post Mills, Randolph, South Newbury, South Strafford, Thetford, Tunbridge, Vershire, Waits River, Washington, Wells River, West Corinth, West Fairlee, West Newbury, West Topsham, Williamstown.; Manuscript; 32mo - over 4" - 5" tall; HANDWRITTEN, MANUSCRIPT, DOCUMENT, LETTER, AUTOGRAPH, DIARY, JOURNAL, LOG, KEEPSAKE, WRITER, HAND WRITTEN, DOCUMENTS, SIGNED, LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, HISTORICAL, HOLOGRAPH, WRITERS, DIARIES, JOURNALS, LOGS, AUTOGRAPHS, PERSONAL, MEMOIR, MEMORIAL, PERSONAL HISTORY, AMERICANA, Travel, Trip, Vacation, Vermont, New England, VT, Genealogy,
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